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Comments (131)

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on February 19, 2025 10


For not yet supported attributes, you can put ref on the element and call setAttribute() manually.

For example:

return <div ref={node => node && node.setAttribute('inert', '')} />

from react.

syranide avatar syranide commented on February 19, 2025 7

@janhancic this.ref.myInput.getDOMNode().setAttribute('nwdirectory') in componentDidMount is a work-around until there's movement on this.

from react.

chromakode avatar chromakode commented on February 19, 2025 3

Based on @nfroidure's approach above, for server-side rendering (e.g. rendering archaic table attributes in HTML emails), here's a workaround I'm experimenting with using in the meantime:

var DOMProperty = require('react/lib/ReactInjection').DOMProperty
  Properties: {
    'valign': DOMProperty.MUST_USE_ATTRIBUTE,

from react.

jayphelps avatar jayphelps commented on February 19, 2025 3

@fritx using setAttribute inside componentDidMount is different than using React's JSX/virtual DOM in the sense that it happens after the element has already been inserted into the DOM. Depending on how that library works, that might impact things.

I find that often, when you decide it's worth it to integrate a library that is incompatible with React, it's best to just create a wrapper React Component and then just create the real nodes/use plugins and insert them inside componentDidMount, just like you'd do with regular JavaScript/jQuery; but remember to clean them up in componentWillUnmount. This isn't ideal, but I personally take a "reality isn't always ideal" approach to getting work done.

Also--I don't personally have knowledge of progress on react supporting arbitrary attributes, other than what's been discussed here.

from react.

nfroidure avatar nfroidure commented on February 19, 2025 2

Here is the solution i came accross

It allowed me to inject custom attributes for my needs with this piece of code:

var HTMLDOMLegacyPropertyConfig = {
  isCustomAttribute: function(attributeName) {
    return -1 !== [
      'align', 'bgcolor', 'border'
  Properties: {
    align: null,
    bgcolor: null,
    border: null
  DOMAttributeNames: {
  DOMPropertyNames: {

var React = require('react');

// Allow custom/legacy attributes for mail templates

Any better way to inject this ? If no, any plan on exposing ReactInjection on the React main object ?

from react.

jhicken avatar jhicken commented on February 19, 2025 2

@ljharb You could use the the is attribute to force react to ignore the whitelist. The is attribute ignoring is also new in master. I think thats a really hacky way to use the is attribute but It would work. Just remember that if you put a class on the element with the is attribute you have to use class not className.

Like this.
<img src="foo.jpg" is nopin="nopin" class="dontTazeMeBro" />

@sebmarkbage Thats too bad... I don't know enough about the separation of how react deals with attributes vs properties under the covers to really present a real solution to this problem. However I do see this as an api issue. I think as custom components become more popular. This is going to become really annoying to have a goofy mix of class and className attributes in your jsx. (I say this because I'm working on a project that makes heavy use of custom components) So this may be a naive question but, would it be possible when - is in element name or is attribute exist.. we convert the elements html attributes to react properties?

from react.

nfroidure avatar nfroidure commented on February 19, 2025 1

I think we should think about what custom tags/attributes will be in the future. With web components adoption, i think they will be heavily used.

So if having a deep knowledge of properties is useful for 'traditional' HTML, why would it be different for the future HTML ?

That said, why not use the property when she is exposed and set the attribute when not. Allowing to inject your own rules like i suggested above seems to be the most universal solution.

It also could allow to put HTML/SVG properties definition in another repo that could be updated at a quicker pace. It would also decrease the sources size if you only use SVG or HTML or none of them.

The only downside of it is that the injection API would be harder to change since users will rely on it.

from react.

syranide avatar syranide commented on February 19, 2025 1

@almirfilho tabIndex and it'll work just fine.

from react.

monolithed avatar monolithed commented on February 19, 2025 1

I really don't understand why some library should restrict my application architecture?

from react.

fritx avatar fritx commented on February 19, 2025 1

Btw, git-blame-someone-else is awesome.

As a bash beginner, I had to do kind of research, until I eventually created git-green-someone-else, which was heavily inspired by git-blame-someone-else.

Hope any guy will enjoy it!
And if I'm missing something, let me know.

