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go-proto-gql's Introduction


This project aims to solve the problem of communication between services that use different API protocols. Such as GraphQL and gRPC.

Let's say your backend services use gRPC for fast and reliable communication however your frontend uses GraphQL. Normally your only two options:

  1. Either expose gRPC endpoints alongside GraphQL endpoints or build and
  2. Maintain another service that acts as a gateway between your backend infrastructure and frontend application.

This project provides tools to help you build your API much quicker for both of these cases.

  1. Use protoc-gen-gql, protoc-gen-gogql and proto2graphql to generate boilerplate code on your backend.
  2. Spin up a gateway and convey the messages from one protocol to the other on the fly!

Check out the docs for getting started and usage examples at:


Will be happy for any contributions. So feel free to create issues, forks and PRs.


go-proto-gql is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

go-proto-gql's People


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go-proto-gql's Issues

Go install fails

I'm using Go 1.16.2 go install requires me to run go get and go get fails.

> go install
no required module provides package; to add it:
	go get

> go get
go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/generator/generator.go:634:68: cannot use gql.E_Field (type *"".ExtensionDesc) as type protoreflect.ExtensionType in argument to "".GetExtension:
	*"".ExtensionDesc does not implement protoreflect.ExtensionType (missing InterfaceOf method)
go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/generator/utils.go:16:67: cannot use gql.E_RpcType (type *"".ExtensionDesc) as type protoreflect.ExtensionType in argument to "".GetExtension:
	*"".ExtensionDesc does not implement protoreflect.ExtensionType (missing InterfaceOf method)
go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pkg/generator/utils.go:27:68: cannot use gql.E_SvcType (type *"".ExtensionDesc) as type protoreflect.ExtensionType in argument to "".GetExtension:
	*"".ExtensionDesc does not implement protoreflect.ExtensionType (missing InterfaceOf method)

Any idea on how to solve this?

Only `exec.go` gets generated

In my simple example gRPC service (see this repo), I'm trying to make use of this library. However, after using it as specified with the following go generate instruction:

//go:generate bash -c "protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc,paths=source_relative:../ --gqlgencfg_out=paths=source_relative:../ --gql_out=svcdir=true,paths=source_relative:../ --gogqlgen_out=paths=source_relative,gogoimport=false:../ -I=../ -I=/usr/local/include -I=`go list -m -f \"{{.Dir}}\"` ../proto/math.proto"

I try to generate the files for gqlgen:

[pojntfx@thinkpadx1c3 grpc-go-math]$ tree lib/proto/
└── math.proto

0 directories, 1 file
[pojntfx@thinkpadx1c3 grpc-go-math]$ go generate ./...
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
[pojntfx@thinkpadx1c3 grpc-go-math]$ tree lib/proto/
├── math.gqlgen.pb.go
├── math.gqlgen.pb.yml
├── math.pb.go
├── math.pb.graphqls
└── math.proto

0 directories, 5 files
[pojntfx@thinkpadx1c3 grpc-go-math]$ cd lib/proto/
[pojntfx@thinkpadx1c3 proto]$ go run -v -c ./math.gqlgen.pb.yml 
[pojntfx@thinkpadx1c3 proto]$ tree .
├── exec.go
├── math.gqlgen.pb.go
├── math.gqlgen.pb.yml
├── math.pb.go
├── math.pb.graphqls
└── math.proto

0 directories, 6 files

As you can see, only the exec.go file gets generated; models.go etc. is missing. Here is the math.gqlgen.pb.yml (which looks fine to me):

- math.pb.graphqls
  filename: exec.go
  filename: models.go

The following proto is the basis:

syntax = "proto3";

package math;
import "gql.proto";
option go_package = "";

// Service math adds and subtracts numbers
service Math {
  rpc Add(MathAddArgs) returns (MathAddReply) {
    option (gql.rpc_type) = QUERY;
  rpc Subtract(MathSubtractArgs) returns (MathSubtractReply) {
    option (gql.rpc_type) = QUERY;

// MathAddArgs are the arguments for an addition
message MathAddArgs {
  int64 First = 1;
  int64 Second = 2;

// MathAddReply is the reply for an addition
message MathAddReply { int64 Result = 3; }

// MathSubtractArgs are the arguments for a subtraction
message MathSubtractArgs {
  int64 First = 1;
  int64 Second = 2;

// MathSubtractReply is the reply for a subtraction
message MathSubtractReply { int64 Result = 3; }

The generated .graphqls looks fine to me as well:

# Code generated by protoc-gen-gogql. DO NOT EDIT
# source: proto/math.proto

directive @Math(name: String) on FIELD_DEFINITION

scalar Int64

input MathAddArgsInput {
	first: Int64  
	second: Int64  

input MathSubtractArgsInput {
	first: Int64  
	second: Int64  

type MathAddReply {
	result: Int64 

type MathSubtractReply {
	result: Int64 

type Query {
	mathAdd(in: MathAddArgsInput): MathAddReply @Math
	mathSubtract(in: MathSubtractArgsInput): MathSubtractReply @Math

To summarize, it appears as though only the exec.go file gets generated; this however is not sufficient enough to build an actual GraphQL server. I'm still quite new to Golang, so there might be something obvious wrong here; sorry if that is the case.

