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docs's Introduction

Nuxt.js Documentation

This is where the documentation is stored and served as an API


This repository contains only the Markdown files for website.

For developing in local, see instructions on nuxt/ repo.

On Translations


Russian translation is maintained by Translation Gang.


Chinese translation is maintained by AOTU Labs from China, Shenzhen.


Please read the Japanese translation guide.

Japanese translation is maintained by Vue.js Japan User Group.


Korean translation is maintained by Taewoong La.


French translation is maintained by Vuejs-FR Team.


Indonesian translation is maintained by Nuxt.js Indonesian Community Team.

Want to help with the translation?

Much of the translation was done using a tool called GitLocalize, which is unfortunately reaching its end of service soon. Hence, we're currently exploring and open to suggestions on how to keep this process as streamlined as possible.

For now, always check the en/ version of a document for its latest revision before starting a translation.

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