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Comments (3)

IvDinten avatar IvDinten commented on September 26, 2024

Increased priority, as this seems to be a small issue on the Test Github project, but causes larger issues on projects such as AirSim.

Results from AirSim:

line 46:76 mismatched input ')' expecting ';'
line 1:5 no viable alternative at input 'from.'
line 6:0 missing ';' at '<EOF>'
line 274:2 no viable alternative at input 'EIGEN_UNUSED_VARIABLE(k)EIGEN_UNUSED_VARIABLE'
line 275:2 missing ';' at 'EIGEN_UNUSED_VARIABLE'

Re-running for AirSim:

line 27:0 no viable alternative at input 'STRICT_MODE_OFF#include "json.hpp"\rSTRICT_MODE_ON#include "UnitTests.h"\r#include <filesystem>\rusing'
line 82:46 missing ';' at 'void'

AirSim currently takes a long time to run, seems to be crashing eventually (but couldn't verify yet that this happens every time).

from cps_spa_detection_tool.

IvDinten avatar IvDinten commented on September 26, 2024

The Arduino project unfortunately does crash afterwards:

Start time: 09:20:29
File ..\results\sleeps_Arduino_results.csv exists, removing file.
line 142:28 no viable alternative at input 'staticuint32_t*IRAM_ATTRi2s_slc_queue_next_item'
line 43:24 missing ';' at 'br_rsa_i31_public'
line 19:0 missing ';' at 'import'
line 28:79 mismatched input ')' expecting ';'
line 32:5 mismatched input '.' expecting {'(', '{'}
line 35:4 missing ';' at 'p'
line 40:0 missing ';' at 'def'
line 40:36 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 42:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key'
line 43:4 missing ';' at 'protect_options'
line 45:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key'
line 46:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key'
line 47:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key'
line 48:4 missing ';' at 'for'
line 48:8 missing '(' at '_'
line 48:19 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 50:8 missing ';' at 'burn_key'
line 52:8 missing ';' at 'burn_key'
line 55:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key_digest'
line 56:4 missing ';' at 'protect_options'
line 58:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key_digest'
line 59:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key_digest'
line 60:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key_digest'
line 61:4 missing ';' at 'for'
line 61:8 missing '(' at '_'
line 61:19 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 63:8 missing ';' at 'burn_key_digest'
line 65:8 missing ';' at 'burn_key_digest'
line 68:4 missing ';' at 'p'
line 71:4 missing ';' at 'p'
line 71:65 no viable alternative at input '['1.8V''
line 71:86 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 74:4 missing ';' at 'p'
line 76:4 missing ';' at 'add_force_write_always'
line 81:0 missing ';' at 'def'
line 81:38 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 82:17 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 85:0 missing ';' at 'def'
line 85:37 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 86:17 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 89:0 missing ';' at 'def'
line 89:40 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 90:17 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 93:0 missing ';' at 'def'
line 93:31 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 95:4 missing ';' at 'if'
line 95:7 missing '(' at 'efuses'
line 95:42 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 98:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 99:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 100:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 101:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 103:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 104:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 106:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 107:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 109:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 110:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 112:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 113:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 114:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 115:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 117:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 118:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 120:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 121:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 123:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 124:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 125:4 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 129:0 missing ';' at 'def'
line 129:44 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 130:7 missing '(' at 'digest'
line 130:21 mismatched input ':' expecting {'{', '='}
line 131:38 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 131:53 missing '(' at 'name'
line 131:65 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 131:77 missing '(' at 'name'
line 131:85 mismatched input 'not' expecting {'{', '='}
line 131:93 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 132:8 extraneous input ':' expecting {IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, FloatingLiteral, StringLiteral, BooleanLiteral, PointerLiteral, UserDefinedLiteral, 'alignas', 'alignof', 'asm', 'auto', 'bool', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', 'class', 'const', 'constexpr', 'const_cast', 'continue', 'decltype', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'dynamic_cast', 'enum', 'explicit', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'friend', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'mutable', 'namespace', 'new', 'noexcept', 'operator', 'register', 'reinterpret_cast', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'static_assert', 'static_cast', 'struct', 'switch', 'this', 'thread_local', 'throw', 'try', 'typedef', 'typeid', 'typename', 'union', 'unsigned', 'using', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'wchar_t', 'while', '(', '[', '{', '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '~', Not, AndAnd, '++', '--', '::', ';', '...', Identifier}
line 133:32 no viable alternative at input 'datafile_list=digest[0:'
line 133:32 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 133:47 missing '(' at 'name'
line 133:62 missing ';' at 'if'
line 133:65 missing '(' at 'name'
line 133:73 mismatched input 'not' expecting {'{', '='}
line 133:81 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 135:4 missing ';' at 'block_name_list'
line 135:34 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 135:49 missing '(' at 'name'
line 135:61 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 135:71 missing '(' at 'name'
line 135:79 mismatched input 'not' expecting {'{', '='}
line 135:87 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 136:39 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 136:54 missing '(' at 'name'
line 136:66 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 136:81 missing '(' at 'name'
line 136:89 mismatched input 'not' expecting {'{', '='}
line 136:97 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 139:4 missing ';' at 'if'
line 139:7 extraneous input 'len' expecting '('
