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Comments (10)

ddurieux avatar ddurieux commented on July 25, 2024

Humm, try with this patch in GLPI for the moment:

diff --git a/inc/api.class.php b/inc/api.class.php
index 3ae2966ce..a4a18dc9e 100644
--- a/inc/api.class.php
+++ b/inc/api.class.php
@@ -105,6 +105,10 @@ abstract class API extends CommonGLPI {

       // retrieve ip of client
       $this->iptxt = Toolbox::getRemoteIpAddress();
+      $spl = explode(',', $this->iptxt);
+      if (count($spl) > 1) {
+         $this->iptxt = $spl[0];
+      }
       $this->ipnum = (strstr($this->iptxt, ':')===false ? ip2long($this->iptxt) : '');

       // check ip access

I have same problem on an installation, I'm searching why you + me have that

from glpi_app_grafana.

rhsbarroso avatar rhsbarroso commented on July 25, 2024

Thank you, but you can give me more details, I do not quite understand what I should do.

from glpi_app_grafana.

ddurieux avatar ddurieux commented on July 25, 2024

in file glpi/inc/api.class.php , add the lines begin with the + after the line $this->iptxt = Toolbox::getRemoteIpAddress();

from glpi_app_grafana.

rhsbarroso avatar rhsbarroso commented on July 25, 2024

I have not found the line $ this-> iptxt = Toolbox :: getRemoteIpAddress (); not my /var/www/html/glpi/inc/api.class.php file.


GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
Copyright (C) 2016 Teclib'.

based on GLPI - Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique
Copyright (C) 2003-2014 by the INDEPNET Development Team.


This file is part of GLPI.

GLPI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

GLPI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with GLPI. If not, see


/** @file

abstract class API extends CommonGLPI {

// permit writing to $_SESSION
protected $session_write = false;

static $api_url = "";
protected $format;
protected $iptxt = "";
protected $ipnum = "";
protected $app_tokens = array();
protected $apiclients_id = 0;

// first function used on api call
abstract public function call();

// needed to transform params of called api in $this->parameters attribute
abstract protected function parseIncomingParams();

// generic messages
abstract protected function returnResponse($response, $code, $additionalheaders);

public function __construct() {
global $CFG_GLPI, $DB;

  // construct api url
  self::$api_url = trim($CFG_GLPI['url_base_api'], "/");

  // Don't display error in result
  set_error_handler(array('Toolbox', 'userErrorHandlerNormal'));
  ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');

  // Avoid keeping messages between api calls

  // check if api is enabled
  if (!$CFG_GLPI['enable_api']) {
     $this->returnError(__("API disabled"), "", "", false);

  // retrieve ip of client
  $this->iptxt = (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]
                                                          : $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
  $this->ipnum = (strstr($this->iptxt, ':')===false ? ip2long($this->iptxt) : '');

  // check ip access
  $apiclient = new APIClient;
  $where_ip = "";
  if ($this->ipnum) {
     $where_ip .= " AND (`ipv4_range_start` IS NULL
                         OR (`ipv4_range_start` <= '$this->ipnum'
                             AND `ipv4_range_end` >= '$this->ipnum'))";
  } else {
     $where_ip .= " AND (`ipv6` IS NULL
                         OR `ipv6` = '".$DB->escape($this->iptxt)."')";
  $found_clients = $apiclient->find("`is_active` = '1' $where_ip");
  if (count($found_clients) <= 0) {
     $this->returnError(__("There isn't an active api client matching your ip adress in the configuration").
                        " (".$this->iptxt.")",
                        "", "ERROR_NOT_ALLOWED_IP", false);
  $app_tokens = array_column($found_clients, 'app_token');
  $apiclients_id = array_column($found_clients, 'id');
  $this->app_tokens = array_combine($apiclients_id, $app_tokens);


protected function cors($verb = 'GET') {
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'])) {
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

  if ($this->verb == 'GET' || $this->verb == 'OPTIONS') {
     header("Access-Control-Expose-Headers: content-type, content-range, accept-range");

  if ($this->verb == "OPTIONS") {
        header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS");

        header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers: ".
               "origin, content-type, accept, session-token, authorization");


* Init GLPI Session
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - a couple 'name' & 'password' : 2 parameters to login with user auhentication
* OR
* - an 'user_token' defined in User Configuration
* @return array with session_token
protected function initSession($params=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI;


  if ((!isset($params['login'])
       || empty($params['login'])
       || !isset($params['password'])
       || empty($params['password']))
     && (!isset($params['user_token'])
         || empty($params['user_token']))) {
     $this->returnError(__("parameter(s) login, password or user_token are missing"), 400,

  $auth = new Auth();

  // fill missing params (in case of user_token)
  if (!isset($params['login'])) {
     $params['login'] = '';
  if (!isset($params['password'])) {
     $params['password'] = '';

  $noAuto = true;
  if (isset($params['user_token']) && !empty($params['user_token'])) {
     $_REQUEST['user_token'] = $params['user_token'];
     $noAuto = false;

  } else if (!$CFG_GLPI['enable_api_login_credentials']) {
     $this->returnError(__("usage of initSession resource with credentials is disabled"), 400,
                        "ERROR_LOGIN_WITH_CREDENTIALS_DISABLED", false);

  // login on glpi
  if (!$auth->Login($params['login'], $params['password'], $noAuto)) {
     $err = Html::clean($auth->getErr());
     if (isset($params['user_token'])
         && !empty($params['user_token'])) {
        return $this->returnError(__("parameter user_token seems invalid"), 401, "ERROR_GLPI_LOGIN_USER_TOKEN", false);
     return $this->returnError($err, 401, "ERROR_GLPI_LOGIN", false);

  // stop session and return session key
  return array('session_token' => $_SESSION['valid_id']);


* Kill GLPI Session
* Use 'session_token' param in $this->parameters
* @return boolean
protected function killSession() {

  $this->initEndpoint(false, __FUNCTION__);
  return Session::destroy();


* Retrieve GLPI Session initialised by initSession function
* Use 'session_token' param in $this->parameters
protected function retrieveSession() {

  if (isset($this->parameters['session_token'])
      && !empty($this->parameters['session_token'])) {
     $current = session_id();
     $session = trim($this->parameters['session_token']);

     if (file_exists(GLPI_ROOT . "/config/config_path.php")) {
        include_once (GLPI_ROOT . "/config/config_path.php");
     if (!defined("GLPI_SESSION_DIR")) {
        define("GLPI_SESSION_DIR", GLPI_ROOT . "/files/_sessions");

     if ($session!=$current && !empty($current)) {
     if ($session!=$current && !empty($session)) {
        if (ini_get("session.save_handler")=="files") {

        // Define current time for sync of action timing
        $_SESSION["glpi_currenttime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] = Session::NORMAL_MODE;



* Change active entity to the entities_id one.
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - 'entities_id': (default 'all') ID of the new active entity ("all" = load all possible entities). Optionnal
* - 'is_recursive': (default false) Also display sub entities of the active entity. Optionnal
* @return bool
protected function changeActiveEntities($params=array()) {


  if (!isset($params['entities_id'])) {
     $params['entities_id'] = 'all';

  if (!isset($params['is_recursive'])) {
     $params['is_recursive'] = false;

  return Session::changeActiveEntities(intval($params['entities_id']),


* return all the possible entity of the current logged user (and for current active profile)
* @return array of entities (with id and name)
protected function getMyEntities() {


  $myentities = array();
  foreach ($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['entities'] as $entity) {
     $myentities[] = array('id'   => $entity['id'],
                                        'name' => Dropdown::getDropdownName("glpi_entities",
  return array('myentities' => $myentities);


