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between-meals's Introduction

Between Meals

Continuous Integration



Between Meals is the library for calculating what Chef objects were modified between two revisions in a version control system. It is also the library that backs Taste Tester and Grocery Delivery.

It currently supports SVN, GIT and HG, but plugins can easily be written for other source control systems.

It also includes some wrappers around knife execution and a few other utility functions.


  • Colorize
  • Mixlib::ShellOut
  • Rugged


See the LICENSE file in this repo.

between-meals's People


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between-meals's Issues

between-meals can't install when rugged version is >= 0.27.0

This is technically a rugged issue, but when installing between-meals on a fresh CentOS 7.5 + Chef 13.10.4 machine (adding to Chef's embedded gems) it apparently downloads the latest version of rugged from, which breaks things if it installs a version of rugged >= 0.27.0.

Rugged isn't able to create the Makefile, due to "Could NOT find OpenSSL":

Manually installing rugged up to 0.26.0 first before between-meals works. I'm not sure what the real problem is here, looks like rugged changed something about how it was handling TLS and cmake in 0.27.0.

I'm not sure what the correct fix here is either, if between-meals needs to pin the rugged version, if this is something in the embedded Chef gem environment that needs fixed, or what.

Putting this here to track the issue in case other people hit it.

edit: same behavior on chef-14.4.56-1.el7.x86_64 too

Avoid loading unused repository classes with `auto` repo type

The rugged extension is fine iff you're using git for your repository, otherwise it's additional weight when using the auto repo. Since we're already requireing everything currently, we can consider requireing and testing the Ruby-language extensions first (ie hg and svn) and native extensions later (ie git). This does slightly change the behaviour such that if .hg or .svn are in your git repo, it will default to that repository type instead. However, in my opinion (note emphasis) once you're in a multi-repo setup like that you should be explicit on your repo type anyways and not rely on historical default behaviour.

file paths with whitespace cause rev parsing to fail with hg

When parsing a hg revision to extract the changes, parse_status(changes) will try to regex the hg log output with something like 'when /^A (\S+)$/' , but if the path has whitespace in it, it will fail to match the regex and fail the call. This might be a problem with the other repo types (git, svn) as well.

A ../../some/path/to/a/file/abcd stuffafteraspace

Maybe it's safe to assume chef repo contents won't have spaces in them, but the repo in play could have all kinds of other crap; maybe it should filter out said crap prior to mapping?

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