line 139:28 extraneous input '!=' expecting {IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, FloatingLiteral, StringLiteral, BooleanLiteral, PointerLiteral, UserDefinedLiteral, 'alignas', 'alignof', 'asm', 'auto', 'bool', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', 'class', 'const', 'constexpr', 'const_cast', 'continue', 'decltype', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'dynamic_cast', 'enum', 'explicit', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'friend', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'mutable', 'namespace', 'new', 'noexcept', 'operator', 'register', 'reinterpret_cast', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'static_assert', 'static_cast', 'struct', 'switch', 'this', 'thread_local', 'throw', 'try', 'typedef', 'typeid', 'typename', 'union', 'unsigned', 'using', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'wchar_t', 'while', '(', '[', '{', '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '~', Not, AndAnd, '++', '--', '::', ';', '...', Identifier}
line 139:97 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 140:21 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 143:4 missing ';' at 'print'
line 144:4 missing ';' at 'for'
line 144:8 missing '(' at 'block_name'
line 144:41 missing ';' at 'in'
line 144:44 missing ')' at 'zip'
line 144:96 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 146:12 missing '(' at 'block'
line 146:27 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 147:15 missing '(' at 'block_name'
line 147:54 missing ')' at 'in'
line 147:62 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 149:8 no viable alternative at input 'efuse=efuses[]if'
line 148:41 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 149:11 missing '(' at 'efuse'
line 149:24 mismatched input ':' expecting {'{', '='}
line 150:25 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 151:8 missing ';' at 'num_bytes'
line 153:8 missing ';' at 'block_num'
line 154:8 missing ';' at 'block'
line 156:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 156:11 missing '(' at 'digest'
line 156:25 mismatched input ':' expecting {'{', '='}
line 158:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 162:8 missing ';' at 'revers_msg'
line 163:11 missing '(' at 'efuses'
line 163:66 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 165:12 missing ';' at 'data'
line 165:28 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 167:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 167:11 missing '(' at 'revers_msg'
line 167:21 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 169:11 extraneous input 'len' expecting '('
line 169:21 extraneous input '!=' expecting {IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, FloatingLiteral, StringLiteral, BooleanLiteral, PointerLiteral, UserDefinedLiteral, 'alignas', 'alignof', 'asm', 'auto', 'bool', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', 'class', 'const', 'constexpr', 'const_cast', 'continue', 'decltype', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'dynamic_cast', 'enum', 'explicit', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'friend', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'mutable', 'namespace', 'new', 'noexcept', 'operator', 'register', 'reinterpret_cast', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'static_assert', 'static_cast', 'struct', 'switch', 'this', 'thread_local', 'throw', 'try', 'typedef', 'typeid', 'typename', 'union', 'unsigned', 'using', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'wchar_t', 'while', '(', '[', '{', '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '~', Not, AndAnd, '++', '--', '::', ';', '...', Identifier}
line 170:25 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 173:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 173:11 missing '(' at 'efuses'
line 173:69 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 174:36 missing '(' at 'args'
line 174:57 mismatched input 'else' expecting ')'
line 180:8 missing ';' at 'efuse'
line 182:8 missing ';' at 'disable_wr_protect_key_purpose'
line 183:11 missing '(' at 'efuses'
line 183:61 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 184:15 missing '(' at 'efuses'
line 184:60 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 186:16 missing ';' at 'efuses'
line 187:16 missing ';' at 'disable_wr_protect_key_purpose'
line 189:29 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 191:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 193:12 missing ';' at 'if'
line 193:15 missing '(' at 'efuses'
line 193:60 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 196:11 missing '(' at 'disable_wr_protect_key_purpose'
line 196:41 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 198:12 missing ';' at 'efuses'
line 200:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 200:11 missing '(' at 'read_protect'
line 200:23 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 202:12 missing ';' at 'efuse'
line 204:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 204:11 missing '(' at 'write_protect'
line 204:24 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 206:12 missing ';' at 'efuse'
line 207:8 missing ';' at 'print'
line 209:4 missing ';' at 'if'
line 209:7 missing '(' at 'not'
line 209:24 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 211:4 missing ';' at 'if'
line 211:7 missing '(' at 'args'
line 211:27 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 214:4 missing ';' at 'efuses'
line 215:4 missing ';' at 'print'
line 218:0 missing ';' at 'def'
line 218:38 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 220:34 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 220:49 missing '(' at 'name'
line 220:61 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 220:73 missing '(' at 'name'
line 220:81 mismatched input 'not' expecting {'{', '='}
line 220:89 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 221:29 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 221:45 missing '(' at 'block'
line 221:58 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 221:68 missing '(' at 'block'
line 221:77 mismatched input 'not' expecting {'{', '='}
line 221:85 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 222:8 missing '(' at 'block_name'
line 222:29 missing ';' at 'in'
line 222:32 missing ')' at 'zip'
line 222:62 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 224:12 missing '(' at 'block'
line 224:27 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 225:15 missing '(' at 'block_name'
line 225:54 missing ')' at 'in'
line 225:62 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 227:8 no viable alternative at input 'efuse=efuses[]if'
line 226:41 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 227:11 missing '(' at 'efuse'
line 227:24 mismatched input ':' expecting {'{', '='}
line 228:25 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 229:8 missing ';' at 'num_bytes'
line 230:8 missing ';' at 'digest'
line 231:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 231:11 extraneous input 'len' expecting '('