PS: I'm fond of taking friends --force to my project so it looks active LOL..

from react.

poscar avatar poscar commented on February 19, 2025 1

Sadly the following snippet does not work for me:

const DOMProperty = require('react/lib/ReactInjection').DOMProperty;
  Properties: {
  isCustomAttribute: (attributeName) => {
    return attributeName === 'amp';

Any ideas why?

I'll have to resort to doing string replacement, if I can't get React to allow this attribute. :(

UPDATE (05/2016):
Turns out the workaround wasn't working because it wasn't being applied to the React module actually loaded by the dependency of my project. I managed to get the workaround above to work.

from react.

nhunzaker avatar nhunzaker commented on February 19, 2025 1

FWIW, I've been maintaining (sort of) a PR to remove the attribute whitelist:


I don't speak for the React team but, hopefully, if the decision is made to support custom attributes by eliminating the whitelist, this handles much of the legwork.

from react.

syranide avatar syranide commented on February 19, 2025

Cross-post from #1730

Have we considered something like an attrs-property? It would pass through any value as-is as an attribute for the DOM (same could be considered for a props-property, although it look kind of ambiguous).

I like it in the sense that it would work like data and aria is going to (soon), and it's use-case is actually very similar (i.e, use unsupported/unofficial attributes) so it kind of makes sense to me.

from react.

Swivelgames avatar Swivelgames commented on February 19, 2025

@syranide That's definitely an option to consider, imo (for whatever its worth :P ). It would certainly contribute to making this much less ambiguous or esoteric for new users.

from react.

Swivelgames avatar Swivelgames commented on February 19, 2025

@syranide, now, that being said, are you referring to using attrs- for standard properties? Or for React JS properties?

It might be a good idea (especially for users who aren't familiar with ReactJS) to use something like properties suffixed by react- for react-specific attributes. I'm not sure how big of a change we're talking about here, though, and this could be getting into a much larger discussion regarding how React JS essentially works at its core and how it introduces itself to developers, which is certainly not something I'm here trying instigate.

from react.

syranide avatar syranide commented on February 19, 2025

@Swivelgames Not sure if I understand, my intention with attrs-* (or rather attrs= to align with the coming data= and aria=) is that it would translate directly to attributes on the node. So <span attrs={{abc: 123}} /> would yield <span abc="123" />.

from react.

Swivelgames avatar Swivelgames commented on February 19, 2025

OH, I see what you're saying. I apologize, I misunderstood :)

from react.

geelen avatar geelen commented on February 19, 2025

This is also an issue for interop between React and Custom Elements - something like an attrs property, that allowed passing through arbitrary properties and diffing them as simple strings seems like it would work well here.

from react.

janhancic avatar janhancic commented on February 19, 2025

Do you guys know when this feature is going to land in React?

I'm playing around with node-webkit, which supports a custom attribute nwdirectory on <input type="file"/>s, that allow you to select folders. But I need to find a workaround as React strips it ...

from react.

janhancic avatar janhancic commented on February 19, 2025

Yep, that's what I came up with :) Thanks.

from react.

Aaronius avatar Aaronius commented on February 19, 2025

I don't think the workaround @syranide outlined will work in all the necessary cases. For example, I don't believe you can do:

var MyButton = React.createClass({
        displayName: 'MyButton',
        componentDidMount: function() {
            this.getDOMNode().setAttribute('is', 'my-button');
        render: function() {
            return React.createElement('button', $.extend({}, this.props));

And have it be properly upgraded as a "my-button" custom element. I assume because we're setting the is attribute after the element is created and placed in the document. I'd be happy to hear if there's another way to deal with this particular case.

from react.

geelen avatar geelen commented on February 19, 2025

Good find @Aaronius! I'd love for an official way to do this before the element is added into the DOM

from react.

nfroidure avatar nfroidure commented on February 19, 2025

@syranide thanks for the trick.

As @Aaronius pointed out, it would be great to have something like a componentWillBeAttached(node:DOMNode) method in order to perform any action before its effective insertion in the DOM.

from react.

nfroidure avatar nfroidure commented on February 19, 2025

Sadly, the method described above doesn't work server side. A componentWillBeAttached as i mentionned above won't work either server side.

