# mac
git clone https://github.com/davezuko/.zuko && cd .zuko && chmod +x ./bin/setup-mac.sh && ./bin/setup-mac.sh
Left Command
->Left Option
Left Control
->Left Command
Left Option
->Left Control
Left Command
->Left Control
Left Control
->Left Command
- Disable
(avoid accidentally resetting the terminal, vim, et al.) - Enable Italics Support in Vim
For better Tmux integration...
- Swap left Command and Left Control
- Add action "don't remap modifier keys" for command + shift left/right so I can still navigate between windows
To get italics working, see alacritty/alacritty#489. For Fira Mono italics, use the following fork: https://github.com/zwaldowski/Fira/tree/zwaldowski/mod-new/otf.
Issues with True Color? See https://bruinsslot.jp/post/how-to-enable-true-color-for-neovim-tmux-and-gnome-terminal/.g
Make sure node
is not installed via brew, and delete /usr/local/bin/npm
if it exists. This often gets re-created after a brew update, it seems.