line 231:23 extraneous input '!=' expecting {IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, FloatingLiteral, StringLiteral, BooleanLiteral, PointerLiteral, UserDefinedLiteral, 'alignas', 'alignof', 'asm', 'auto', 'bool', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', 'class', 'const', 'constexpr', 'const_cast', 'continue', 'decltype', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'dynamic_cast', 'enum', 'explicit', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'friend', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'mutable', 'namespace', 'new', 'noexcept', 'operator', 'register', 'reinterpret_cast', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'static_assert', 'static_cast', 'struct', 'switch', 'this', 'thread_local', 'throw', 'try', 'typedef', 'typeid', 'typename', 'union', 'unsigned', 'using', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'wchar_t', 'while', '(', '[', '{', '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '~', Not, AndAnd, '++', '--', '::', ';', '...', Identifier}
line 232:25 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 234:8 missing ';' at 'digest_list'
line 235:4 missing ';' at 'burn_key'
line 236:0 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ';'
line 126:0 missing ';' at 'static'
line 127:31 missing ';' at 'y'
line 129:36 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 129:49 mismatched input '"x"' expecting {'decltype', '::', Identifier}
line 129:56 mismatched input ')' expecting '{'
line 130:1 mismatched input 'return' expecting <EOF>
line 45:21 missing ';' at '~'
line 108:42 no viable alternative at input 'staticconstunsignedchart0_datablock[]PROGMEM'
line 116:42 no viable alternative at input 'staticconstunsignedchart0_codeblock[]PROGMEM'
line 207:33 no viable alternative at input 'staticconstuint16_tt0_caddr[]PROGMEM'
line 297:0 missing ';' at 'void'
line 3:2 no viable alternative at input '[['
line 10:11 mismatched input '=' expecting {'(', '{'}
line 11:4 missing ';' at 'parser'
line 12:4 missing ';' at 'parser'
line 13:4 missing ';' at 'ns'
line 14:4 missing ';' at 'for'
line 14:8 missing '(' at 'p'
line 14:15 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 16:4 missing ';' at 'return'
line 18:0 missing ';' at 'if'
line 18:3 missing '(' at '__name__'
line 18:25 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 20:0 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ';'
line 174:34 no viable alternative at input 'xlen=((x[0]+31)&~(uint32_t)31'
line 174:34 missing ';' at '31'
line 174:36 mismatched input ')' expecting ';'
line 38:4 no viable alternative at input 'SD_ERROR_CODE_LISTdefault'
line 48:4 no viable alternative at input 'SD_ERROR_CODE_LISTdefault'
line 27:0 missing ';' at 'import'
line 39:0 missing ';' at 'os'
line 42:0 missing ';' at 'support_list_chips'
line 116:86 token recognition error at: ''''
line 206:26 token recognition error at: ''''
line 206:28 token recognition error at: ''WR_DIS RD_DIS CODING_SCHEME CHIP_VERSION CHIP_PACKAGE XPD_SDIO_FORCE\r'
line 208:75 token recognition error at: ''''
line 208:77 token recognition error at: ''\r'
line 211:26 token recognition error at: ''''
line 219:122 token recognition error at: ''''
line 219:124 token recognition error at: ''\r'
line 257:4 token recognition error at: '@'
line 269:4 token recognition error at: '@'
line 285:4 token recognition error at: '@'
line 291:4 token recognition error at: '@'
line 42:22 no viable alternative at input '["esp32"'
line 46:0 missing ';' at 'except'
line 47:16 mismatched input '=' expecting {'(', '{'}
line 51:0 missing ';' at 'global'
line 55:0 missing ';' at 'class'
line 55:28 no viable alternative at input '(unittest.'
line 55:38 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 57:19 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 58:11 missing '(' at 'reset_port'
line 58:29 mismatched input ':' expecting {'{', '='}
line 60:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 61:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 63:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 65:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 65:22 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 66:11 missing '(' at 'reset_port'
line 66:29 mismatched input ':' expecting {'{', '='}
line 69:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 69:26 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 72:8 missing ';' at 'reset_port'
line 73:8 missing ';' at 'time'
line 74:8 missing ';' at 'reset_port'
line 75:8 missing ';' at 'reset_port'
line 76:8 missing ';' at 'time'
line 77:8 missing ';' at 'reset_port'
line 78:8 missing ';' at 'reset_port'
line 80:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 80:25 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 81:11 missing '(' at 'espefuse_port'
line 81:28 mismatched input 'not' expecting {'{', '='}
line 81:36 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 84:12 missing ';' at 'del'
line 85:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 86:15 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 86:37 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 87:32 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 87:45 missing ';' at 'as'
line 88:29 mismatched input '==' expecting ';'
line 88:41 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 89:32 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 89:47 missing ';' at 'as'
line 90:29 mismatched input '==' expecting ';'
line 90:46 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 91:32 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 91:52 missing ';' at 'as'
line 92:29 mismatched input '==' expecting ';'
line 92:41 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 93:32 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 93:47 missing ';' at 'as'
line 94:12 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 97:12 missing ';' at 'del'
line 98:8 missing ';' at 'return'
line 100:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 100:35 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 103:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 103:94 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 104:35 missing ';' at 'as'
line 104:39 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 106:12 missing ';' at 'blk'
line 107:12 missing ';' at 'blk'
line 107:26 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 107:31 missing '(' at 'reverse_order'
line 107:45 mismatched input 'else' expecting ')'
line 108:52 no viable alternative at input '" ".join("{:02x}".format(num)for'
line 108:52 missing ';' at 'for'
line 108:56 missing '(' at 'num'
line 108:66 no viable alternative at input 'blk)'
line 108:66 mismatched input ')' expecting ';'
line 111:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 111:67 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 113:8 missing ';' at 'return'
line 115:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 115:79 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 116:63 missing ';' at 'if'
line 116:66 missing '(' at 'do_not_confirm'
line 116:81 mismatched input 'else' expecting ')'
line 119:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 119:52 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 120:11 mismatched input ':' expecting '{'
line 122:12 missing ';' at 'returncode'
line 123:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 124:12 missing ';' at 'if'
line 124:15 missing '(' at 'check_msg'
line 124:24 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 126:12 missing ';' at 'if'
line 126:15 missing '(' at 'returncode'
line 126:25 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 129:12 missing ';' at 'return'
line 130:8 missing ';' at 'except'
line 130:25 mismatched input '.' expecting ';'