Is it feasible to create a componentWillRender method that would allow to modify outputted HTML either on server and the browser and allow us to simply solve the legacy/custom Tags/Attributes problem with a simple Mixin ?

from react.

robink avatar robink commented on February 19, 2025

Just came across the same issue... The workaround mentioned by @syranide won't work on server side. The current situation prevents me from generating email HTML with legacy attributes like "align" "bgcolor".

from react.

steida avatar steida commented on February 19, 2025

On the server side, you can use very dirty string replacement based workaround. Use data-fokfokfok prefix, and it will be safe enough. Still, React should and has to allow custom attributes, because Polymer. @sebmarkbage ?

from react.

robink avatar robink commented on February 19, 2025

So you would need to do a workaround for client side and another one for server side. Not very neat... :( Too bad that HTMLDOMPropertyConfig is not easily configurable.

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

We want to move to a model where we render all attributes that you provide. Without a whitelist. There are a few concerns though.

It's a bit dangerous because we might need to change the meaning and signature of those attributes. E.g. as complex properties gets added to HTML, your code might break between versions. We prefer rich data types instead of strings.

We also have the issue of patterns like transferPropsTo used to transfer too many properties and people specified invalid HTML properties. These used to be silently ignored. We would need to provide a nice upgrade path for this case.

We could probably do it for web-components but not HTML or we could commit to always supporting string values and try to find an upgrade path for existing code.

from react.

gaearon avatar gaearon commented on February 19, 2025

E.g. as complex properties gets added to HTML, your code might break between versions.

But isn't this true in web anyway (i.e. when not using React)?

IMO it's the expected behavior in the web that if HTML adds an attribute and I already use it, whether by accident or on purpose, something might break. Moreover it's not like attributes get added really often.

We also have the issue of patterns like transferPropsTo used to transfer too many properties and people specified invalid HTML properties.

Since transferPropsTo is deprecated, would this still be an issue?

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

@gaearon Yes, but properties are riskier. You're less likely to rely on a property (unless you patch prototypes) than an attribute. We try to model them as properties when possible.

from react.

geelen avatar geelen commented on February 19, 2025

I didn't follow this last comment @sebmarkbage, are you talking about more complex attribute values in custom elements, that can't be simply represented by strings? I'm not clear on how that would work, I'd have thought that all communication with the custom element needs to be done through the DOM, as strings?

Rather than rendering all attributes without a whitelist, maybe just adding a separate stringAttrs: { attr: val } object that can be used to explicitly declare a list of attributes to be treated as simple strings. That way simple attributes can be supported without breaking code, which is my use case and (from following this issue) seems like most of the others here?

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

For custom elements, we can only really support simple strings since we don't have any rich information about what they will be. For known HTML elements we can use rich data structures for style, classList, matrices for SVG attributes, etc. Maybe the solution is to simply use setAttribute if a string is provided when we also have rich property support. E.g. style would accept a string. Although that's a security risk so we might not allow that.

The nested stringAttrs property could work, but even then, it might not be great from a security perspective and not very elegant.

I think we can find a way to support all the things. My primary concern is the upgrade path. I have some ideas there.

We could replace existing uses of <div {...this.props} /> with a wrapper that only propagates the whitelist. E.g. <ConstrainedLegacyDiv {...this.props} />

from react.

syranide avatar syranide commented on February 19, 2025

@sebmarkbage You are definitely the authority on this, but to me it seems natural to otherwise simply add a dedicated prop for "setting attributes/properties with raw values on DOM nodes" (i.e. attrs={...}) which also comes with the understanding that whatever you provide it the attr gets set to.

It's probably not a very nice idea at all applied to custom elements, but then again, making the default implementation for all DOM elements non-whitelisted is definitely not nice either IMHO, especially as it conflates two very different behaviors without any hint as to which one you'll get.

Obviously, just custom elements could be "pass-through" and it kind of fits nicely with the fact that they too are uniquely named (apart from handful SVG nodes that conflict, unless they need their own namespace anyway?).

Anyway, just rambling here. :)

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

My rationale is that it is unlikely that a DOM property that accepts a string would have different behavior from the attribute. E.g. .setAttribute('class', str) has the same semantics as .className = str.

Except for the imperative quirks of what time they're mutated. Browsers have bugs or unintuitive behavior for when they update, and at which time you would want to invoke the setter. There's also internal state in the component that might update a property while leaving the attribute the same.