* return active entities of current logged user
* @return array with 3 keys :
* - active_entity : current set entity
* - active_entity_recursive : boolean, if we see sons of this entity
* - active_entities : array all active entities (active_entity and its sons)
protected function getActiveEntities() {


  $actives_entities = [];
  foreach (array_values($_SESSION['glpiactiveentities']) as $active_entity) {
     $actives_entities[] = ['id' => $active_entity];

  return array("active_entity" => array(
                 "id"                      => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'],
                 "active_entity_recursive" => $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity_recursive'],
                 "active_entities"         => $actives_entities));


* set a profile to active
* @param $params with theses options :
* - profiles_id : identifier of profile to set
* @return boolean
protected function changeActiveProfile($params=array()) {


  $profiles_id = intval($params['profiles_id']);
  if (isset($_SESSION['glpiprofiles'][$profiles_id])) {
     return Session::changeProfile($profiles_id);


* Return all the profiles associated to logged user
* @return array of profiles (with associated rights)
protected function getMyProfiles() {


  $myprofiles = array();
  foreach($_SESSION['glpiprofiles'] as $profiles_id => $profile) {
     // append if of the profile into values
     $profile = ['id' => $profiles_id] + $profile;

     // don't keep keys for entities
     $profile['entities'] = array_values($profile['entities']);

     // don't keep keys for profiles
     $myprofiles[] = $profile;
  return array('myprofiles' => $myprofiles);


* return the current active profile
* @return integer the profiles_id
protected function getActiveProfile() {

  return ["active_profile" => $_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']];


* return the current php $_SESSION
* @return array
protected function getFullSession() {

  return ['session' => $_SESSION];


* Return the instance fields of itemtype identified by id
* @param $itemtype string itemtype (class) of object
* @param $id integer identifier of object
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - 'expand_dropdowns': Show dropdown's names instead of id. default: false. Optionnal
* - 'get_hateoas': Show relation of current item in a links attribute. default: true. Optionnal
* - 'get_sha1': Get a sha1 signature instead of the full answer. default: false. Optionnal
* - 'with_devices': Only for [Computer, NetworkEquipment, Peripheral, Phone, Printer], Optionnal.
* - 'with_disks': Only for Computer, retrieve the associated filesystems. Optionnal.
* - 'with_softwares': Only for Computer, retrieve the associated softwares installations. Optionnal.
* - 'with_connections': Only for Computer, retrieve the associated direct connections (like peripherals and printers) .Optionnal.
* - 'with_networkports':Retrieve all network connections and advanced network informations. Optionnal.
* - 'with_infocoms': Retrieve financial and administrative informations. Optionnal.
* - 'with_contracts': Retrieve associated contracts. Optionnal.
* - 'with_documents': Retrieve associated external documents. Optionnal.
* - 'with_tickets': Retrieve associated itil tickets. Optionnal.
* - 'with_problems': Retrieve associated itil problems. Optionnal.
* - 'with_changes': Retrieve associated itil changes. Optionnal.
* - 'with_notes': Retrieve Notes (if exists, not all itemtypes have notes). Optionnal.
* - 'with_logs': Retrieve historical. Optionnal.
* @return array fields of found object
protected function getItem($itemtype, $id, $params=array()) {
global $CFG_GLPI, $DB;


  // default params
  $default = array('expand_dropdowns'  => false,
                   'get_hateoas'       => true,
                   'get_sha1'          => false,
                   'with_devices'   => false,
                   'with_disks'        => false,
                   'with_softwares'    => false,
                   'with_connections'  => false,
                   'with_networkports' => false,
                   'with_infocoms'     => false,
                   'with_contracts'    => false,
                   'with_documents'    => false,
                   'with_tickets'      => false,
                   'with_problems'     => false,
                   'with_changes'      => false,
                   'with_notes'        => false,
                   'with_logs'         => false);
  $params = array_merge($default, $params);

  $item = new $itemtype;
  if (!$item->getFromDB($id)) {
     return $this->messageNotfoundError();
  if (!$item->can($id, READ)) {
     return $this->messageRightError();

  $fields =  $item->fields;

  // avoid disclosure of critical fields

  // retrieve devices
  if (isset($params['with_devices'])
      && $params['with_devices']
      && in_array($itemtype, Item_Devices::getConcernedItems())) {
     $all_devices = array();
     foreach (Item_Devices::getItemAffinities($item->getType()) as $device_type) {
        $found_devices = getAllDatasFromTable($device_type::getTable(),
                                              "`items_id` = '".$item->getID()."'
                                               AND `itemtype` = '".$item->getType()."'
                                               AND `is_deleted` = '0'", true);

        foreach($found_devices as $devices_id => &$device) {

        if (!empty($found_devices)) {
           $all_devices[$device_type] = $found_devices;
     $fields['_devices'] = $all_devices;

  // retrieve computer disks
  if (isset($params['with_disks'])
      && $params['with_disks']
      && $itemtype == "Computer") {
     // build query to retrive filesystems
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_filesystems`.`name` AS fsname,
               FROM `glpi_computerdisks`
               LEFT JOIN `glpi_filesystems`
                         ON (`glpi_computerdisks`.`filesystems_id` = `glpi_filesystems`.`id`)
               WHERE `computers_id` = '$id'
                     AND `is_deleted` = '0'";
     $fields['_disks'] = array();
     if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
        while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
           $fields['_disks'][] = array('name' => $data);

  // retrieve computer softwares
  if (isset($params['with_softwares'])
      && $params['with_softwares']
      && $itemtype == "Computer") {
     $fields['_softwares'] = array();
     if (!Software::canView()) {
        $fields['_softwares'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $query = "SELECT `glpi_softwares`.`softwarecategories_id`,
                         `glpi_softwares`.`id` AS softwares_id,
                         `glpi_softwareversions`.`id` AS softwareversions_id,
                  FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`
                  LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`
                       ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`
                             = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`)
                  LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwares`
                       ON (`glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)
                  WHERE `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id` = '$id'
                        AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted` = '0'
                  ORDER BY `glpi_softwares`.`name`, `glpi_softwareversions`.`name`";
        if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
           while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
              $fields['_softwares'][] = $data;

  // retrieve item connections
  if (isset($params['with_connections'])
      && $params['with_connections']
      && $itemtype == "Computer") {
     $fields['_connections'] = array();
     foreach ($CFG_GLPI["directconnect_types"] as $connect_type) {
        $connect_item = new $connect_type();
        if ($connect_item->canView()) {
           $query = "SELECT `glpi_computers_items`.`id` AS assoc_id,
                     `glpi_computers_items`.`computers_id` AS assoc_computers_id,
                     `glpi_computers_items`.`itemtype` AS assoc_itemtype,
                     `glpi_computers_items`.`items_id` AS assoc_items_id,
                     `glpi_computers_items`.`is_dynamic` AS assoc_is_dynamic,
                     FROM `glpi_computers_items`
                     LEFT JOIN `".getTableForItemType($connect_type)."`
                       ON (`".getTableForItemType($connect_type)."`.`id`
                             = `glpi_computers_items`.`items_id`)
                     WHERE `computers_id` = '$id'
                           AND `itemtype` = '".$connect_type."'
                           AND `glpi_computers_items`.`is_deleted` = '0'";
           if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
              while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 $fields['_connections'][$connect_type][] = $data;

