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formio's Introduction

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A combined form and API platform for Serverless applications is a revolutionary combined Form and API platform for Serverless applications. This repository serves as the core Form and API engine for This system allows you to build "serverless" data management applications using a simple drag-and-drop form builder interface. These forms can then easily be embedded within your Angular.js and React applications using the <formio> HTML element.

Walkthrough video and tutorial

For a walkthrough tutorial on how to use this Open Source platform to build a Serverless application, watch the video 0 to M.E.A.N in 30 minutes

Form Building & Rendering Demo

Here is a link to a demo of the Form Building and Form Rendering capability that can be hooked into this API platform.

Run with Docker Compose

The fastest way to run this library locally is to use Docker.

  • Install Docker

  • Download and unzip this package to a local directory on your machine.

  • Open up your terminal and navigate to the unzipped folder of this library.

  • Type the following in your terminal

    docker-compose up -d

    Or, if you have an older version of the Docker image on your machine

    docker-compose up -d --build
  • Go to the following URL in your browser.

  • Use the following credentials to login.

  • To change the admin password.

    • Once you login, click on the Admin resource
    • Click View Data
    • Click on the [email protected] row
    • Click Edit Submission
    • Set the password field
    • Click Save Submission
    • Logout
  • Have fun!

Manual Installation (Node + MongoDB)

To get started you will first need the following installed on your machine.

Running with Node.js

You can then download this repository, navigate to the folder in your Terminal, and then type the following.

# install dependencies
# build the client application
yarn build
# start the server
yarn start

This will walk you through the installation process. When it is done, you will have a running management application running at the following address in your browser.



To start server with auto restart capability for development simply run this command:

npm run start:dev

Deploy to Hosted

If you wish to deploy all of your forms and resources into the Hosted platform @, you can do this by using the CLI command line tool.

npm install -g formio-cli

Once you have this tool installed, you will need to follow these steps.

  • Create a new project within
  • Create an API Key within this project by going to the Project Settings | Stage Settings | API Keys
  • Next, you can execute the following command to deploy your local project into Hosted
formio deploy http://localhost:3001 https://{PROJECTNAME} --dst-key={APIKEY}

You will need to make sure you replace {PROJECTNAME} and {APIKEY} with your new Hosted project name (found in the API url), as well as the API key that was created in the second step above.

This will then ask you to log into the local server (which can be provided within the Admin resource), and then after it authenticates, it will export the project and deploy that project to the hosted form.

License Change (March 8th, 2020)

This library is now licensed under the OSL-v3 license, which is a copy-left OSI approved license. Please read the license @ for more information. Our goal for the change to OSLv3 from BSD is to ensure that appropriate Attribution is provided when creating proprietary products that leverage or extend this library.


We will be updating the help guides found @ as questions arise and also to help you get started with

Thanks for using!

The Team.


If you find and/or think you have found a Security issue, please quietly disclose it to [email protected], and give us sufficient time to patch the issue before disclosing it publicly.

formio's People


airarrazaval avatar aiwebb avatar alehkatsiubaformio avatar alexandraramanenka avatar alexeynikipelau avatar andreiho avatar antonsoftensity avatar brendanbond avatar dependabot[bot] avatar douglaselee avatar hannakurban avatar katrinkhilko avatar lane-formio avatar maksimfalei avatar maria-golomb avatar mikekotikov avatar rahatarmanahmed avatar randallknutson avatar roflankisel avatar roma-formio avatar ryanformio avatar tanyagashtold avatar tkachez avatar travist avatar vishugowd avatar vlad-shusterman avatar yuryrybak avatar yuryrybaksoftensity avatar zackurben avatar zoe-codez avatar


 avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar


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formio's Issues

Support for Wizard Pages/Panels that only load from server to client when validation requirement is met

Sometimes there are "Pages" / panels that should only be loaded to the client when validation is met for that page. (The page should not be sent to the client from the server unless the validation (server and client side) is met.

Would be great if there was a way to load the panel to client only when validation is met so the user is unable to see what fields would be shown for pages that they should be seeing.

Example: If you have 3 pages, and the 3 page should only be shown if you meet specific validation rules. But that 3rd page should not be sent to the client unless the validation rules are met. If the rules are not met, then the server does not send the form to the client.