line 130:53 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 135:0 missing ';' at 'class'
line 135:37 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 137:23 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 139:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 141:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 141:23 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 143:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 145:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 145:26 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 147:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 149:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 149:31 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 152:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 152:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 154:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 154:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 154:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 157:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 159:12 missing ';' at 'ret_code'
line 160:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 162:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 162:27 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 164:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 167:0 missing ';' at 'class'
line 167:37 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 168:37 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 170:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 170:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 170:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 177:12 missing ';' at 'count_protects'
line 178:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 186:12 missing ';' at 'count_protects'
line 187:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 188:8 missing ';' at 'output'
line 189:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 191:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 191:38 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 192:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 192:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 194:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 197:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 199:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 203:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 203:38 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 205:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 205:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 205:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 210:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 221:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 222:8 missing ';' at 'output'
line 223:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 225:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 225:39 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 226:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 226:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 228:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 232:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 232:34 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 234:8 missing ';' at 'cmd'
line 235:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 235:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 235:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 237:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 240:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 240:35 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 241:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 241:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 246:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 246:56 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 247:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 247:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 249:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 250:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 251:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 253:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 257:5 missing ';' at 'unittest'
line 258:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 258:41 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 260:8 missing ';' at 'vdd'
line 260:25 missing ';' at 'if'
line 260:28 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 260:51 mismatched input 'else' expecting ')'
line 261:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 262:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 262:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 262:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 264:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 266:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 267:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 269:5 missing ';' at 'unittest'
line 270:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 270:41 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 271:25 missing ';' at 'if'
line 271:28 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 271:51 mismatched input 'else' expecting ')'
line 272:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 273:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 273:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 273:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 275:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 277:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 279:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 279:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 279:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 281:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 283:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 285:5 missing ';' at 'unittest'
line 286:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 286:40 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 287:25 missing ';' at 'if'
line 287:28 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 287:51 mismatched input 'else' expecting ')'
line 288:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 289:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 291:5 missing ';' at 'unittest'
line 292:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 292:41 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 293:25 missing ';' at 'if'
line 293:28 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 293:51 mismatched input 'else' expecting ')'
line 294:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 295:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 297:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 297:29 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 299:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 299:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 299:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 304:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 305:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 306:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 307:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 308:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 309:12 missing ';' at 'blk1'
line 310:12 missing ';' at 'blk2'