  // retrieve item networkports
  if (isset($params['with_networkports'])
      && $params['with_networkports']) {
     $fields['_networkports'] = array();
     if (!NetworkEquipment::canView()) {
        $fields['_networkports'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        foreach (NetworkPort::getNetworkPortInstantiations() as $networkport_type) {
           $netport_table = $networkport_type::getTable();
           $query = "SELECT
                       netp.`id` as netport_id,
                     FROM glpi_networkports AS netp
                     LEFT JOIN `$netport_table` AS netp_subtable
                       ON netp_subtable.`networkports_id` = netp.`id`
                     WHERE netp.`instantiation_type` = '$networkport_type'
                       AND netp.`items_id` = '$id'
                       AND netp.`itemtype` = '$itemtype'
                       AND netp.`is_deleted` = '0'";
           if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
              while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
                 if (isset($data['netport_id'])) {
                    // append network name
                    $query_netn = "SELECT
                          GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(ipadr.`id`, '".Search::SHORTSEP."' , ipadr.`name`)
                                       SEPARATOR '".Search::LONGSEP."') as ipadresses,
                          netn.`id` as networknames_id,
                          netn.`name` as networkname,
                          fqdn.`name` as fqdn_name,
                       FROM `glpi_networknames` AS netn
                       LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses` AS ipadr
                          ON ipadr.`itemtype` = 'NetworkName' AND ipadr.`items_id` = netn.`id`
                       LEFT JOIN `glpi_fqdns` AS fqdn
                          ON fqdn.`id` = netn.`fqdns_id`
                       LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks` ipadnet
                          ON ipadnet.`ipaddresses_id` = ipadr.`id`
                       LEFT JOIN `glpi_ipnetworks` `ipnet`
                          ON ipnet.`id` = ipadnet.`ipnetworks_id`
                       WHERE netn.`itemtype` = 'NetworkPort'
                         AND netn.`items_id` = ".$data['netport_id']."
                       GROUP BY netn.`id`, netn.`name`, netn.fqdns_id,, fqdn.fqdn";
                    if ($result_netn = $DB->query($query_netn)) {
                       $data_netn = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_netn);

                       $raw_ipadresses = explode(Search::LONGSEP, $data_netn['ipadresses']);
                       $ipadresses = array();
                       foreach($raw_ipadresses as $ipadress) {
                          $ipadress = explode(Search::SHORTSEP, $ipadress);

                          //find ip network attached to these ip
                          $ipnetworks = array();
                          $query_ipnet = "SELECT
                             FROM `glpi_ipnetworks` ipnet
                             INNER JOIN `glpi_ipaddresses_ipnetworks` ipadnet
                                ON ipnet.`id` = ipadnet.`ipnetworks_id`
                                AND ipadnet.`ipaddresses_id` = ".$ipadress[0];
                          if ($result_ipnet = $DB->query($query_ipnet)) {
                             while ($data_ipnet = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_ipnet)) {
                                $ipnetworks[] = $data_ipnet;

                          $ipadresses[] = array(
                             'id'        => $ipadress[0],
                             'name'      => $ipadress[1],
                             'IPNetwork' => $ipnetworks

                       $data['NetworkName'] = array(
                          'id'         => $data_netn['networknames_id'],
                          'name'       => $data_netn['networkname'],
                          'fqdns_id'   => $data_netn['fqdns_id'],
                          'FQDN'       => array(
                             'id'   => $data_netn['fqdns_id'],
                             'name' => $data_netn['fqdn_name'],
                             'fqdn' => $data_netn['fqdn']
                          'IPAddress' => $ipadresses

                 $fields['_networkports'][$networkport_type][] = $data;

  // retrieve item infocoms
  if (isset($params['with_infocoms'])
      && $params['with_infocoms']) {
     $fields['_infocoms'] = array();
     if (!Infocom::canView()) {
        $fields['_infocoms'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $ic = new Infocom();
        if ($ic->getFromDBforDevice($itemtype, $id)) {
           $fields['_infocoms'] = $ic->fields;

  // retrieve item contracts
  if (isset($params['with_contracts'])
      && $params['with_contracts']) {
     $fields['_contracts'] = array();
     if (!Contract::canView()) {
        $fields['_contracts'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $query = "SELECT `glpi_contracts_items`.*
                 FROM `glpi_contracts_items`,
                 LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_contracts`.`entities_id`=`glpi_entities`.`id`)
                 WHERE `glpi_contracts`.`id`=`glpi_contracts_items`.`contracts_id`
                       AND `glpi_contracts_items`.`items_id` = '$id'
                       AND `glpi_contracts_items`.`itemtype` = '$itemtype'".
                       getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND","glpi_contracts",'','',true)."
                 ORDER BY `glpi_contracts`.`name`";
        if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
           while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
              $fields['_contracts'][] = $data;

  // retrieve item contracts
  if (isset($params['with_documents'])
      && $params['with_documents']) {
     $fields['_documents'] = array();
     if (!$itemtype != 'Ticket'
         && $itemtype != 'KnowbaseItem'
         && $itemtype != 'Reminder'
         && !Document::canView()) {
        $fields['_documents'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $query = "SELECT `glpi_documents_items`.`id` AS assocID,
                         `glpi_documents_items`.`date_mod` AS assocdate,
                         `glpi_entities`.`id` AS entityID,
                         `glpi_entities`.`completename` AS entity,
                         `glpi_documentcategories`.`completename` AS headings,
                  FROM `glpi_documents_items`
                  LEFT JOIN `glpi_documents`
                            ON (`glpi_documents_items`.`documents_id`=`glpi_documents`.`id`)
                  LEFT JOIN `glpi_entities` ON (`glpi_documents`.`entities_id`=`glpi_entities`.`id`)
                  LEFT JOIN `glpi_documentcategories`
                          ON (`glpi_documents`.`documentcategories_id`=`glpi_documentcategories`.`id`)
                  WHERE `glpi_documents_items`.`items_id` = '$id'
                        AND `glpi_documents_items`.`itemtype` = '$itemtype' ";
        if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
           while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
              $fields['_documents'][] = $data;

  // retrieve item tickets
  if (isset($params['with_tickets'])
      && $params['with_tickets']) {
     $fields['_tickets'] = array();
     if (!Ticket::canView()) {
        $fields['_tickets'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $query = "SELECT ".Ticket::getCommonSelect()."
                  FROM `glpi_tickets` ".
                  WHERE `glpi_items_tickets`.`items_id` = '$id'
                         AND `glpi_items_tickets`.`itemtype` = '$itemtype' ".
                        getEntitiesRestrictRequest("AND", "glpi_tickets")."
                  ORDER BY `glpi_tickets`.`date_mod` DESC";
        if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
           while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
              $fields['_tickets'][] = $data;

  // retrieve item problems
  if (isset($params['with_problems'])
      && $params['with_problems']) {
     $fields['_problems'] = array();
     if (!Problem::canView()) {
        $fields['_problems'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $query = "SELECT ".Problem::getCommonSelect()."
                        FROM `glpi_problems`
                        LEFT JOIN `glpi_items_problems`
                          ON (`glpi_problems`.`id` = `glpi_items_problems`.`problems_id`) ".
                        WHERE `items_id` = '$id'
                              AND `itemtype` = '$itemtype' ".
                        ORDER BY `glpi_problems`.`date_mod` DESC";
        if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
           while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
              $fields['_problems'][] = $data;

  // retrieve item changes
  if (isset($params['with_changes'])
      && $params['with_changes']) {
     $fields['_changes'] = array();
     if (!Change::canView()) {
        $fields['_changes'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $query = "SELECT ".Change::getCommonSelect()."
                        FROM `glpi_changes`
                        LEFT JOIN `glpi_changes_items`
                          ON (`glpi_changes`.`id` = `glpi_changes_items`.`problems_id`) ".
                        WHERE `items_id` = '$id'
                              AND `itemtype` = '$itemtype' ".
                        ORDER BY `glpi_changes`.`date_mod` DESC";
        if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
           while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
              $fields['_changes'][] = $data;