Edit: Updated with additional information

Application slow: Angular infinite digest loop

screen shot 2016-02-25 at 09 50 38
screen shot 2016-02-25 at 09 50 45

Sorry this is a duplicate from my issue on Formio.js

Hi Zack,

i'm trying to use to build beautiful forms. I've downloaded the repository and have it up and running with MongoDB.
One of my needs is to build a form with a table. For example the table has 9> rows and 5 columns, each column has a different input. This works (as the only form builder i've found) like a charm.
I face only one issue. For example when I reach row 6 and drag and drop a number form control into one of the columns the application gets real slow. I've checked and this is for both the local version as the cloud version on

When i check the console Angular is giving errors (which also slows down the console real bad).
The error:
Error: [$rootScope:infdig] 10 $digest() iterations reached. Aborting! Watchers fired in the last 5 iterations

I've also added screenshots for my example table and the total console logs.

I hope you could help.
Thanks in advance,

Bas van de Pol

You are not authorized to perform the requested operation

Installed the app using the instructions provided.

When I run it, and and select Add New Resource, it show
"You are not authorized to perform the requested operation."
at the top of the page twice.

If I try create it's not saving.

Any ideas on how to solve this?


Error in installation

I walk through the installation guide but finally I get this error . the readline.js file only contains 53 line

terminal = !!output.isTTY;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'isTTY' of undefined
at new Interface (readline.js:73:24)
at Object.exports.createInterface (readline.js:39:10)
at module.exports (/home/ali/projects/formio2/server.js:19:32)
at Object. (/home/ali/projects/formio2/main.js:5:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:902:3

Mongoose: mpromise depricated

I try installing formio with node version v7.2.1 and mongo db version v2.4.9 but when I run node main and I choose each one of options I get following error :

(node:13521) DeprecationWarning: Mongoose: mpromise (mongoose's default promise library) is deprecated, plug in your own promise library instead:
{ MongooseError: role validation failed
at ValidationError (/home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/error/validation.js:23:11)
at model.Document.invalidate (/home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/document.js:1485:32)
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/document.js:1361:17
at validate (/home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schematype.js:705:7)
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schematype.js:736:11
at /home/ali/projects/formio/src/models/Role.js:53:16
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3408:16
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/kareem/index.js:207:48
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/kareem/index.js:127:16
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)
{ title:
{ MongooseError: Role title must be unique.
at ValidatorError (/home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/error/validator.js:24:11)
at validate (/home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schematype.js:704:13)
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schematype.js:736:11
at /home/ali/projects/formio/src/models/Role.js:53:16
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3408:16
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/kareem/index.js:207:48
at /home/ali/projects/formio/node_modules/mongoose/node_modules/kareem/index.js:127:16
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)
message: 'Role title must be unique.',
name: 'ValidatorError',
properties: [Object],
kind: 'user defined',
path: 'title',
value: 'Administrator' } },
message: 'role validation failed',
name: 'ValidationError' }
role validation failed

Hangs on Installation


i try to install the application on debian jessie. After starting with node everything comes up. When the dbs schema updates starts the application hangs on the first update. Any solution?

Thanks for your help

How to login?

I have successfully installed the project in my local windows computer. But when I browse the url http://localhost:3001, it takes me in the Login page.

From where I get the Email and Password? Do I need to create any database in my local MongoDB database?

Javascript error on form submit


I have a javascript error when I submit a form and the button stay disabled. But the data is saved.

Error: t[f](...).success is not a function
anonymous/fn@http://localhost:8080/scripts/vendor-067709754b.js line 34 > Function:2:226

Line 32

I use your service tracker app.

Screenshot in attachment

Permissions for Restricting Viewing of Form?

Is it currently possible to restrict the viewing of a Form?
This would be a restriction that does not allow a form to be loaded without auth. There does not seem to be any permissions for setting who can load a form (anonymous vs auth/roles).

The scenario would be that some forms may have sensitive labels, content etc, and should only be viewed by auth users who have access to that specific form.

In the current iteration it seems you can restrict the submission to the role, but not the viewing of a form/loading of a form. This correct?


Session Expiring post server restart - login multiple times

When you restart server (OSS formio version), the user has to login multiple times across app.


  1. Restart server
  2. login
  3. View a generic form that you created
  4. Edit Login User form, and select Actions, and edit the Login action.
    And the user will be logged out.

Content component not working

The content component is not working in this release

I tested by installing on 2 different machines, and the same results.

When you add the content component, it asks for the property name, and once you click ok, it doesn't give you the editor

Any ideas?