The point is that even if we added the special behavior for className later on, the behavior would be unaffected - except to fix unexpected life-cycle quirks. Having an attrs={...} escape makes it confusing how those differ from the other properties and they also don't get the bug fixes from the other properties.

from react.

erkiesken avatar erkiesken commented on February 19, 2025

I ran across this "custom" attributes issue too, but with trying to render (standard) SVG. So I thought I'll add my real world example to this issue.

I was trying to use masks like so:

render: function () {
return <svg>
    <mask id="my-mask">
      <rect .../>
  <g mask="url(#my-mask)">

First problem is that to make the url(#...) syntax work you have to have xmlns:xlink="" attribute set on <svg> tag. And that is not whitelisted attr. OK I can add that with setAttribute() call in a componentDidMount function if needed.

But also the mask attribute is not whitelisted by React, so I'd need to go and modify all those DOM nodes one by one as well if I had many masked items rendered there.

Hopefully this shows that there are other and "standard" attributes that React is missing support for.

from react.

dandelany avatar dandelany commented on February 19, 2025

+1 on some sort of solution to this - I think I prefer no attributes whitelist at all. There are a huge number of possible SVG attributes, many of which are currently unsupported. This makes it quite a pain to do anything beyond the most basic SVG rendering with React - which is a shame because I think SVG should be in React's wheelhouse. I've definitely run into the "mask" issue mentioned above before; this time though it's "markerWidth" and "markerHeight" that are causing problems for me.

from react.

jstrimpel avatar jstrimpel commented on February 19, 2025

Would it be possible to introduce the concept of a config to support customization like this? Seems like this could be expanded to solve the SVG attributes issues as well by making isCustomAttribute for the SVG attributes config match all strings.

  HTMLDOMPropertyConfig: {
    isCustomAttribute: RegExp.prototype.test.bind(/^(data|aria|lazo)-[a-z_][a-z\d_.\-]*$/),
    Properties: {
      'some-other-prop': null

// would trigger ReactInjection.DOMProperty.injectDOMPropertyConfig(HTMLDOMPropertyConfig);

from react.

jimfb avatar jimfb commented on February 19, 2025

@jstrimpel We want to avoid adding "configs" because they make things more complicated for users (more api surface area, more things that could go wrong / introduce component incompatibilities) and they make it more difficult for us (more permutations of conditions need to be tested). We know we want to get rid of the attributes whitelist anyway, so it makes no sense to introduce a "config" and then take it away in the subsequent release.

from react.

jimfb avatar jimfb commented on February 19, 2025

Oops, didn't mean to close.

from react.

jstrimpel avatar jstrimpel commented on February 19, 2025

@JSFB Thanks. +1 for removing the whitelist. Is there an ETA on that?

from react.

geelen avatar geelen commented on February 19, 2025

Awesome, removing the whitelist will fix my use case perfectly. Very interested to see what SVG wizardry you're cooking up @tehnomaag & @dandelany, I hadn't considered using React for SVG but it could be pretty cool!

from react.

jhicken avatar jhicken commented on February 19, 2025

+1 For removing the whitelist.

from react.

Aaronius avatar Aaronius commented on February 19, 2025

I appreciate the removal of the tag name whitelist. That has allowed us to support many custom elements however it has not allowed us to support custom elements that extend from native elements which require the is attribute as described in my previous comment. A resolution on this would be super-duper-appreciated.

from react.

sophiebits avatar sophiebits commented on February 19, 2025

@Aaronius It's something we want to do. Until then, I'm happy to take a PR adding "is".

from react.

jhicken avatar jhicken commented on February 19, 2025

@spicyj I would totally do a PR for something small like adding is but I don't think it would solve the entire custom element problem. So its more than just the is attribute. For example if you use the is attribute to extend an element and your extension uses a custom attribute named numberofplops then numberofplops would be removed and your custom element may fail to behave properly.