  // retrieve item notes
  if (isset($params['with_notes'])
      && $params['with_notes']) {
     $fields['_notes'] = array();
     if (!Session::haveRight($itemtype::$rightname, READNOTE)) {
        $fields['_notes'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $fields['_notes'] = Notepad::getAllForItem($item);

  // retrieve item logs
  if (isset($params['with_logs'])
      && $params['with_logs']) {
     $fields['_logs'] = array();
     if (!Session::haveRight($itemtype::$rightname, READNOTE)) {
        $fields['_logs'] = self::arrayRightError();
     } else {
        $fields['_logs'] = getAllDatasFromTable("glpi_logs",
                                                "`items_id` = '".$item->getID()."'
                                                AND `itemtype` = '".$item->getType()."'");

  // expand dropdown (retrieve name of dropdowns) and get hateoas from foreign keys
  $fields = self::parseDropdowns($fields, $params);

  // get hateoas from children
  if ($params['get_hateoas']) {
     $hclasses = self::getHatoasClasses($itemtype);
     foreach($hclasses as $hclass) {
        $fields['links'][] = array('rel'  => $hclass,
                                   'href' => self::$api_url."/$itemtype/".$item->getID()."/$hclass/");

  // get sha1 footprint if needed
  if ($params['get_sha1']) {
     $fields = sha1(json_encode($fields, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE
                                         | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES
                                         | JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK));

  return $fields;


* Fill a sub array with a right error
protected function arrayRightError() {

  return array('error'   => 401,
               'message' => __("You don't have permission to perform this action."));


* Return a collection of rows of the desired itemtype
* @param $itemtype string itemtype (class) of object
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - 'expand_dropdowns' (default: false): show dropdown's names instead of id. Optionnal
* - 'get_hateoas' (default: true): show relations of items in a links attribute. Optionnal
* - 'only_id' (default: false): keep only id in fields list. Optionnal
* - 'range' (default: 0-50): limit the list to start-end attributes
* - 'sort' (default: id): sort by the field.
* - 'order' (default: ASC): ASC(ending) or DESC(ending).
* - 'searchText' (default: NULL): array of filters to pass on the query (with key = field and value the search)
* - 'is_deleted' (default: false): show trashbin. Optionnal
* @param $totalcount integer output parameter who receive the total count of the query resulat.
* As this function paginate results (with a mysql LIMIT),
* we can have the full range. (default 0)
* @return array collection of fields
protected function getItems($itemtype, $params = array(), &$totalcount=0) {
global $DB;


  // default params
  $default = array('expand_dropdowns' => false,
                   'get_hateoas'      => true,
                   'only_id'          => false,
                   'range'            => "0-".$_SESSION['glpilist_limit'],
                   'sort'             => "id",
                   'order'            => "ASC",
                   'searchText'       => NULL,
                   'is_deleted'       => false);
  $params = array_merge($default, $params);

  if (!$itemtype::canView()) {
     return $this->messageRightError();

  $found = array();
  $item = new $itemtype();
  $table = getTableForItemType($itemtype);

  // transform range parameter in start and limit variables
  if (isset($params['range']) > 0) {
     if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+-[0-9]+\$/", $params['range'])) {
        $range = explode("-", $params['range']);
        $params['start']      = $range[0];
        $params['list_limit'] = $range[1]-$range[0]+1;
        $params['range']      = $range;
     } else {
        $this->returnError("range must be in format : [start-end] with integers");
  } else{
     $params['range'] = array(0, $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);

  // check parameters
  if (isset($params['order'])
      && !in_array(strtoupper($params['order']), array('DESC', 'ASC'))) {
     $this->returnError("order must be DESC or ASC");
  if (!isset($item->fields[$params['sort']])) {
     $this->returnError("sort param is not a field of $table");

  //specific case for restriction
  $already_linked_table = array();
  $join = Search::addDefaultJoin($itemtype, $table, $already_linked_table);
  $where = Search::addDefaultWhere($itemtype);
  if ($where == '') $where = "1=1 ";

  // manage return of deleted elements
  if ($item->maybeDeleted()) {
     $where.= "AND `$table`.`is_deleted` = ".intval($params['is_deleted']);

  // add filter for a parent itemtype
  if (isset($this->parameters['parent_itemtype'])
      && isset($this->parameters['parent_id'])) {

     // check parent itemtype
     if (!class_exists($this->parameters['parent_itemtype'])
         || !is_subclass_of($this->parameters['parent_itemtype'], 'CommonDBTM')) {
        $this->returnError(__("parent itemtype not found or not an instance of CommonDBTM"),

     $fk_parent = getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($this->parameters['parent_itemtype']);
     $fk_child = getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($itemtype);

     // check parent rights
     $parent_item = new $this->parameters['parent_itemtype'];
     if (!$parent_item->getFromDB($this->parameters['parent_id'])) {
        return $this->messageNotfoundError();
     if (!$parent_item->can($this->parameters['parent_id'], READ)) {
        return $this->messageRightError();

     // filter with parents fields
     if (isset($item->fields[$fk_parent])) {
        $where.= " AND `$table`.`$fk_parent` = ".$this->parameters['parent_id'];
     } else if (isset($item->fields['itemtype'])
             && isset($item->fields['items_id'])) {
        $where.= " AND `$table`.`itemtype` = '".$this->parameters['parent_itemtype']."'
                   AND `$table`.`items_id` = ".$this->parameters['parent_id'];
     } else if(isset($parent_item->fields[$fk_child])) {
        $parentTable = getTableForItemType($this->parameters['parent_itemtype']);
        $join.= " LEFT JOIN `$parentTable` ON `$parentTable`.`$fk_child` = `$table`.`id` ";
        $where.= " AND `$parentTable`.`id` = '" . $this->parameters['parent_id'] . "'" ;
     } else if (isset($parent_item->fields['itemtype'])
             && isset($parent_item->fields['items_id'])) {
        $parentTable = getTableForItemType($this->parameters['parent_itemtype']);
        $join.= " LEFT JOIN `$parentTable` ON `itemtype`='$itemtype' AND `$parentTable`.`items_id` = `$table`.`id` ";
        $where.= " AND `$parentTable`.`id` = '" . $this->parameters['parent_id'] . "'";

  // filter by searchText parameter
  if (is_array($params['searchText'])) {
     if (array_keys($params['searchText']) == array('all')) {
        $labelfield = "name";
        if ($item instanceof CommonDevice) {
           $labelfield = "designation";
        } else if ($item instanceof Item_Devices) {
           $labelfield = "itemtype";
        $search_value                      = $params['searchText']['all'];
        $params['searchText'][$labelfield] = $search_value;
        if (FieldExists($table, 'comment')) {
           $params['searchText']['comment'] = $search_value;

     // make text search
     foreach($params['searchText']  as $filter_field => $filter_value) {
        if (!empty($filter_value)) {
           $search = Search::makeTextSearch($filter_value);
           $where.= " AND (`$table`.`$filter_field` $search
                           OR `$table`.`id` $search)";

  // filter with entity
  if ($item->isEntityAssign()) {
     $where.= " AND (". getEntitiesRestrictRequest("",

     if ($item instanceof Bookmark) {
        $where.= " OR ".$itemtype::getTable().".entities_id = -1";

     $where.= ")";

  // build query
  $query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT `$table`.id,  `$table`.*
            FROM `$table`
            WHERE $where
            ORDER BY ".$params['sort']." ".$params['order']."
            LIMIT ".$params['start'].", ".$params['list_limit'];
  if ($result = $DB->query($query)) {
     while ($data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $found[] = $data;