Installation error on db configure


I've cloned the repository, but when I try to install it, I get an error with the bcrypt module:

npm ERR! Linux 2.6.32-642.13.1.el6.x86_64
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "install"
npm ERR! node v6.9.4
npm ERR! npm v3.10.10
npm ERR! [email protected] install: node-gyp rebuild
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] install script 'node-gyp rebuild'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the bcrypt package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR! node-gyp rebuild
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR! npm bugs bcrypt
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR! npm owner ls bcrypt
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /opt/formio/npm-debug.log


I've switched from "bcrypt": "^0.8.7", to "bcryptjs": "2.4.0" (I've googled the error and this apparently works). I have also changed all the references from bcrypt to bcryptjs in the code (src/authentication/index.js and src/util/encrypt.js). Now when I try the npm install command, it works, but when I try to start the app, I get this:

node main

Checking for db install.
No install found. Starting new install.
Performing install.
Install complete.

Checking for db schema updates.
No updates found.

Initializing API Server.
Mongo connection established.
prompt: Are you sure you wish to install? (y/N): y

Which Github application would you like to install?
1.) None

Or, you can provide a custom Github repository...

prompt: GitHub repository or selection?: (1)
Importing template...
{ ValidationError: role validation failed
at MongooseError.ValidationError (/opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/error/validation.js:23:11)
at model.Document.invalidate (/opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/document.js:1499:32)
at /opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/document.js:1375:17
at validate (/opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schematype.js:705:7)
at /opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schematype.js:736:11
at /opt/formio/src/models/Role.js:53:16
at /opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3419:16
at /opt/formio/node_modules/kareem/index.js:212:48
at /opt/formio/node_modules/kareem/index.js:127:16
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)
{ title:
{ ValidatorError: Role title must be unique.
at MongooseError.ValidatorError (/opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/error/validator.js:24:11)
at validate (/opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schematype.js:704:13)
at /opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/schematype.js:736:11
at /opt/formio/src/models/Role.js:53:16
at /opt/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3419:16
at /opt/formio/node_modules/kareem/index.js:212:48
at /opt/formio/node_modules/kareem/index.js:127:16
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:67:7)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:98:9)
message: 'Role title must be unique.',
name: 'ValidatorError',
properties: [Object],
kind: 'user defined',
path: 'title',
value: 'Administrator' } },
message: 'role validation failed',
name: 'ValidationError' }
role validation failed

And the process remains opened until I quit it with ctrl+c.

Thanks for your support!


Your JSDOCS in your source code are not complete please reference

I want to see a api documentation for making changes :) -- But this is of course only in a perfect world.

Order should be Unit Tests -> API Development -> JSDOCS (Once you fully finish a method / class)

Btw nice unit tests

I cannot start the server using the documentation

I have ubuntu 16.04, node version v4.2.6, npm v 3.5.2. When I am installing npm modules, I am getting the following error
npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /chokidar/fsevents: npm WARN notsup Not compatible with your operating system or architecture: [email protected]
After, when I run the command node server nothing happens, including the corresponding address http://localhost:3001/. I am not familiar with node.js I am learning now.

how to show a chart

is there a way to add a chart (e.g. line chart, pie chart) to a form?
Maybe integrating a js lib as Highcharts?

Pre-populate Form fields?

Is it possible to repopulate form fields/send variables into from the embedding site/system calling the form?

Versioning of Forms against submissions


was looking through DB structure and api, and looking for a way to track form versions?

Make a form with a single text field. Do a submission.
Add a additional field and do a submission.
Look at the results/submission and there is no way to tie submissions to a form version, and it does not appear versions of forms are captured?

Would be great if (potentially as a option as it will increase size of DB), that whenever you make edits to a form, that version is stored as a separate versioned document/record in mongo. That way when you have a submission and you would like to look at what were the specific configurations of the form at the time of the submission, you will be able to inspect the config at the time, rather than only have the config of "now".

On side note, ๐Ÿ‘ for building a clean and easy to inspect into app/system! Very nice to see.

Home page bug

I donno if it's just me but the "Watch video" and "Get started" buttons don't work on the home page.

Create Form from json schema

I'd like to be able to 'bootstrap' a project by pointing to a json schema file, which contains all my fields and validations - then I can edit and add more specific information about form layout etc in the formio ui. Do you see this as a plausible feature?

Issue with 'node server' command.