I can get around it for now using @nfroidure 's method but it make me really sad to do that. So any info about priority to remove the whitelist would be rad.

from react.

jimfb avatar jimfb commented on February 19, 2025

@jhicken Currently we skip the whitelisting check if the component name contains a dash. To enable component inheritance, you would need to also skip the whitelist check if the component contained an is attribute; that would allow you to have arbitrary properties on your custom element.

from react.

sophiebits avatar sophiebits commented on February 19, 2025

@JSFB Do we? I know we talked about it but that's not what the code looks like:

} else if (
DOMProperty.isStandardName[propKey] ||
DOMProperty.isCustomAttribute(propKey)) {

from react.

jhicken avatar jhicken commented on February 19, 2025

I just threw a commit together that does what @JSFB suggested. Have a peak let me know your thoughts.

from react.

Gozala avatar Gozala commented on February 19, 2025

This would resolve an issue I've being struggling with for a while (see #2746 for details)

from react.

jhicken avatar jhicken commented on February 19, 2025

So the now this stuff works on master I found an issue where if your using a custom component react does not translate className to class.

<awesome-sauce className="fluffy" />


<awesome-sauce classname="fluffy" />

instead of

<awesome-sauce class="fluffy" />

What file makes this translation?

from react.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on February 19, 2025

This issue has been open for about 2 years - is there any chance of being able to use any attributes I wish in jsx for a general case?

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

@ljharb For custom elements, I.e. tags with dashes in them, yes. That has landed in master. For other tags, no. What is the use case? Is it an attribute with a dash in it? We might be able to support that.

@jhicken Custom elements uses "attributes" where as HTML nodes uses "properties". That's why they have different names. We don't intend to change that. It is just a consequence of custom elements relying heavily on attributes but the proper way to interact with DOM is through properties.

from react.

ljharb avatar ljharb commented on February 19, 2025

No, no dashes. See - the "nopin" attribute is what Pinterest requires to exempt an image from showing up in the "pin" dialog. This is nonstandard (shame on them), but has no dashes, and isn't something I can control.

How can I use this in jsx without creating a custom element?

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

@jhicken We don't know what className might mean for a custom component. That might be the name of a legit attribute so if we were to convert it, we would now do some weird magic work that breaks that API. Unlike properties, attributes can only be strings so not all APIs can safely be converted. Additionally, you'll notice that event listeners won't work for these. Same for styles.

It is the opinion of the designers of web components and the spec that attributes is a mistake and should not be used directly. It is a serialized form. It shouldn't be used directly for anything other than serialized HTML, and then properties should take over. However, this is not really how most custom elements are consumed. The public APIs right now are mostly attributes. If properties are made available they're typically imperative methods that doesn't translate well to React's declarative API. We're forced to use attributes since it is the only thing that is possible for custom elements.

For consistency, the only solution would be to revert what we do for normal HTML elements and have them apply attributes instead of properties. That is more intuitive but strictly inferior since it doesn't allow us to properly model things like classList, transform, defaultValue vs. value, checked etc. These are not just attribute strings, they come with richer data structures or richer behavior differences than the serialized form allows for.

More over, it is our opinion (and the opinion of the React, Ember and Angular teams) that custom elements (Web Components) is a flawed model for composition and it won't be treated as first-class in either framework. There are too many compromises to make that work flawlessly.

We don't want to compromise the primary HTML API to support the custom elements edge case. So unfortunately, that's how we end up with this subpar API.

The recommended solution is to wrap your Web Components in a React component that can provide a richer API and use refs to interact with events / properties / methods. As part of that you can always translate the names as you see fit <my-component class={this.props.className} />.

@ljharb We would like to support a non-whitelist solution but not quite sure how to tackle it safely right now. As a workaround you can always get a ref on an element and call setAttribute('nopin', '') on it yourself. Ofc, this is annoying to do many times but best practice is to build small reusable components that you compose, if you do that then you should only need to use this hack once.

Btw, I will address these issues in my React Europe talk on July 2nd.

from react.

dantman avatar dantman commented on February 19, 2025


@ljharb We would like to support a non-whitelist solution but not quite sure how to tackle it safely right now. As a workaround you can always get a ref on an element and call setAttribute('nopin', '') on it yourself. Ofc, this is annoying to do many times but best practice is to build small reusable components that you compose, if you do that then you should only need to use this hack once.

This probably won't work in this case, as Pintrest is probably not executing client side JS and instead simply statically analyzing <img> tags for a nopin attribute.