  // get result full row counts
  $query_numtotalrow = "Select FOUND_ROWS()";
  $result_numtotalrow = $DB->query($query_numtotalrow);
  $data_numtotalrow = $DB->fetch_assoc($result_numtotalrow);
  $totalcount = $data_numtotalrow['FOUND_ROWS()'];

  if ($params['range'][0] > $totalcount) {
     $this->returnError("Provided range exceed total count of data: ".$totalcount,

  foreach ($found as $key => &$fields) {
     // only keep id in field list
     if ($params['only_id']) {
        $fields = array('id' => $fields['id']);

     // avioid disclosure of critical fields

     // expand dropdown (retrieve name of dropdowns) and get hateoas
     $fields = self::parseDropdowns($fields, $params);

     // get hateoas from children
     if ($params['get_hateoas']) {
        $hclasses = self::getHatoasClasses($itemtype);
        foreach($hclasses as $hclass) {
           $fields['links'][] = array('rel' => $hclass,
                                      'href' => self::$api_url."/$itemtype/".$fields['id']."/$hclass/");

  return array_values($found);


* Return a collection of items queried in input ($items)
* Call self::getItem for each line of $items
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - items: array containing lines with itemtype and items_id keys
* Ex: [
* [itemtype => 'Ticket', id => 102],
* [itemtype => 'User', id => 10],
* [itemtype => 'User', id => 11],
* ]
* - 'expand_dropdowns': Show dropdown's names instead of id. default: false. Optionnal
* - 'get_hateoas': Show relation of current item in a links attribute. default: true. Optionnal
* - 'get_sha1': Get a sha1 signature instead of the full answer. default: false. Optionnal
* - 'with_devices': Only for [Computer, NetworkEquipment, Peripheral, Phone, Printer], Optionnal.
* - 'with_disks': Only for Computer, retrieve the associated filesystems. Optionnal.
* - 'with_softwares': Only for Computer, retrieve the associated softwares installations. Optionnal.
* - 'with_connections': Only for Computer, retrieve the associated direct connections (like peripherals and printers) .Optionnal.
* - 'with_networkports': Retrieve all network connections and advanced network informations. Optionnal.
* - 'with_infocoms': Retrieve financial and administrative informations. Optionnal.
* - 'with_contracts': Retrieve associated contracts. Optionnal.
* - 'with_documents': Retrieve associated external documents. Optionnal.
* - 'with_tickets': Retrieve associated itil tickets. Optionnal.
* - 'with_problems': Retrieve associated itil problems. Optionnal.
* - 'with_changes': Retrieve associated itil changes. Optionnal.
* - 'with_notes': Retrieve Notes (if exists, not all itemtypes have notes). Optionnal.
* - 'with_logs': Retrieve historical. Optionnal.
* @return array collection of glpi object's fields
protected function getMultipleItems($params=array()) {

  if (!is_array($params['items'])) {
     return $this->messageBadArrayError();

  $allitems = [];
  foreach($params['items'] as $item) {
     if (!isset($item['items_id']) && !isset($item['itemtype'])) {
        return $this->messageBadArrayError();

     $fields = $this->getItem($item['itemtype'], $item['items_id'], $params);
     $allitems[] = $fields;

  return $allitems;


* List the searchoptions of provided itemtype. To use with searchItems function
* @param $itemtype string itemtype (class) of object
* @param $params array
* @return array all searchoptions of specified itemtype
protected function listSearchOptions($itemtype, $params= array()) {

  $soptions = Search::getOptions($itemtype);

  if (isset($params['raw'])) {
     return $soptions;

  $cleaned_soptions = array();
  foreach($soptions as $sID => $option) {
     if (is_int($sID)) {
        $available_searchtypes = Search::getActionsFor($itemtype, $sID);
        $available_searchtypes = array_keys($available_searchtypes);

        $cleaned_soptions[$sID] = array('name'                  => $option['name'],
                                        'table'                 => $option['table'],
                                        'field'                 => $option['field'],
                                        'datatype'              => isset($option['datatype'])
                                        'available_searchtypes' => $available_searchtypes);
        $cleaned_soptions[$sID]['uid'] = $this->getSearchOptionUniqID($itemtype,
     } else {
        $cleaned_soptions[$sID] = $option;

  return $cleaned_soptions;


* Generate an unique id of a searchoption based on:
* - itemtype
* - linkfield
* - joinparams
* - field
* It permits to identify a searchoption with an named index instead a numeric one
* @param $itemtype CommonDBTM current itemtype called on ressource listSearchOption
* @param $option array current option to generate an unique id
* @return string the unique id
private function getSearchOptionUniqID($itemtype, $option=array()) {

  $uid_parts = array($itemtype);

  $sub_itemtype = getItemTypeForTable($option['table']);

  if ((isset($option['joinparams']['beforejoin']['table'])
       || empty($option['joinparams']))
      && $option['linkfield'] != getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($sub_itemtype)
      && $option['linkfield'] != $option['field']) {
     $uid_parts[] = $option['linkfield'];

  if (isset($option['joinparams'])) {
     if (isset($option['joinparams']['beforejoin'])) {
        $sub_parts  = $this->getSearchOptionUniqIDJoins($option['joinparams']['beforejoin']);
        $uid_parts = array_merge($uid_parts, $sub_parts);

  if (isset($option['joinparams']['beforejoin']['table'])
      || $sub_itemtype != $itemtype) {
     $uid_parts[] = $sub_itemtype;

  $uid_parts[] = $option['field'];

  $uuid = implode('.', $uid_parts);

  return $uuid;


* Generate subpart of a unique id of a search option with parsing joinparams recursively
* @param $option array ['joinparams']['beforejoin'] subpart of a searchoption
* @return array unique id parts
private function getSearchOptionUniqIDJoins($option) {

  $uid_parts = array();
  if (isset($option['joinparams']['beforejoin'])) {
     $sub_parts  = $this->getSearchOptionUniqIDJoins($option['joinparams']['beforejoin']);
     $uid_parts = array_merge($uid_parts, $sub_parts);

  if (isset($option['table'])) {
     $uid_parts[] = getItemTypeForTable($option['table']);

  return $uid_parts;


* Expose the GLPI searchEngine
* @param $itemtype string itemtype (class) of object
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - 'criteria': array of criterion object to filter search.
* Optionnal.
* Each criterion object must provide :
* - link: (optionnal for 1st element) logical operator in [AND, OR, AND NOT, AND NOT].
* - field: id of searchoptions.
* - searchtype: type of search in [contains, equals, notequals, lessthan, morethan, under, notunder].
* - value : value to search.
* - 'metacriteria' (optionnal): array of metacriterion object to filter search.
* Optionnal.
* A meta search is a link with another itemtype
* (ex: Computer with softwares).
* Each metacriterion object must provide :
* - link: logical operator in [AND, OR, AND NOT, AND NOT]. Mandatory
* - itemtype: second itemtype to link.
* - field: id of searchoptions.
* - searchtype: type of search in [contains, equals, notequals, lessthan, morethan, under, notunder].
* - value : value to search.
* - 'sort' : id of searchoption to sort by (default 1). Optionnal.
* - 'order' : ASC - Ascending sort / DESC Descending sort (default ASC). Optionnal.
* - 'range' : a string with a couple of number for start and end of pagination separated by a '-'. Ex : 150-200. (default 0-50)
* Optionnal.
* - 'forcedisplay': array of columns to display (default empty = empty use display pref and search criterias).
* Some columns will be always presents (1-id, 2-name, 80-Entity).
* Optionnal.
* - 'rawdata': boolean for displaying raws data of Search engine of glpi (like sql request, and full searchoptions)
* @return Array of raw rows from Search class
protected function searchItems($itemtype, $params=array()) {
global $DEBUG_SQL;


