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cssdb's Issues

[firefox] clicking on #hash-links blocks scrolling afterwards

Browser: Firefox 69.0.1 (latest)
OS/wm: Ubuntu 18.04, i3

to reproduce, just click on any hash-link in firefox (like "What are the stages?")

honestly dont know why even bother with all the JS for hash-link scrolling to element id, if you could just use <a name="staging-process"> instead

ChainAlert: new npm maintainer has published version 5.1.0 of package cssdb

Dear cssdb maintainers,
Thank you for your contribution to the open-source community.

This issue was automatically created to inform you a new npm maintainer has published version 5.1.0 of cssdb.

New Maintainers:

Our service monitors the open-source ecosystem and informs popular packages' owners in case of potentially harmful activity.
If you find this behavior legitimate, kindly close and ignore this issue. Read more

How to treat specs

Houdini specs are written by the CSS-TAG Houdini Task Force, and seem to focus on developing (typically) JavaScript features that give developers low level control of styling and layout in browsers.

So far the drafts include a handful of interesting specs, which among others include Typed OM (partially implemented in browsers), Properties and Values (with much work to do, like around how shorthands would be handled), and a Parser API (a fabled PostCSS replacement? At the moment it mostly looks like a placeholder template).

For now, I’m unsure if these specs should be handled by this repo, or if they should be handled by some official repo managed by the task force themselves. Either way, I think it would be helpful to provide a kind of caniuse with stages site for developers to check in on the state of these features.

PostCSS on cssdb web

PostCSS on cssdb web

I think that is a good sample that we use PostCSS on cssdb web site's CSS 🤪.

I can be doing a refactor of current CSS file to a PostCSS environment with PostCSS Preset Env .

Warn about non polyfill-able features

Awesome initiative! (If only the W3C process was as fast as the TC39 one :p

It would be wise to add warnings for non polyfill-able features like custom properties.
The PostCSS plugins only add syntax support but their dynamic nature makes it impossible to transpile them to static css :)

Site down?

Site Not Found
Well, this is awkward. The site you're looking for is not here.

Update stage definitions

The goal of this project is to reflect the real-life stability of new CSS features. This is intended to be helpful to developers who seek to accomplish real things with modern and emerging technologies. This simplified overview should improve communication between developers, authors, and implementors, thus improving the creation of standards, testing, feedback, and new use cases.

However, grouping CSS features into simple, digestible stages is actually very hard. One reason for this is because the maturity of a specification does not necessarily align with either its draft label or the maturity of its implementations. Here are the current staging criteria and definitions.

To better address this particular issue, I would like to revise the criteria and description of all stages. With criteria revisions suggested by @fantasai, and assistance understanding the TC39 process from @hzoo, I would like to revise the criteria and definitions for each stage to be as follows:

Stage 0: Aspirational

An Unofficial Draft or Editor’s Draft championed by a W3C Member. It is highly unstable and subject to change. Stage 0 features are open to ideas and discussion, but may not be considered serious.

Stage 1: Experimental

An Editor’s Draft or early Working Draft championed by a W3C Working Group. It is highly unstable and subject to change. Stage 1 features are recognized as a real problem, but they may not be tied to any particular solution.

Stage 2: Allowable

A Working Draft championed by a W3C Working Group. It should be considered incomplete, unstable, and subject to change. Stage 2 features are tied to a particular way of solving a problem.

Stage 3: Embraced

A Candidate Recommendation championed by a W3C Working Group with implementations by at least 2 recognized browser vendors, possibly behind a flag. It should be considered stable and subject to minor change. Stage 3 features will likely become a standard.

Stage 4: Standardized

A Candidate Recommendation or Recommendation championed by a W3C Working Group and implemented by all recognized browser vendors. Stage 4 features are considered a standard.

@fantasai, do you feel this would better reflect the stability of CSS features? @hzoo, do you feel this still captures the spirit of TC39 stages? If not, how would you recommend I improve them?

By refining these definitions, I do hope this staging process could be formally adopted by the CSSWG.

Add new overflow shorthand

The CSS Overflow specification has been updated to accept a second value.

[ visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto ]{1,2}

The overflow property is a shorthand property that sets the specified values of overflow-x and overflow-y in that order. If the second value is omitted, it is copied from the first.

Dark mode text illegible

I found your great site today and noticed that some of the text in dark mode was illegible. I forked the project and took a stab at it but something is overwriting the styles you all have here and I can't quite get it...

