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wmi-static-spoofer's Introduction



The initial motivation is bypassing HWID detection methods used by intrusive software like anti-cheats, etc. or licensing restrictions implemented in software. The concept is not new but other solutions require a loaded driver at all times and a kernel hook with possible instabilities. This project only uses direct memory manipulation and makes it possible to fake the serials without hooking a function or having a loaded kernel module at all times.


Fakes the serialnumber for HDDs/diskdrives from kernelmode without hooking anything. The driver can be fully unloaded after changing the serialnumber.

  • It's more like a PoC, there are many things to optimise
  • It generates a random serial with a fixed length that can be changed in the main.h file
  • The offsets for the spoofer can also be changed in the main.h file
  • This does NOT counter all the ways for getting the serialnumber! I will make a writeup on that later.
  • It also changes the registry entries to the faked serial via a internal kernel function





Only tested on Windows 10 16299.125
For testing purposes add: disk.EnableUUID="true" to your VMware .vmx file to enable serialnumbers

wmi-static-spoofer's People


alex3434 avatar

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