Python generation breaking python client

Hi, im use your module to generate a custom graphql scheme, im very satisfied how it work in conection with go, bou wnen im try to generate python client from same proto files, python client not work

try to understand why, and find something:

  1. in python appear a import like :
    from danielvladco.go_proto_gql import graphql_pb2 as danielvladco_dot_go__proto__gql_dot_graphql__pb2
    but this module cannot exist

  2. when im inversigate a problem one im create a "empty" module just to resolve a import exception, but appear second problem, few rows after in py file appear a row like

DESCRIPTOR = _descriptor_pool.Default().AddSerializedFile(b'\n\x13wallet/common.proto\x12\x06wallet\x1a'danielvladco/go-proto-gql/graphql.proto"\x1e\n\x06UserID\x12\x14\n\x04uuid\x18\x01 \x01(\tB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01"\x17\n\x07\x42\x61lance\x12\x0c\n\x04\x63\x61sh\x18\x01 \x01(\x02"G\n\tMultiLang\x12\x12\n\x02ro\x18\x01 \x01(\tB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01\x12\x12\n\x02ru\x18\x02 \x01(\tB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01\x12\x12\n\x02\x65n\x18\x03 \x01(\tB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01"\xd6\x01\n\x1aUpsertPaymentMethodRequest\x12\x0f\n\x02id\x18\x01 \x01(\tH\x00\x88\x01\x01\x12(\n\x05title\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x11.wallet.MultiLangB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01\x12.\n\x0b\x64\x65scription\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x11.wallet.MultiLangB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01\x12\x15\n\x05image\x18\x04 \x01(\tB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01\x12/\n\x04type\x18\x05 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.wallet.PaymentMethodTypeB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01\x42\x05\n\x03_id"0\n\x1a\x44\x65letePaymentMethodRequest\x12\x12\n\x02id\x18\x01 \x01(\tB\x06\xb2\xe0\x1f\x02\x08\x01"N\n\x15PaymentMethodsRequest\x12,\n\x04type\x18\x01 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.wallet.PaymentMethodTypeH\x00\x88\x01\x01\x42\x07\n\x05_type"H\n\x16PaymentMethodsResponse\x12.\n\x0fpayment_methods\x18\x01 \x03(\x0b\x32\x15.wallet.PaymentMethod"\xb1\x01\n\rPaymentMethod\x12\n\n\x02id\x18\x01 \x01(\t\x12 \n\x05title\x18\x02 \x01(\x0b\x32\x11.wallet.MultiLang\x12&\n\x0b\x64\x65scription\x18\x03 \x01(\x0b\x32\x11.wallet.MultiLang\x12\r\n\x05image\x18\x04 \x01(\t\x12'\n\x04type\x18\x05 \x01(\x0e\x32\x19.wallet.PaymentMethodType\x12\x12\n\nmin_amount\x18\x06 \x01(\x03*=\n\x11PaymentMethodType\x12\x0f\n\x0bUNSPECIFIED\x10\x00\x12\n\n\x06ONLINE\x10\x01\x12\x0b\n\x07OFFLINE\x10\x02\x42\x35H\\x06proto3')

and this row raise a error:

TypeError: Couldn't build proto file into descriptor pool: Depends on file 'danielvladco/go-proto-gql/graphql.proto', but it has not been loaded

Two questions:

  1. How i can resolve this? I can "cover" eror one , but second... remain open
  2. You not check a python generation? ( im understand you module in go oriented )... but how about a another languages?

Can't install gql and gogql due to mod replace

I tried to install the binary using the command provided in, but got this error

 > [ 2/17] RUN go install[email protected]:                                                                                 
#6 0.225 go: downloading v0.8.3                                                                                                  
#6 2.103 go install:[email protected] (in[email protected]):                                     
#6 2.103        The go.mod file for the module providing named packages contains one or
#6 2.103        more replace directives. It must not contain directives that would cause
#6 2.103        it to be interpreted differently than if it were the main module.

found this page. can we do something about it so everything in works as expected and intended?