Screenshot of the issue:
Screen Shot 2022-01-13 at 1 11 00 PM

Improve text legibility

The text legibility is a bit dificult to read when using a 300 weight.

Maybe bump it up to 400 to increase legibility and remove global letter-spacing setting?

screen shot 2018-05-15 at 10 09 51 am


Both stage 1 and stage 2 should probably include something about "and possible failure". Just because we take up experiments or agree that "this idea isn't entirely crazy" doesn't mean that we will not either:

  • come up with something better that covers many of the same use cases.
  • decide that, actually, upon deeper investigation, it is kind of crazy.

I think it needs to be clear that using an approximation of an early idea serves two purposes:

  • it allows developers to accomplish real things.
  • it allows developers to understand/be more easily involved with standards creation/testing/feedback/understanding new use cases in the experiment.

:has() pseudo-class is not part of the live profile

:has() pseudo-class is not part of the live profile in specification, so current :has() example is invalid.

"example": "a:has(> img) {\n display: block;\n}",

The :has() pseudo-class takes a selector list as an argument. In the current specification :has is not marked as part of the live selector profile, which means it can not be used within stylesheets; only with functions like document.querySelector().

cssdb v2 project changes

I would like to make two significant changes to cssdb to help users in the future.

First, I would like to change feature IDs.

The current IDs have been problematic because they try to follow specification anchors, but some features aren’t always covered in a single section, and because sections are inconsistently named, just like spec headings are inconsistently named. On the later point, I asked the CSSWG about their anchors, received feedback from some major spec contributors w3c/csswg-drafts#2255, and a good summary would be:

there is no pattern you can predict for any of the headings

Therefore, I would like the new IDs to name the feature and provide context, which seems more sensible and consistent. For example:

old id new id
css-cascade-all-shorthand all-property
css-fonts-propdef-font-variant font-variant-property
selectors-any-link-pseudo any-link-pseudo-class
css-color-modifying-colors color-mod-function
selectors-dir-pseudo dir-pseudo-class
selectors-attribute-case case-insensitive-attributes
css-color-functional-notation color-functional-notation
css-nesting nesting-rules

Second, I would like to rename the project in github from css-db to cssdb because that is its name on npm, and because it’s easier to type.


  • Update cssdb badges on all projects
  • Update postcss-preset-env to use the new ids
  • Anything else?

cc: @ai, @shrpne, @vkrol, @keithjgrant,

Media Queries Ranges example

Example doesn't correspond to range media query, what about something like:

@media (width > 30em) and (width <= 48em) {}

Stages key?

What does NR mean? Can there be some kind of Stage key? I clicked on "What are the stages?" but that didn't explain what NR meant.

(It's possible that this is some kind of unimplemented/early state, in which case, feel free to close the issue!)

screen shot 2017-02-16 at 12 44 32 pm

Identical badges with different file names = unnessesary downloads

thanks for the site. It's a great ressource to check progress and innovations.

Each feature comes with a "stage" badge in .svg format.
All filenames match the feature, but the actual file content is always the same.

identical content, and that's just for stage 3.

This results in several dozend downloads for no reason where a single badge for each stage level would do and could be cached.

Have a nice time.

Abandon the previous definitions for something more granular and in alignment with present expectations

I’m displeased with the current “stages”. I’m proposing new ones.

The rise and fall of @apply has taught me a lot about the spec process.

The story goes; the @apply specification was written by a member of the CSSWG and implemented in Chrome behind a flag. This happened before the CSSWG ever approved it. This is because CSSWG members often have a vendor’s ear, so to speak. Its appearance in Chrome gave developers a false impression that the spec had the support of the CSSWG and the endorsement of Google. Developers felt burned when the feature was “unexpectedly” abandoned by its author. Developers errantly expected a longer “deprecation” process, as well as an “heir” for the feature moving forward. We failed to understand that this feature did not even have the support of the CSSWG, therefore there was no committee to discuss this or to offer any speculative alternative for the future.

Now, with developers still asking for this feature, there needs to be a special “Rejected Stage” to help people understand what happened to that idea. I think the CSSWG “outsider” spec should be considered “Stage 0”, and the inside spec considered “Stage 1”, because the odds are still in favor of a CSSWG member’s spec becoming reality.