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

Oh, this is for server-side rendering? Yea, that sucks. Maybe Pinterest should be nicer community members and use the data- namespace like it was intended. :(

from react.

sophiebits avatar sophiebits commented on February 19, 2025

Oh, I assumed this was for the browser extension that adds "Pin It" buttons to everything.

from react.

dantman avatar dantman commented on February 19, 2025

Oh, this is for server-side rendering? Yea, that sucks. Maybe Pinterest should be nicer community members and use the data- namespace like it was intended. :(

Yeah, for that use case. Though data attributes also sound wrong. This would be easier if <img> had something like rel so rel="nopin" would be viable.

from react.

sophiebits avatar sophiebits commented on February 19, 2025

data-pin-nopin="true": pinterest/widgets#29

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

Nice @spicyj! Problem solved. I figured I should've checked for alternatives but I'm sick in bed and also lazy.

from react.

Gozala avatar Gozala commented on February 19, 2025

@sebmarkbage @spicyj this maybe solving this specific instance but it is still a very painful issue for some of us. We are basically forced to do a horrible hacks to workaround lack of general attribute support. I have wrote about this in #2746 and also explained workardounds we employ.

I would very much like for this issue to be resloved maybe for the very least react can be made configurable so users could extend the whitelist.

from react.

sophiebits avatar sophiebits commented on February 19, 2025

@Gozala Yes, we understand. That's why this issue is still open.

from react.

pencilcheck avatar pencilcheck commented on February 19, 2025

Using angular material with react and attributes such as "layout" that are introduced in angular material doesn't work. How do I whitelisted those attributes for the moment?

from react.

terinjokes avatar terinjokes commented on February 19, 2025

With 0.14 splitting react-dom from react, could an alternative module be created to allow these archaic HTML attributes (react-dom-emails or something of the like)?

from react.

IL55 avatar IL55 commented on February 19, 2025

I just want to notify that in React 0.13.3, still hasn't support for svg "mask" attribute. Please don't mix up with mask tag, i.e. next is allowed:

           <mask id="myMask"> .... </mask>

but using mask is not possible (react 0.13.3 removes that attribute)

    <g mask="url(#myMask)"> ... </g>

Here is jsfiddle example:

More details could be found in next comment:
#140 (comment)

from react.

quantizor avatar quantizor commented on February 19, 2025

@IL55 i'd open a separate ticket for it

from react.

PetrochukM avatar PetrochukM commented on February 19, 2025

React 13.3 strips my Animate tag.


<animate attributeName="stop-color" dur="24s" values="rgba(0,0,12,0);rgba(25,22,33,.3);rgba(32,32,44,.8);rgb(58,58,82);rgb(81,81,117);rgb(138,118,171);rgb(205,130,160);rgb(234,176,209);rgb(235,178,177);rgb(177,181,234);rgb(148,223,255);rgb(103,209,251);rgb(56,163,209);rgb(36,111,168);rgb(30,82,142);rgb(91,121,131);rgb(157,166,113);rgb(233,206,93);rgb(178,99,57);rgb(47,17,7);rgb(36,14,3);rgb(47,17,7);rgba(75,29,6,.4);rgba(21,8,0,0);rgba(0,0,12,0)" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate>


<animate data-reactid=".0.0.1.$=10:0.$=10:0.$=10:0.$=11:0"></animate>

Any ideas on how I can overcome this?

from react.

suryagaddipati avatar suryagaddipati commented on February 19, 2025

@Deepblue129 you can do ref.getDomNode().setAttribute(... in component lifecycle method.

from react.

despairblue avatar despairblue commented on February 19, 2025

This also makes it impossible to use react to generate x3d scenes like

  <inline url={url} namespace={url}/>

and having these rendered using x3dom or later natively by the browser

Most attributes will be stripped from the rendered content, like translations or rotations, or even url for the inline node above.

from react.

almirfilho avatar almirfilho commented on February 19, 2025

It doesn't allow tabindex attribute too. So it's impossible to follow the W3C WCAG Spec SCR29 to enhance accessibility in non focusable elements by default, like a simple <div>.

from react.

almirfilho avatar almirfilho commented on February 19, 2025

@syranide thanks for the tip!

from react.

eyworldwide avatar eyworldwide commented on February 19, 2025

@chromakode thx! it works in my project...

from react.