line 311:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 315:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 318:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 319:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 320:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 321:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 325:12 missing ';' at 'blk1'
line 326:12 missing ';' at 'blk2'
line 327:8 missing ';' at 'output'
line 328:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 329:8 missing ';' at 'output'
line 330:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 331:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 333:8 missing ';' at 'output'
line 334:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 335:8 missing ';' at 'output'
line 336:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 337:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 339:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 339:51 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 340:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 340:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 342:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 343:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 344:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 346:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 346:52 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 347:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 347:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 349:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 350:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 356:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 356:27 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 358:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 358:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 358:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 362:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 366:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 367:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 368:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 369:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 371:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 375:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 376:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 377:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 378:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 379:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 384:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 385:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 386:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 387:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 389:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 393:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 394:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 395:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 396:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 398:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 402:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 403:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 404:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 405:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 407:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 407:49 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 408:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 408:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 410:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 413:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 417:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 418:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 419:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 420:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 422:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 426:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 427:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 428:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 429:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 431:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 431:45 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 433:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 433:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 433:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 435:12 missing ';' at 'blk1'
line 436:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 438:12 missing ';' at 'blk1'
line 439:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 445:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 445:34 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 446:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 446:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 450:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 451:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 452:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 454:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 456:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 458:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 460:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 461:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 465:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 466:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 467:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 468:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 470:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 472:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 474:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 478:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 479:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 480:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 481:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 482:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 484:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 484:46 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 485:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 485:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 487:12 missing ';' at 'blk1'
line 488:12 missing ';' at 'blk2'
line 489:12 missing ';' at 'blk3'
line 490:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 492:12 missing ';' at 'blk1'
line 493:12 missing ';' at 'blk2'
line 494:12 missing ';' at 'blk3'
line 495:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 501:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 507:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 512:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 512:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 512:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 514:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 516:8 missing ';' at 'offset'
line 517:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 518:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 520:8 missing ';' at 'offset'
line 521:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 522:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 524:8 missing ';' at 'offset'