  // check rights
  if ($itemtype != 'AllAssets'
      && !$itemtype::canView()) {
     return $this->messageRightError();

  // retrieve searchoptions
  $soptions = $this->listSearchOptions($itemtype);

  // Check the criterias are valid
  if (isset($params['criteria']) && is_array($params['criteria'])) {
     foreach ($params['criteria'] as $criteria) {
        if (!isset($criteria['field']) || !isset($criteria['searchtype'])
            || !isset($criteria['value'])) {
           return $this->returnError(__("Malformed search criteria"));

        if (!ctype_digit((string) $criteria['field']) 
              || !array_key_exists($criteria['field'], $soptions)) {
           return $this->returnError(__("Bad field ID in search criteria"));

  // manage forcedisplay
  if (isset($params['forcedisplay'])) {
     if (!is_array($params['forcedisplay'])) {
        $params['forcedisplay'] = array(intval($params['forcedisplay']));
     $params['forcedisplay'] = array_combine($params['forcedisplay'], $params['forcedisplay']);
  } else {
     $params['forcedisplay'] = array();

  // transform range parameter in start and limit variables
  if (isset($params['range']) > 0) {
     if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+-[0-9]+\$/", $params['range'])) {
        $range = explode("-", $params['range']);
        $params['start']      = $range[0];
        $params['list_limit'] = $range[1]-$range[0]+1;
        $params['range']      = $range;
     } else {
        $this->returnError("range must be in format : [start-end] with integers");
  } else{
     $params['range'] = array(0, $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']);

  // force reset
  $params['reset'] = 'reset';

  // force logging sql queries
  $_SESSION['glpi_use_mode'] = Session::DEBUG_MODE;

  // call Core Search method
  $rawdata = Search::getDatas($itemtype, $params, $params['forcedisplay']);

  // probably a sql error
  if (!isset($rawdata['data']) || count($rawdata['data']) === 0) {
     $this->returnError("Unexpected SQL Error : ".array_splice($DEBUG_SQL['errors'], -2)[0],
                        500, "ERROR_SQL", false);

  $cleaned_data = array('totalcount' => $rawdata['data']['totalcount'],
                        'count'      => count($rawdata['data']['rows']),
                        'sort'       => $rawdata['search']['sort'],
                        'order'      => $rawdata['search']['order']);

  if ($params['range'][0] > $cleaned_data['totalcount']) {
     $this->returnError("Provided range exceed total count of data: ".$cleaned_data['totalcount'],

  // fix end range
  if ($params['range'][1] > $cleaned_data['totalcount'] - 1) {
     $params['range'][1] = $cleaned_data['totalcount'] - 1;

  //prepare cols (searchoptions_id) for cleaned data
  $cleaned_cols = array();
  foreach ($rawdata['data']['cols'] as $col) {
     $cleaned_cols[] = $col['id'];

  // prepare cols wwith uid
  if (isset($params['uid_cols'])) {
     $uid_cols = array();
     foreach ($cleaned_cols as $col) {
        $uid_cols[] = $soptions[$col]['uid'];

  foreach($rawdata['data']['rows'] as $row) {
     $raw = $row['raw'];
     $id = $raw['id'];

     // keep row itemtype for all asset
     if ($itemtype == 'AllAssets' ) {
        $current_id       = $raw['id'];
        $current_itemtype = $raw['TYPE'];

     // retrive value (and manage multiple values)
     $clean_values = array();
     foreach ($row as $rkey => $rvalues) {
        // skip index who are not real columns (ex: raw, entities_id, etc)
        if (!is_integer($rkey)) {

        // manage multiple values (ex: IP adresses)
        $current_values = array();
        for ($valindex= 0; $valindex < $rvalues['count']; $valindex++) {
           $current_values[] = $rvalues[$valindex]['name'];
        if (count($current_values) == 1) {
           $current_values = $current_values[0];

        $clean_values[] = $current_values;

     // combine cols (searchoptions_id) with values (raws data)
     if (isset($params['uid_cols'])) {
        $current_line = array_combine($uid_cols, $clean_values);
     } else {
        $current_line = array_combine($cleaned_cols, $clean_values);

     // if all asset, provide type in returned data
     if ($itemtype == 'AllAssets') {
        $current_line['id']       = $current_id;
        $current_line['itemtype'] = $current_itemtype;

     // append to final array
     if (isset($params['withindexes'])) {
        $cleaned_data['data'][$id] = $current_line;
     } else {
        $cleaned_data['data'][] = $current_line;

  // add rows with their html
  if (isset($params['giveItems'])) {
     $cleaned_data['data_html'] = array();
     foreach($rawdata['data']['rows'] as $row) {
        $new_row = array();
        foreach ($row as $cell_key => $cell) {
           if (isset($cell['displayname'])) {
              $new_row[$cell_key] = $cell['displayname'];
        $new_row = array_combine($cleaned_cols, $new_row);

        if (isset($params['withindexes'])) {
           $cleaned_data['data_html'][$row['id']] = $new_row;
        } else {
           $cleaned_data['data_html'][] = $new_row;

  if (isset($params['rawdata'])
      && $params['rawdata']) {
     $cleaned_data['rawdata'] = $rawdata;

  $cleaned_data['content-range'] = implode('-', $params['range']).

  // return data
  return $cleaned_data;


* Add an object to GLPI
* @param $itemtype string itemtype (class) of object
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - 'input' : object with fields of itemtype to be inserted.
* You can add several items in one action by passing array of input object.
* Mandatory.
* @return array of id
protected function createItems($itemtype, $params=array()) {
$input = isset($params['input']) ? $params["input"] : null;
$item = new $itemtype;
$response = "";
if (is_object($input)) {
$input = array($input);
$isMultiple = false;
} else {
$isMultiple = true;

  if (is_array($input)) {
     $idCollection = array();
     $failed       = 0;
     foreach($input as $object) {
        $object = self::inputObjectToArray($object);
        //check rights
        if (!$item->can(-1, CREATE, $object)) {
           $idCollection[] = array(
                       'id' => false,
                       'message' => __("You don't have permission to perform this action.")
        } else {
           // add missing entity
           if (!isset($object['entities_id'])) {
              $object['entities_id'] = $_SESSION['glpiactive_entity'];

           //add current item
           $object = Toolbox::sanitize($object);
           $new_id = $item->add($object);
           if ($new_id === false) {
           $idCollection[] = array('id' => $new_id, 'message' => $this->getGlpiLastMessage());
     if ($isMultiple) {
        if ($failed == count($input)) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection, 400, "ERROR_GLPI_ADD", false);
        } else if ($failed > 0) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection, 207, "ERROR_GLPI_PARTIAL_ADD", false);
     } else {
        if ($failed > 0) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection[0]['message'], 400, "ERROR_GLPI_ADD", false);
        } else {
           return $idCollection[0];
     return $idCollection;

  } else {


* Transform all stdobject retrieved from a json_decode into arrays
* @SInCE 9.1
* @param mixed $input can be an object or array
* @return array the cleaned input
private function inputObjectToArray($input) {
if (is_object($input)) {
$input = get_object_vars($input);

  if (is_array($input)) {
     foreach ($input as $key => &$sub_input) {
        $sub_input = self::inputObjectToArray($sub_input);

  return $input;


* update an object to GLPI
* @param $itemtype string itemtype (class) of object
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - 'input' : Array of objects with fields of itemtype to be updated.
* Mandatory.
* You must provide in each object a key named 'id' to identify item to update.
* @return array of boolean
protected function updateItems($itemtype, $params = array()) {