Hi There,

Facing issue in setting up formio on centos.
I am following steps given on on running command 'node server' I am getting following error:

terminal = !!output.isTTY;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'isTTY' of undefined
at new Interface (readline.js:74:24)
at Object.exports.createInterface (readline.js:40:10)
at Object. (/formio/formio/server.js:14:30)
at Module._compile (module.js:456:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:935:3

How to manually validate JSON schema

Hi, what if i want to validate the JSON schema server-side and i just want to use the builder from here, is there any way i could manually validate against the schema using a generic json-schema validator ? Because i've tried to match the data against the schema and it turns out as a false positive everytime. Is there any way i can get strictly the validation code working on some schema and data i input for that schema ?

Thank you :)

Not able to start server.

I have used the installation steps mentioned. I am getting error while running server. Below is the error

root@Node:~/formio# node server.js

terminal = !!output.isTTY;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'isTTY' of undefined
at new Interface (readline.js:72:24)
at Object.exports.createInterface (readline.js:38:10)
at Object. (/root/formio/server.js:14:30)
at Module._compile (module.js:449:26)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:467:10)
at Module.load (module.js:349:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:305:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:490:10)
at startup (node.js:124:16)
at node.js:807:3

Can anyone help me out

Error: Could not locate the bindings file

Im trying to run formio but i got this error

Error: Could not locate the bindings file. Tried: โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\build\bcrypt_lib.node โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\build\Debug\bcrypt_lib.node โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\build\Release\bcrypt_lib.node โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\out\Debug\bcrypt_lib.node โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\Debug\bcrypt_lib.node โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\out\Release\bcrypt_lib.node โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\Release\bcrypt_lib.node โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\build\default\bcrypt_lib.node โ†’ C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\compiled\4.2.6\win32\x64\bcrypt_lib.node at bindings (C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\node_modules\bindings\bindings.js:88:9) at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Mourad\formio\node_modules\bcrypt\bcrypt.js:3:35) at Module._compile (module.js:410:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:417:10) at Module.load (module.js:344:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:301:12) at Module.require (module.js:354:17) at require (internal/module.js:12:17) at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Mourad\formio\src\util\encrypt.js:3:14) at Module._compile (module.js:410:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:417:10) at Module.load (module.js:344:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:301:12) at Module.require (module.js:354:17) at require (internal/module.js:12:17) at Function.router.init (C:\Users\Mourad\formio\index.js:55:29)

Any idea ?

Thank you

Simple condition definition

Would be very convenient if end-user could define easily condition form using "and", "or", "bigger", "lower", "in" conditions.

Advanced conditions panel is simple for programmers but not for end-users.


Ability to tailor Webhook JSON sent to Webhook URL?

Any upcoming ability to undocumented abilities to tailor the JSON that is generated by Webook action?
Would be great if we could tailor the json structure to match what the Webhook URL/system is looking for.

If not the web hook action, then a new action that allows someone to call a Web Service with specific JSON formatting?


Errors after login

Fresh install, then login, then throws:

      throw new Error('If you are populating a virtual, you must set the ' +

Error: If you are populating a virtual, you must set the localField and foreignField options
    at getModelsMapForPopulate (/Users/taoyuan/temp/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:3002:13)
    at populate (/Users/taoyuan/temp/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:2647:15)
    at _populate (/Users/taoyuan/temp/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:2615:5)
    at Function.Model.populate (/Users/taoyuan/temp/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/model.js:2575:5)
    at Immediate.cb (/Users/taoyuan/temp/formio/node_modules/mongoose/lib/query.js:1103:17)
    at Immediate.<anonymous> (/Users/taoyuan/temp/formio/node_modules/mquery/lib/utils.js:137:16)
    at runCallback (timers.js:637:20)
    at tryOnImmediate (timers.js:610:5)
    at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:582:5)

"Save For Later" abilities?

Any work being done or undocumented support for Save For Later type of actions allow someone to partially fill out form, 'save', and when they return to the form later the values are still populated.

two versions typically: 1. Local Storage, and 2. saved against database, referenced with user and form instance.

OAuth and project support


Do the opensourced version has OAuth support and support to configure mulitple projects, like the hosted version ?


cannot enter Title, name ,path and form labels using multiple languages

I installed the formio on readhat linux, I can create forms in English, but, if I try to create a from using Chinese character for the Title, name and form label, it will not create the form, the chrome console show errors:
vendor-38270813e2.js:39 TypeError: Cannot read property 'errors' of undefined
at Object.n [as onError] (vendor-38270813e2.js:491)
at a (vendor-38270813e2.js:40)
at vendor-38270813e2.js:40
at g.$eval (vendor-38270813e2.js:40)
at g.$digest (vendor-38270813e2.js:40)
at vendor-38270813e2.js:40
at r (vendor-38270813e2.js:37)
at vendor-38270813e2.js:37

but, the interesting thing is that , if I edit an existing form, I can update the form labels and rename them to Chinese, except the Title field. is there a way to solve this problem and allow me to create the form using Chinese directly, including the title of the form ? I check the online documentation, the angular-translates seems only translate the existing messages, not for creating form using different language, correct me if I am wrong, and please show me the right way to do this.

