Comments (6)
Doesn't seem so. With ES6 template literals you can do
title={`Hello ${name}`}
which isn't too bad, so I'll close this out. (Maybe we can drop the outer curlies there someday.)
from react.
from react.
I often needed that for className
but then I discovered cx
from react.
It should be possible to massage JSX into transforming it, the major issue I see is that it would intefere with JavaScript function() { return (function() { return "{blabla}" }); }
and function() { return <span>{function() { return "{blabla}"; }}</span>; }
would suddenly have to very different meanings. Which makes it quite unappealing IMHO.
Commenting for potential to close.
from react.
@syranide Sorry, not sure I understand?
from react.
@spicyj You shouldn't :), because I started editing my thoughts while posting and mixed up what you were proposing title="Hello {name}"
with title={"Hello {name}"}
. Your proposal makes sense, and I stand by my first sentence, that I could probably massage JSX into doing it.
from react.
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from react.