  $input    = isset($params['input']) ? $params["input"] : null;
  $item     = new $itemtype;
  $response = "";
  if (is_object($input)) {
     $input = array($input);
     $isMultiple = false;
  } else {
     $isMultiple = true;

  if (is_array($input)) {
     $idCollection = array();
     $failed       = 0;
     foreach($input as $object) {
        if (isset($object->id)) {
           if (!$item->getFromDB($object->id)) {
              $idCollection[] = array($object->id => false, 'message' => __("Item not found"));

           //check rights
           if (!$item->can($object->id, UPDATE)) {
              $idCollection[] = array(
                    $object->id => false,
                    'message' => __("You don't have permission to perform this action.")
           } else {
              //update item
              $object = Toolbox::sanitize((array)$object);
              $update_return = $item->update($object);
              if ($update_return === false) {
              $idCollection[] = array($item->fields["id"] => $update_return, 'message' => $this->getGlpiLastMessage());
     if ($isMultiple) {
        if ($failed == count($input)) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection, 400, "ERROR_GLPI_UPDATE", false);
        } else if ($failed > 0) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection, 207, "ERROR_GLPI_PARTIAL_UPDATE", false);
     } else {
        if ($failed > 0) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection[0]['message'], 400, "ERROR_GLPI_UPDATE", false);
        } else {
           return $idCollection; // Return collection, even if the request affects a single item
     return $idCollection;

  } else {


* delete one or more objects in GLPI
* @param $itemtype string itemtype (class) of object
* @param $params array with theses options :
* - 'input' : Array of objects with fields of itemtype to be updated.
* Mandatory.
* You must provide in each object a key named 'id' to identify item to delete.*
* - 'force_purge' : boolean, if itemtype have a dustbin, you can force purge (delete finally).
* Optionnal.
* - 'history' : boolean, default true, false to disable saving of deletion in global history.
* Optionnal.
* @return boolean or array of boolean
protected function deleteItems($itemtype, $params=array()) {

  $default  = array('force_purge' => false,
                    'history'     => true);
  $params   = array_merge($default, $params);
  $input    = $params['input'];
  $item     = new $itemtype;
  $response = "";
  if (is_object($input)) {
     $input = array($input);
     $isMultiple = false;
  } else {
     $isMultiple = true;

  if (is_array($input)) {
     $idCollection = array();
     $failed = 0;
     foreach($input as $object) {
        if (isset($object->id)) {
           if (!$item->getFromDB($object->id)) {
              $idCollection[] = array($object->id => false, 'message' => __("Item not found"));

           // Force purge for templates / may not to be deleted / not dynamic lockable items
           // see CommonDBTM::delete()
           // Needs factorization
           if ($item->isTemplate()
              || !$item->maybeDeleted()
              // Do not take into account deleted field if maybe dynamic but not dynamic
              || ($item->useDeletedToLockIfDynamic()
                    && !$item->isDynamic())) {
              $params['force_purge'] = 1;
           } else {
              $params['force_purge'] = filter_var($params['force_purge'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);

           //check rights
           if (($params['force_purge']
                && !$item->can($object->id, PURGE))
               || (!$params['force_purge']
                   && !$item->can($object->id, DELETE))) {
              $idCollection[] = array(
                    $object->id => false,
                    'message' => __("You don't have permission to perform this action.")
           } else {
              //delete item
              $delete_return = $item->delete((array) $object,
              if ($delete_return === false) {
              $idCollection[] = array($object->id => $delete_return, 'message' => $this->getGlpiLastMessage());
     if ($isMultiple) {
        if ($failed == count($input)) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection, 400, "ERROR_GLPI_DELETE", false);
        } else if ($failed > 0) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection, 207, "ERROR_GLPI_PARTIAL_DELETE", false);
     } else {
        if ($failed > 0) {
           $this->returnError($idCollection[0]['message'], 400, "ERROR_GLPI_DELETE", false);
        } else {
           return $idCollection; // Return collection, even if the request affects a single item

     return $idCollection;

  } else {


* Function called by each commun function of the api.
* We need for each of these to :
* - checks app_token
* - log
* - check session token
* - unlock session if needed (set ip to readmonly to permit concurrent calls)
* @param $unlock_session boolean do we need to unlock session (default true)
* @param $endpoint string name of the current function (default '')
private function initEndpoint($unlock_session=true, $endpoint="") {

  if ($endpoint === "") {
     $backtrace = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
     $endpoint = $backtrace[1]['function'];
  if ($unlock_session) {


* check if the app_toke in case of config ask to
private function checkAppToken() {

  // check app token (if needed)
  if (!isset($this->parameters['app_token'])) {
     $this->parameters['app_token'] = "";
  if (!$this->apiclients_id = array_search($this->parameters['app_token'], $this->app_tokens)) {
     $this->returnError(__("missing parameter app_token"), 400,


* Log usage of the api into glpi historical or log files (defined by api config)
* It stores the ip and the username of the current session.
* @param $endpoint string function called by api to log (default '')
private function logEndpointUsage($endpoint="") {

  $username = "";
  if (isset($_SESSION['glpiname'])) {
     $username = "(".$_SESSION['glpiname'].")";

  $apiclient = new APIClient;
  if ($apiclient->getFromDB($this->apiclients_id)) {
     $changes[0] = 0;
     $changes[1] = "";
     $changes[2] = "Enpoint '$endpoint' called by ".$this->iptxt." $username";

     switch ($apiclient->fields['dolog_method']) {
        case APIClient::DOLOG_HISTORICAL:
           Log::history($this->apiclients_id, 'APIClient', $changes, 0,

        case APIClient::DOLOG_LOGS:
           Toolbox::logInFile("api", $changes[2]."\n");


* Check that the session_token is provided and match to a valid php session
* @return boolean
protected function checkSessionToken() {

  if (!isset($this->parameters['session_token'])
      || empty($this->parameters['session_token']))  {
     return $this->messageSessionTokenMissing();

  $current = session_id();
  if ($this->parameters['session_token'] != $current
      && !empty($current)
      || !isset($_SESSION['glpiID'])) {
     return $this->messageSessionError();


* Unlock the current session (readonly) to permit concurrent call
private function unlockSessionIfPossible() {

  if (!$this->session_write) {


* Get last message added in $_SESSION by Session::addMessageAfterRedirect
* @return array of messages
private function getGlpiLastMessage() {

  $all_messages             = [];

  $messages_after_redirect  = [];

      && count($_SESSION["MESSAGE_AFTER_REDIRECT"]) > 0) {
     $messages_after_redirect = $_SESSION["MESSAGE_AFTER_REDIRECT"];
     // Clean messages

  // clean html
  foreach($messages_after_redirect as $type => $messages) {
     foreach ($messages as $message) {
        $all_messages[] = Html::clean($message);

  if (!end($all_messages)) {
     return '';
  return end($all_messages);


* Show API Debug
protected function showDebug() {

* Show API header
* in debug, it add body and some libs (essentialy to colorise markdown)
* otherwise, it change only Content-Type of the page
* @param $html (default false)
* @param $title (default '')
protected function header($html=false, $title="") {

  // Send UTF8 Headers
  $content_type = "application/json";
  if ($html) {
     $content_type = "text/html";
  header("Content-Type: $content_type; charset=UTF-8");

   // Send extra expires header

  if ($html) {
     if (empty($title)) {
        $title = $this->getTypeName();


     // Body with configured stuff
     echo "<body>";
     echo "<div id='page'>";