chrissheppard41 avatar chrissheppard41 commented on February 19, 2025


Might be worth taking a look at supporting googles Rich snippet

Just a possible idea

from react.

dantman avatar dantman commented on February 19, 2025


Might be worth taking a look at supporting googles Rich snippet

Microdata, RDFa, and script tags are already supported.

from react.

chrissheppard41 avatar chrissheppard41 commented on February 19, 2025


Yeah I read this:

But when I embed say "itemscope" or any others like so:

    render() {
        return (
            <div ref="parent" className="review_feed" itemscope="" itemtype="">
                ...Something here

It prints out:

<div class="review_feed" data-reactid=".0">
    ...Something here

It's not applying to the dom

This is likely to my misunderstanding but some clarity would be lovely. Thanks.

from react.

dantman avatar dantman commented on February 19, 2025

@chrissheppard41 That's because React-JSX is not HTML. You converted the html class to React's className but didn't do the same for the rest of the attributes.

You need to convert the HTML examples to React-JSX:

<div class="review_feed" itemscope="" itemtype="">
  ...Something here


<div itemType="" itemScope className="review_feed">
  ...Something here

from react.

chrissheppard41 avatar chrissheppard41 commented on February 19, 2025

Ah, I'm sorry, that worked, Thank you.

from react.

antitoxic avatar antitoxic commented on February 19, 2025

@spicyj @sebmarkbage @syranide

So far, from what I've read, this looks like a real problem, not just a feature perk.

Is there a downside for React, before an ideal solution is provided, to supply some intermediate one?


<div thirdpary-attr='"i need this" allowAttrs="thirdpary-attr">
<!-- or previously defined -->
<div thirdpary-attr='"i need this" allowAttrs={this.allowedAttrs}/>
<!-- or -->
<div thirdpary-attr='"i need this" safeAttrs="thirdpary-attr">

I understand that the above is not the wisest thing to do with an API (introduce a temporary interface) but consider the issue is 2 years old. Even the best APIs I know change in that time.

If however, you completely disagree, could React documentation be changed so that it includes a workaround? That will be super-useful.

from react.

antitoxic avatar antitoxic commented on February 19, 2025

PS: Aside from use-cases given above (+ others things like #3809) I'm using attributes for something that people can call me heretic - simply for clear way of styling (i.e. .myCSSComponentClass[size="big"]) . Combining attributes and their values has proven to be way more readable than just throwing classes in and it's DRY-er than 'classnames({..})' which simply repeats properties most of the time.

For that purpose I'm using a simple ES7 decorator.


import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

export function customAttributes(...attrs) {
    return function(component) {
        var originalComponentDidMount = component.prototype.componentDidMount;
        component.prototype.componentDidMount = function() {
            if (originalComponentDidMount) originalComponentDidMount.apply(this, arguments);
            var rootDom = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this);
   => {
                if (!this.props.hasOwnProperty(attr)) return;
                if (this.props[attr] == false && rootDom.hasAttribute(attr)) {
                rootDom.setAttribute(attr, this.props[attr])
        return component;


import React from 'react';
import {customAttributes} from 'decorators';

@customAttributes('color', 'size')
export class Button extends React.Component {

To me ot looks like a clean approach. Am I doing something terribly akward? Is this a reccomended approach?

from react.

ajfarkas avatar ajfarkas commented on February 19, 2025

Looking forward to this fix. Would like to use SVG Icons, but dangerously setting xlink:href is a bummer.

from react.

sophiebits avatar sophiebits commented on February 19, 2025

@ajfarkas xlinkHref={...} works already in 0.14.

from react.

ajfarkas avatar ajfarkas commented on February 19, 2025

true, but <use> tags don't.

I appreciate the attempt at giving people a heads up, but this is producing a major headache, since I have to change all of my SVG code, then will have to change it back once this gets updated.

from react.

sophiebits avatar sophiebits commented on February 19, 2025

<use> tags (and all SVG tags and attributes) should work in master and will work in v15.

What do you mean about changing your code?

from react.

tnrich avatar tnrich commented on February 19, 2025

Hey there,
Props on making react, its awesome! Pun intended :)

I'm trying to use the "inert" html attribute to disable a div (and polyfilling it so it works on all browsers), but react doesn't seem to be letting it through. Is there any way to get this to work currently?


from react.

tnrich avatar tnrich commented on February 19, 2025

Awesome thanks @Gaeron !