Regards !


Role validation Error on installation

Thank you for fixing #163 during the time of my vacation :)
Sadly i have the next issue. During the installation i got an error during the Importing template step:

Im sorry, for only giving a picture, but i use a virtual debian installation where no network connections are configured.
What i already tried is: deleting the old databases from mongo, reinstalling node_modules, but i always end at that point. Im still on debian jessie

Node version

The package.json states "node": ">=4.2.0", but I wasn't able to run npm install with a 4.5.9, I had a number of unmet dependencies. I guess it could be a question of the version of the npm that comes bundled with it

Node v 6.9.1 with npm v3.10.8 installs without errors

401 unauthorized

I am getting the above error in the browser console when trying to use the API.It did allow me to create a user first time and I can use this user to login but it seems any other data access is unauthorized. This is preventing the creation of new forms.

Do you have any documentation configuring and using this API? It only seems you have docs regarding your main application and nothing on formio on github?Please excuse my ignorance if I am wrong.
Thank you.

Class on input instead of wrapper?


I recently started using, hosted on my own server.
Everything works great, but is it true that I can't add classes to the input fields, only to the wrapper?

It's way easier to add classes to the input itself, in my opinion (and in my setup).
Sorry if it's in the docs somewhere, I just wasn't able to find it.

ES5 to ES6

If this is a new revolutionary peace of software why isn't it written in ES6 and compiled in babel awaiting for the official release of Node 5... or if you want to say a Javascript engine that actually processes ES6 fully.

Keep up with the times ;) - There plenty of reasons you may not have wanted to use this but I would love to be educated on the reasons?

Cannot upload file with template app

I'm trying to create a form with file uploading, this is what I did.

git clone
cd formio
npm install
node main
Are you sure you wish to install? (y/N):  y
GitHub repository or selection?:  (1)

Then the app get started

 > Serving application at http://localhost:8080
 > Serving the API Platform at http://localhost:3001

Logged in with administrator and edit dealer's form, and add a File components under "Special Components". I set the storage to Url and set Upload Url to a local server "". The preview form on the right works well (I can see the upload request when I choose a file to upload).

After these I can see the file upload component in dealer's form in
But the problem is that it did nothing when I choose a file. No error, no network request, only a line of read word "1674014776-6a724136-205f-4a85-bf6a-602e70a23005.jpg".

Is there any difference between the form in app(:8080) and in dashboard (:3001)? Why it works differently?

Error when installing

When installing and trying to test an app from Github I always get:

Missing config.template.js file

Wizard form support


I am kinda new to Angular and I might be missing something, I also realise this might not be something to ask on Github (sorry).

I installed formio and noticed it's missing resource/form creation with the display:'wizard' type. However, I did notice that ngFormBuilder has that built-in. Why Formio is missing that.

Also, is there a plan for a ngFormBuilder in Angular 2?


Support for Readonly and Disabled Fields/components

Building on a conversation in Gitter about Formio support for Read-Only/Disabled Fields:


  1. Ability to set a field as "disabled" and readonly (HTML properties) so that when it is rendered the field is disabled (greyed out) or readonly (un-editable, but not greyed out).

  • Scenario 1: the field is marked as disabled/readonly, and the value of the field is submitted during POST
  • Scenario 2: the field is marked as disabled/readonly, and the value of the field is not submitted during POST
  • Scenario 3: the field is marked as disabled/readonly, and the value of the field is validated server-side to ensure the disabled field as not edited by client.
  • Scenario 4: The field is marked as disabled/readonly and is pre-populated. On POST the values of the readonly/disabled fields are sent to server. (persistent)
  • Scenario 5: The field is marked as disabled/readonly and is pre-populated. On POST the values of the readonly/disabled fields are not* sent to server. (persistent)

Data binding Issue in edit mode

Two Select boxes,
1.Select box1 is display country
2.Select box2 is display state

I Refresh State Data while change in country

while add its fine, But while in Edit the mode, country bind the Data and State is not binding,
due to Auto refreshing

Thanks in Advance

node server problem

i don't know whether node server is running or not ........................after npm install in put node server but no response what is the problem (no error message is there just empty)

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