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Comments (2)

Ravi80595 avatar Ravi80595 commented on November 10, 2024 1

Hey, I noticed the same issue while working with React 19rc and TypeScript. It seems like the dialog element hasn’t been added to @types/react yet. One workaround that’s helped me is manually extending the IntrinsicElements in a types.d.ts file. Here’s a quick snippet that might help:

declare module 'react' {
interface HTMLAttributes extends AriaAttributes, DOMAttributes {
dialog?: React.DetailedHTMLProps<React.HTMLAttributes, HTMLElement>;

This should temporarily fix the TypeScript error for now until the types package is updated. I’m also looking into submitting a PR to address this. Let me know if this works for you!

from react.

eps1lon avatar eps1lon commented on November 10, 2024

This element is typed for 7 years now and works on minimal apps:

<dialog open />

Playground Link
There's likely something else wrong. Does the same error occur when you just use div? Are you sure the right tsconfig with support for JSX is being used?

For us to be able to help, we'd need a minimal reproduction that we an clone. Or a TypeScript Playground

from react.

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