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蒙花落's Projects

hyperplatform icon hyperplatform

Intel VT-x based hypervisor aiming to provide a thin VM-exit filtering platform on Windows.

ida-gba-ldr icon ida-gba-ldr

Gameboy Advance ROM Loader for IDA (Interactive Disassembler)

initiativedefense icon initiativedefense


injector icon injector

Library for injecting a shared library into a Linux or Windows process

instrumentation_callbacks icon instrumentation_callbacks

A proof of concept demonstrating instrumentation callbacks on Windows 10 21h1 with a TLS variable to ensure all syscalls are caught.

ionicisapirewriter icon ionicisapirewriter

Because IIRF is stuck @ since uploaded Nov 11, 2011. I'm creating this repository to apply community fixes to make it run in the latest servers.

isapiframework icon isapiframework

Simple framework for development of applications using ISAPI dll extensions for IIS.

jdiverttunnel icon jdiverttunnel

基于windivert实现的windows数据包转发,实现转发socks5,支持tcp/udp 支持远程dns解析

joker icon joker

Windows Minifilter driver that redirects any I/O Request of mp3 files to a target file

jpeg-to-avi icon jpeg-to-avi


karlann icon karlann

It's a kernel-based keylogger for Windows x64.

keylogger icon keylogger

Windows OS keylogger with a hook mechanism (i.e. with a keyboard hook procedure).

ksdumper icon ksdumper

Dumping processes using the power of kernel space !

ldk icon ldk

Load Dll into Kernel space

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