Go install error when installing v0.10.0

Hello! Good to see such a good repo which helps me a lot in my work.

However, when I try to run cmd like
go install

Terminal showes
go: (in[email protected]): The go.mod file for the module providing named packages contains one or more replace directives. It must not contain directives that would cause it to be interpreted differently than if it were the main module.

I think go.mod should not contain replace directives like

replace v0.0.20 => v0.0.22

Tmp soluion:
go install[email protected]

FileUpload GraphQL Schema

Hello! Thanks for a great repo!

From what I can see there is no support for the scalar type Upload?

Please see this example from 99designs.

Please let me know if I have made an error or if this is an opportunity for a PR :)

Directives in options.graphql

In your example
There are the directives of the services

directive @Query on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @Service on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @Test on FIELD_DEFINITION

This is automatically added with your generator. But the individual serviceNames don't get the @service automatically or do they?
For Example in line 84
serviceMutate1(in: DataInput): Data @Service
Is there a reason of this directives in general? And would it be helpful for you to automatically add this Directives to the specific services?

Protobuf with 'oneof' creates invalid schema with directive.

Given this protobuf I'm not able to create a valid schema file.

syntax = "proto2";

package user.Profile;

message Value {
  oneof _propertyReference {
    string   propertyId = 2;
    Property property   = 3;

  optional string id    = 1;
  required string value = 4;

message Property {
  optional string id      = 1;
  required string label   = 2;

message UserProfileExtended {
  repeated Value items = 1;

message UserProfile {
  optional UserProfileExtended  extended  = 4;

service UserProfileService {
    rpc upsert (UserProfileUpsertRequest) returns (UserProfile);

message UserProfileUpsertRequest {
    required UserProfile profile  = 3;

With this protobuf I was able to generate the schema below

directive @UserProfileService on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @Value_PropertyReference on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION
type Mutation {
	userProfileServiceUpsert(in: UserProfileUpsertRequestInput): UserProfile
type Property {
	id: String
	label: String
input PropertyInput {
	id: String
	label: String
type Query {
	dummy: Boolean
type UserProfile {
	extended: UserProfileExtended
type UserProfileExtended {
	items: [Value!]
input UserProfileExtendedInput {
	items: [ValueInput!]
input UserProfileInput {
	extended: UserProfileExtendedInput
input UserProfileUpsertRequestInput {
	profile: UserProfileInput
type Value {
	xPropertyReference: Value_PropertyReference
	id: String
	value: String
input ValueInput {
	propertyId: String @Value_PropertyReference
	property: PropertyInput @Value_PropertyReference
	id: String
	value: String
type Value_Property {
	property: Property
type Value_PropertyId {
	propertyId: String
union Value_PropertyReference = Value_PropertyId | Value_Property

Being that UserProfile is the request object for userProfileServiceUpsert wouldn't the ValueInput also only expect either propertyId or the property type. It's not clear what the directive is doing or trying to do.

Is it possible to forward headers in the unified Gateway?

I would like to forward authentication headers from my unified GraphQL gateway to my backend gRPC services. Normally, I would register a request middleware in Nautilus. Will this library translate the HTTP headers to gRPC metadata?

Rename the project to something else

go-proto-gql is no longer suitable for this project as it has a bigger scope now.

Also gql and graphql are not the same so it is important to change all occurrences to graphql

Empty output


I tried to generate some graphql schemas but so far I'm getting (nearly) empty output.

Input definition:

syntax = "proto3";

package metadata;

message Example {
  string msg = 1;
  string source = 2;
  string provider = 4;


# Code generated by protoc-gen-gogql. DO NOT EDIT
# source: metadata-definitions/protobuf/example.proto

Command used:
protoc --gql_out=paths=source_relative:. -I=${GOPATH}/pkg/mod/ -I=. -I=metadata-definitions/protobuf/ metadata-definitions/protobuf/example.proto


$ protoc --version
libprotoc 3.6.1
$ go version
go version go1.11.5 darwin/amd64

Running this on my mac with zsh. Any ideas what could be wrong?

protoc-gen-gql only uses mutations?

I decided to give this plugin a try. When the RPC services are transpiled into GQL, why does it only use Mutation?