* Display the API Documentation in Html (parsed from markdown)
* @param $file string relative path of documentation file
public function inlineDocumentation($file) {
global $CFG_GLPI;

  self::header(true, __("API Documentation"));
  echo Html::css($CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/lib/prism/prism.css");
  echo Html::script($CFG_GLPI['root_doc']."/lib/prism/prism.js");

  echo "<div class='documentation'>";
  $documentation = file_get_contents(GLPI_ROOT.'/'.$file);
  $md = new Michelf\MarkdownExtra();
  $md->code_class_prefix = "language-";
  $md->header_id_func = function($headerName) {
     $headerName = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $headerName);
     return rawurlencode(strtolower(strtr($headerName, [' ' => '-'])));
  echo $md->transform($documentation);
  echo "</div>";



* transform array of fields passed in parameter :
* change value from integer id to string name of foreign key
* You can pass an array of array, this method is recursive.
* @param $fields array to check and transform
* @param $expand bool array of option to enable, could be :
* - expand_dropdowns (default false)
* - get_hateoas (default true)
* @return array altered $fields
protected static function parseDropdowns($fields, $params=array()) {

  // default params
  $default = array('expand_dropdowns' => false,
                   'get_hateoas'      => true);
  $params = array_merge($default, $params);

  // parse fields recursively
  foreach($fields as $key => &$value) {
     if (is_array($value)) {
        $value = self::parseDropdowns($value);
     if (is_integer($key)) {
     if (isForeignKeyField($key)) {
        // specific key transformations
        if ($key == "items_id" && isset($fields['itemtype'])) {
           $key = getForeignKeyFieldForItemType($fields['itemtype']);
        if ($key == "auths_id"
            && isset($fields['authtype']) && $fields['authtype'] == Auth::LDAP) {
           $key = "authldaps_id";
        if ($key == "default_requesttypes_id") {
           $key = "requesttypes_id";

        if (!empty($value)
            || $key == 'entities_id' && $value >= 0) {

           $tablename = getTableNameForForeignKeyField($key);
           $itemtype = getItemTypeForTable($tablename);

           // get hateoas
           if ($params['get_hateoas']) {
              $fields['links'][] = array('rel'  => $itemtype,
                                         'href' => self::$api_url."/$itemtype/".$value);

           // expand dropdown
           if ($params['expand_dropdowns']) {
              $value = Dropdown::getDropdownName($tablename, $value);
              // fix value for inexistent items
              if ($value == "&nbsp;") {
                 $value = "";
  return $fields;


* retrieve all child class for itemtype parameter
* @param $itemtype string
* @return array child classes
static function getHatoasClasses($itemtype) {
global $CFG_GLPI;

  $hclasses = array();
  if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["reservation_types"])) {
     $hclasses[] = "ReservationItem";
  if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["document_types"])) {
     $hclasses[] = "Document_Item";
  if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["contract_types"])) {
     $hclasses[] = "Contract_Item";
  if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["infocom_types"])) {
     $hclasses[] = "Infocom";
  if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["ticket_types"])) {
     $hclasses[] = "Item_Ticket";
  }if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["project_asset_types"])) {
     $hclasses[] = "Item_Project";
  if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["networkport_types"])) {
     $hclasses[] = "NetworkPort";
  if (in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["itemdevices_types"])) {
     //$hclasses[] = "Item_Devices";
     foreach($CFG_GLPI['device_types'] as $device_type) {
        if ((($device_type =="DeviceMemory")
             && !in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["itemdevicesmemory_types"]))
            || (($device_type =="DevicePowerSupply")
                && !in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["itemdevicepowersupply_types"]))
            || (($device_type =="DeviceNetworkCard")
                && !in_array($itemtype, $CFG_GLPI["itemdevicenetworkcard_types"]))) {
        $hclasses[] = $device_type;

  //specific case
  switch($itemtype) {
     case 'Ticket' :
        $hclasses[] = "TicketFollowup";
        $hclasses[] = "TicketTask";
        $hclasses[] = "TicketValidation";
        $hclasses[] = "TicketCost";
        $hclasses[] = "Problem_Ticket";
        $hclasses[] = "Change_Ticket";
        $hclasses[] = "Item_Ticket";

     case 'Problem' :
        $hclasses[] = "ProblemTask";
        $hclasses[] = "ProblemCost";
        $hclasses[] = "Change_Problem";
        $hclasses[] = "Problem_Ticket";
        $hclasses[] = "Item_Problem";

     case 'Change' :
        $hclasses[] = "ChangeTask";
        $hclasses[] = "ChangeCost";
        $hclasses[] = "Change_Project";
        $hclasses[] = "Change_Problem";
        $hclasses[] = "Change_Ticket";
        $hclasses[] = "Change_Item";

     case 'Project' :
        $hclasses[] = "ProjectTask";
        $hclasses[] = "ProjectCost";
        $hclasses[] = "Change_Project";
        $hclasses[] = "Item_Project";

  return $hclasses;


* Send 404 error to client
* @param $return_error (default true)
public function messageNotfoundError($return_error=true) {

  $this->returnError(__("Item not found"),


* Send 400 error to client
* @param $return_error (default true)
public function messageBadArrayError($return_error=true) {

  $this->returnError(__("input parameter must be an array of objects"),


* Send 405 error to client
* @param $return_error (default true)
public function messageLostError($return_error=true) {

  $this->returnError(__("Method Not Allowed"),


* Send 401 error to client
* @param $return_error (default true)
public function messageRightError($return_error=true) {

  $this->returnError(__("You don't have permission to perform this action."),


* Session Token KO
* @param $return_error (default true)
public function messageSessionError($return_error=true) {
$this->returnError(__("session_token seems invalid"),

* Session Token missing
* @param $return_error (default true)
public function messageSessionTokenMissing($return_error=true) {

  $this->returnError(__("parameter session_token is missing or empty"),


* Generic function to send a error message and an error code to client
* @param $message string message to send (human readable)(default 'Bad Request')
* @param $httpcode integer http code (see :
* (default 400)
* @param $statuscode string API status (to represend more precisely the current error)
* (default ERROR)
* @param $docmessage boolean if true, add a link to inline document in message
* (default true)
* @param $return_response boolean if true, the error will be send to returnResponse function
* (who may exit after sending data), otherwise,
* we will return an array with the error
* (default true)
public function returnError($message="Bad Request", $httpcode=400, $statuscode="ERROR",
$docmessage=true, $return_response=true) {
global $CFG_GLPI;

  if (empty($httpcode)) {
     $httpcode = 400;
  if (empty($statuscode)) {
     $statuscode = "ERROR";

  if ($docmessage) {
     $message .= "; ".sprintf(__("view documentation in your browser at %s"),
  if ($return_response) {
     return $this->returnResponse(array($statuscode, $message), $httpcode);
  return array($statuscode, $message);


* get the raw HTTP request body
* @return string
protected function getHttpBodyStream() {
return file_get_contents('php://input');

from glpi_app_grafana.

rhsbarroso avatar rhsbarroso commented on July 25, 2024

Good evening.
Any new help?

from glpi_app_grafana.

ddurieux avatar ddurieux commented on July 25, 2024

Sorry, wrong version, it's before the line $this->ipnum = (strstr($this->iptxt, ':')===false ? ip2long($this->iptxt) : '');

What webserver you use? apache?nginx?

from glpi_app_grafana.

rhsbarroso avatar rhsbarroso commented on July 25, 2024

No problem.
I'm testing now.
My webservice is apache.

from glpi_app_grafana.

rhsbarroso avatar rhsbarroso commented on July 25, 2024


worked correctly now.
I'm going to go to the templates.
Thank you.

from glpi_app_grafana.

ddurieux avatar ddurieux commented on July 25, 2024

Great \o/
I will see for the issue, I think it's related to the proxy access, nedd test it ;)

from glpi_app_grafana.

rhsbarroso avatar rhsbarroso commented on July 25, 2024


from glpi_app_grafana.

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