Therefore, I’m proposing the following, because it better reflects reality:

Stage Justification Perception
0 Personal Draft Aspirational This is my personal crazy idea.
1 CSSWG Member Draft Enthusiastic This is a crazy idea.
2 CSSWG Hosted Draft Experimental This idea might not be crazy.
3 Working Draft Allowable This idea is not crazy.
4 Candidate Embraced This idea is becoming part of the web.
5 Recommendation Standardized This idea is part of the web.
- Rejected I had no idea what I was doing.

justification column

Stage 0: Aspirational

A CSS Editor’s Draft championed outside the CSSWG. It should be considered highly unstable and subject to change.

Stage 1: Enthusiastic

A CSS Editor’s Draft championed inside the CSSWG. It should still be considered highly unstable and subject to change.

Stage 2: Experimental

A CSS Editor’s Draft hosted by the CSSWG or W3C. It should be considered highly unstable and subject to change.

Stage 3: Allowable

A CSS Working Draft hosted by the CSSWG or W3C and requiring implementations to move forward. It should be considered stable and subject to little change. It is still subject to rejection as a standard.

Stage 4: Embraced

A CSS Candidate Recommendation hosted by the CSSWG or W3C and being implemented by at least 2 recognized browser vendors, possibly behind a flag. It should be considered stable and subject to little change. It will likely become a standard.

Stage 5: Standardized

A CSS Recommendation hosted by the CSSWG or W3C and implemented by all recognized browser vendors. It is a standard.

The CSSWG probably only concerns themselves with Stages 2 - 5, but some of the most popular emerging features to polyfill are still Stage 1.

I would love feedback, especially from @dbox or @bkardell.

Make sure we have data for as many browsers as possible

see :

  • we currently look at caniuse or mdn but not both
  • we do not verify if we have "enough" data
  • we have no way to differentiate between "we know it is unsupported" and "we don't have support stats" in our current schema.

I think we can make a few tweaks to how we populate the db to improve the overal situation.

  • combine caniuse and mdn and take the highest version of both when they differ
  • follow up with mdn/caniuse if we lack sufficient data
  • extrapolate based on engine versions
  • modify the settings schema so that we can express "known unsupported"

These stats are currently missing or known unsupported :


MDN docs

Let's add links to mdn doc for features. Specification usually is more difficult to read, especially for beginners. Also, it will be useful for site

Intentions for cssdb 6x

Breaking changes are coming to cssdb and they impact PostCSS Preset Env. I appreciate your thoughts.



At present, cssdb has used this strategy:

Stage 0 1 2 3 4
W3C Status Unofficial Draft
Editor’s Draft
Editor’s Draft
Working Draft
Working Draft Candidate Recommendation Recommendation
Browser Implementations 0+ 0+ 0+ >= 2 (even behind a flag) >= 4

In this existing strategy, the stage has required both the W3C Status and the number of Browser Implementations to be fulfilled.

Moving forward, cssdb would use this new strategy:

Stage 0 1 2 3 4
W3C Status Unofficial Draft
Editor’s Draft
Editor’s Draft
Working Draft
Working Draft Candidate Recommendation Recommendation
Engine Implementations < 2 < 2 >= 2 >= 3 >= 3

In this new strategy, the stage would require either the W3C Status or the number of Browser Implementations to be fulfilled.

Additionally, tracking would change from Browser Implementations to Engine Implementations. The implementations would be Blink, Gecko, and WebKit. This means Brave, Chrome, Edge, and Opera would all count toward only 1 implementation.

Why is cssdb changing the strategy?

The strategy is changing because there are now only 3 distinct browser engines with a significant number of users in development; Blink, Gecko, and WebKit. At this time, I am unaware of any further development being put into Presto, Trident, or EdgeHTML. While the number of engines might change again in the future, making this change in the next major version of cssdb is intended to be prudent.


Why is cssdb changing the number of required implementations?

The number of required implementation is changing to better reflect real-world compatibility. The remaining 3 browser engines and the W3C seem to agree and match one another in public APIs, while keeping experimentations behind experimental flags.


How do these changess to cssdb affect PostCSS Preset Env?

These changes to cssdb would have a big impact on what PostCSS Preset Env transforms.
Consider that any feature in Editor’s Draft or Working Draft is stuck in Stage 0 or Stage 1, regardless of the number of implementations. Moving forward, that same feature in Editor’s Draft with 2 implementations is Stage 2, while in Working Draft it is Stage 3, the stage enabled by default. The intention of this change is to honor the promise of cssdb is to be a comprehensive list of CSS features and their positions in the process of becoming implemented web standards.

As a significant side benefit, these changes will make it easier to calculcate the status of features with scripting.

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