Here is my generated code

# Code generated by protoc-gen-gogql. DO NOT EDIT
# source: foo/bar/author/v1/author_api.proto

scalar Int32

input GetAuthorByIdRequestInput {
	id: Int32  

type GetAuthorByIdResponse {
	author: Author 

type Author {
	id: Int32 

type Mutation {
	authorAPIGetAuthorById(in: GetAuthorByIdRequestInput): GetAuthorByIdResponse

type Query { dummy: Boolean }

And here is my proto file

syntax = "proto3";


option csharp_namespace = "Foo.Bar.Author.V1";
option go_package = "authorv1";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "AuthorApiProto";
option java_package = "";
option objc_class_prefix = "WHP";
option php_namespace = "Foo\\Bar\\Author\\V1";

// AuthorApi is a service.
service AuthorAPI {
  // GetAuthorById is a service all.
  rpc GetAuthorById (GetAuthorByIdRequest) returns (GetAuthorByIdResponse);

// GetAuthorByIdRequest is a request.
message GetAuthorByIdRequest {
  int32 id = 1;

// GetAuthorByIdResponse is a response.
message GetAuthorByIdResponse {
  Author author = 1;

// GetAuthorByIdResponse is a data model.
message Author {
  int32 id = 1;

Organize GQL Queries & Mutations by Proto Service

If I have the following proto file:

service AuthorAPI {
  rpc GetAuthorById (GetAuthorByIdRequest) returns (GetAuthorByIdResponse) {
    option (gql.rpc_type) = QUERY;

The generated GraphQL schema will be:

type Query {
  authorAPIGetAuthorById(in: GetAuthorByIdRequestInput): GetAuthorByIdResponse

However, I think the generated GraphQL schema is much clearer by nesting queries by proto services (rather than prefixing query rpc method names with the service name):

type AuthorAPI {
  GetAuthorById(in: GetAuthorByIdRequestInput): GetAuthorByIdResponse

type Query {
  AuthorApi: AuthorAPI

Support tag to specify field name in graphql schema

Is it possible to generate a field in graphql schema with custom name, different from the name in .proto file using some tag like "json_name"?

For example, my protobuf file looks like

message SampleMessage {
string message_id = 1;

If I run protoc --gql_out=paths=source_relative:. -I=. -I=./vendor/ -I=./myProtoBuf.proto

it generates the following graphql

type SampleMessage {
messageId: String

But I want to have a different name of the field "messageId" in the graphql schema.

Adapt OpenAPI to GraphQL

Build tools to translate OpenAPI spec to GraphQL and also generate the go bindings.

Please add a thumbs up if there is interest in this feature. This will signal me if I should prioritise it.

installation error: cannot find package "" in any of:

when I run go install and go install, the terminal will return errors:

../go/src/ cannot find package "" in any of:
../go/src/ cannot find package "" in any of:
../go/src/ cannot find package "" in any of:

Any idea about solving it?

Relay - Global Object Identification specification

Hello! Thanks for a great library!

I'm looking to create a front facing 99design/gqlgen server that interacts with my internal grpc service. I'm looking to create a graphql server to fulfill (GOI)

I use this library to autobind my base types but I don't use the resolvers at all, I use gqlgen for that. I still would like to use both go, go-grpc, gogql and gpl.

The graphql schema I'm trying to replicate can be found here:

There are some issues I run into that could be solved:

  1. Graphql "type Ship implements Node"
    Issue: I would like to extend my proto types but it's not possible.
    Solution: a message option could be made like this:
    message Ship {
    option (danielvladco.protobuf.graphql.message) = {implements: "Node"};
    string id = 1;
    The gogql outputs: type Node interface { IsNode() } func (*Ship) IsNode() {}
    The gpl outputs following graphql: type Ship implements Node {}
    Considerations: if node was a type / message Node {} then it would be a struct generated by go/go-grpc that would collide with a possilbe interface Node {}. Another question is how and where the Node definition should be, perhaps there is a nested option structure that can be applied as a file option?.

  2. gql generator, generates "dummy" query for "definition" proto files that contain only types (message Ship, etc.).
    Issue: If I only want types to be generated in the .graphql, it's not possible right now. It only output types that are traversed from a service then method and then field. There is a svc=false config that only applies to the directive.

  3. change the type of id to ID.
    Issue: Creating a custom type creates a nested like structure in proto which is not ideal.
    Solution: a field option that changes the type of graphql.
    string id = 1 [(danielvladco.protobuf.graphql.field) = {required: true, type: "ID"}];
    The gpl outputs following graphql: type Ship { id: ID! }

Request - prevent renaming of protobuf message fields

Would it be possible to have an option to prevent renaming of protobuf message fields? With a message like the one below.

message Company {
    optional string _id = 10;

the generated graphql has a different property name

type Company {
    xId: String

This creates an issue with our service expecting a message to be identical to what is defined in the protobuf

Add sensible scalar types for well-known types (wkts) especially google.protobuf.Struct

Currently the GraphQL generated for google.protobuf.Struct (which represents JSON in protobuf) is a recursive type which introduces depth and cycle issues.