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016, 6:00 PM Dan Abramov [email protected] wrote:


For not yet supported attributes, you can put ref on the element and call
setAttribute() manually.

For example:

return <div ref={node => node && node.setAttribute('inert', '')} />

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#140 (comment).

from react.

dantman avatar dantman commented on February 19, 2025

@tnrich inert was dropped from the standard drafts some time ago; it's not a pending standard.

from react.

tnrich avatar tnrich commented on February 19, 2025

@dantman, that may be so, but, is there a reason not to use it with a polyfill (kind of a misnomer in this case), given the listed caveats?

Here's the npm module I'm using:

Sorry to stray off topic everyone..

from react.

fritx avatar fritx commented on February 19, 2025

If you want to use a custom attribute, you should prefix it with data-.

But seems nwjs only recognizes nwsaveas, nwworkingdir (cannot have extra prefix), etc.

// adding data- prefix would break
<input type="file" nwsaveas="filename.txt" nwworkingdir="C:\\Windows" />

What could I do with this?

from react.

jayphelps avatar jayphelps commented on February 19, 2025

@fritx #140 (comment)

from react.

fritx avatar fritx commented on February 19, 2025

@jayphelps thanks for pointing out the comment (there were too many to figure out)

until there's movement on this.

So there is still some movement on this?

I had tried that workaround before and it did work util later. But I've just found another issue nwjs/nw.js#3372 (comment)

Thanks to that buddy's great effort. I guess it's some problem of nwjs itself.

from react.

fritx avatar fritx commented on February 19, 2025

I still wonder is a.setAttribute('xxx') entirely equivalent to <a xxx> stuff, or is there still some tiny difference between the two definition?

Btw, git-blame-someone-else is awesome. I just plan to fake some funny commit in my own prj 😄 @janhancic

from react.

poscar avatar poscar commented on February 19, 2025

Another use for this is for using React to perform server side rendering of Google AMP pages. Google AMP requires a <html ⚡></html> or <html amp></html>. More info here.

Currently react removes the amp attributes.


from react.

dantman avatar dantman commented on February 19, 2025

I think the ReactInjection.DOMProperty interface is really nice. In the future if that interface was polished and made into a public interface when the devs are happy with its stability; I think it would make for a very good solution to this issue.

The range of nonstandard properties with reason to be used in react is fairly narrow. If we had that interface, then we could just create libraries that would inject support for nonstandard properties and attributes into react.

A react-nw library could inject nw* attributes; a react-amp library could inject amp attributes; and a react-angular library could not just support ng-* attributes, but perhaps support them as actual properties such as ngModel. And these kinds of libraries could do more than just whitelisting attributes, they could better integrate React with the library they're tied to.

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

What if there's both react-angular and react-ng libraries both integrating using the same attributes?

from react.

dantman avatar dantman commented on February 19, 2025

@sebmarkbage Then they'd be conflicting libraries and you could only use one of them. Just like if you tried to use Angular twice or another library that used ng-* attributes in the dom; or if you used two React components that defined and used a string type context parameter named foo for two different purposes.

from react.

sebmarkbage avatar sebmarkbage commented on February 19, 2025

The server renderer not having an alternative way to fix this particular problem is unfortunate. We should fix that in isolation. Spawned a new issue. #6798

from react.

SunnyGurnani avatar SunnyGurnani commented on February 19, 2025

Is there any update on this?

from react.

benjdlambert avatar benjdlambert commented on February 19, 2025

@jayphelps is 100% spot on.

I had a real pain trying to work out a shocker of a bug recently.
With the addition of the new playsinline to iOS10, if you put it in componentDidMount and the src attribute is already on the element from the render() it will not play inline.

I guess its kind of a bug from Safari point of view, but this is just one use case.

There will be other cases where adding elements after the element has already been inserted into the DOM which cause issues.

I fixed this, by using the is property on the element, which removes validation of props.


from react.

jayphelps avatar jayphelps commented on February 19, 2025

@benjdlambert I think you meant someone else, my only comment was linking to someone elses comment. 😄

from react.

benjdlambert avatar benjdlambert commented on February 19, 2025

@jayphelps I meant the comment after your link to the comment 👍

from react.

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