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protected-eval's Introduction Protected Eval Plugin

This plugin makes formiojs library to use sandboxed eval with custom js-interpreter instead of default eval function.


import ProtectedEval from '@formio/protected-eval';
import { Formio } from 'formiojs';


Differences with classic eval

Plugin doesn't allow usage of following variables in custom scripts:

  • instance
  • self

There is also a performance regression when this library is used. If you have more than 100 calculated values within your form, you will see a noticable performance decrease in the runtime performance of the form.

protected-eval's People


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protected-eval's Issues

Upgrade to [email protected]

js-interpreter has recently been updated with some performance enhancements, upgarding to 3.0.1 would probably increase the speed of significantly, therefore it's worth upgrading.

Opening a PR is simple enough, but I wasn't sure how to test the library, if you want me to, I can open a PR with the required changes.

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