Proposal: Create a GraphQL scalar type scalar JSON to represent JSON (google.protobuf.Struct) as a leaf value. It would then be a good idea to ship an implementation in gqlgen.

Similarly other wkts could have reconsidered scalar types, such as google.protobuf.Timestamp as scalar Time for which there is already a gqlgen implementation.

Nested message type with oneof creates duplicate name

package company;

message Company {
  message ImageCollection {
    optional Image logo   = 1;

  optional string          id      = 1;
  optional ImageCollection images  = 3;

message Image {
  oneof _type {
    string url    = 1;
    Upload upload = 2;

  message Upload {
    required bytes    bytes    = 1;
    required string   mimeType = 2;

service CompanyService {
    rpc fetch (CompanyFetchRequest) returns (Company);

message CompanyFetchRequest {
    required string id = 1;

With this protobuf I am getting a circular reference for Image_Upload. Below is the generated schema

scalar Bytes
type Company {
	id: String
	images: Company_ImageCollection
input CompanyFetchRequestInput {
	id: String
type Company_ImageCollection {
	logo: Image
type Image {
	xType: Image_Type
union Image_Type = Image_Url | Image_Upload
type Image_Upload {
	upload: Image_Upload
type Image_Url {
	url: String
type Mutation {
	companyServiceFetch(in: CompanyFetchRequestInput): Company
type Query {
	dummy: Boolean

Adapt OpenRPC to GraphQL

Build tools to translate OpenRPC spec to GraphQL and also generate the go bindings.

Please add a thumbs up if there is interest in this feature. This will signal me if I should prioritise it.

Directive prefix option

The npm package @graphql-tools does not support importing a schema where there is a shared name between a Directive and a Union Type. Would it be possible to pass an option to prefix directives to prevent any naming conflicts?


Does the gateway support grpc streams ?

I tried running a subscription for a (server) grpc stream with the graphql playground but I get the following error:

  "error": "Could not connect to websocket endpoint ws://localhost:8080/playground. Please check if the endpoint url is correct."

protobuf.struct issues generating input

syntax = "proto3";

package test;

import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";

message Foo {
  string id = 1;
  google.protobuf.Struct bar = 2;

message FooRequest {
  Foo foo = 1;

message FooResponse {}

service AuditService {
  rpc Baz(FooRequest) returns (FooResponse) {}

It seems that the ListValueInput generated from ListValue has trouble compiling to graphql (I stripped away the comments for readability)

directive @AuditService on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @ValueKind on INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION
input FooInput {
	id: String
	bar: StructInput
input FooRequestInput {
	foo: FooInput
input ListValueInput
type Mutation {
	auditServiceBaz(in: FooRequestInput): Boolean
enum NullValue {
type Query {
	dummy: Boolean
input StructInput {
	fields: [Struct_FieldsEntryInput!]
input Struct_FieldsEntryInput {
	key: String
	value: ValueInput
input ValueInput {
	nullValue: NullValue @ValueKind
	numberValue: Float @ValueKind
	stringValue: String @ValueKind
	boolValue: Boolean @ValueKind
	listValue: ListValueInput @ValueKind

Fresh install - ambiguous import

Tried a fresh install:

go version go1.16.3 darwin/amd64

➜  go install

no required module provides package; to add it:
    go get

➜   go get

go: downloading v1.3.1 imports imports ambiguous import: found package in multiple modules: v0.8.3 (~/go/pkg/mod/[email protected]/pb) v0.6.0 (~/go/pkg/mod/[email protected])

Setting GO111MODULE to off works as expected:

GO111MODULE=off go get -v \ \

dependencies doesn't work when we give output directories different for --gogqlgen_out and --go_out

First of all I would like to thank you for your work.

While I was using your library I see dependency disconnect when we give output directories different for --gogqlgen_out and --go_out. Will it be possible to look into this issue?

I am using below command in my case.

-I=. -I=./example/ example/proto/*.proto

Trying to understand how the example codegen works

Running the example codegen I get directive Query is not implemented when running:

query {
  queryQuery2(in: {
    stringX: "hello",
    foo: {
      param1: "bar"
    double: 32
  }) {

Am I missing something here?

Proxy GraphQL to GraphQL

Pass GraphQL endpoints to federate to other services GraphQL.

Please add a thumbs up if there is interest in this feature. This will signal me if I should prioritise it.

How to generate to Pascal case style?

hi all,
before the question thanks for develop this generator. but how to generate to Pascal case style? because now generated camelCase
thanks before

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