line 525:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 526:8 missing ';' at 'self'
line 528:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 528:56 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 529:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 529:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 531:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 535:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 539:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 540:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 541:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 542:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 544:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 544:67 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 545:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 545:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 548:12 missing ';' at 'offset'
line 549:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 550:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 552:12 missing ';' at 'offset'
line 553:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 554:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 556:12 missing ';' at 'offset'
line 557:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 558:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 560:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 560:34 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 562:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 562:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 562:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 564:12 missing ';' at 'chip_revision'
line 565:12 missing ';' at 'if'
line 565:15 missing '(' at '"revision 3"'
line 565:28 missing ')' at 'in'
line 565:44 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 567:16 missing ';' at 'output'
line 568:16 missing ';' at 'self'
line 569:12 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 573:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 580:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 584:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 585:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 586:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 588:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 588:39 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 591:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 591:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 594:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 595:12 missing ';' at 'print'
line 598:8 missing ';' at 'elif'
line 598:25 mismatched input '==' expecting ';'
line 598:37 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 601:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 602:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 604:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 606:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 607:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 609:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 609:56 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 610:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 610:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 612:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 616:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 616:27 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 618:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 618:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 618:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 620:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 622:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 623:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 624:8 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 626:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 627:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 629:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 630:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 632:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 633:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 635:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 635:49 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 636:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 636:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 638:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 639:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 640:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 643:0 missing ';' at 'class'
line 643:48 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 644:35 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 645:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 645:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 649:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 650:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 651:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 653:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 656:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 657:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 658:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 659:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 661:4 missing ';' at 'def'
line 661:35 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 662:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 662:33 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 666:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 667:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 668:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 670:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 673:12 missing ';' at 'output'
line 674:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 675:12 missing ';' at 'self'
line 678:0 missing ';' at 'if'
line 678:3 missing '(' at '__name__'
line 678:25 mismatched input ':' expecting ')'
line 679:7 extraneous input 'len' expecting '('
line 679:21 extraneous input '>' expecting {IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, FloatingLiteral, StringLiteral, BooleanLiteral, PointerLiteral, UserDefinedLiteral, 'alignas', 'alignof', 'asm', 'auto', 'bool', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', 'class', 'const', 'constexpr', 'const_cast', 'continue', 'decltype', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'dynamic_cast', 'enum', 'explicit', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'friend', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'mutable', 'namespace', 'new', 'noexcept', 'operator', 'register', 'reinterpret_cast', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'static_assert', 'static_cast', 'struct', 'switch', 'this', 'thread_local', 'throw', 'try', 'typedef', 'typeid', 'typename', 'union', 'unsigned', 'using', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'wchar_t', 'while', '(', '[', '{', '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '~', Not, AndAnd, '++', '--', '::', ';', '...', Identifier}
line 679:24 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 681:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 681:11 missing '(' at 'chip_target'
line 681:23 missing ')' at 'not'
line 681:30 missing ';' at 'support_list_chips'
line 683:12 no viable alternative at input 'print("Usage: %s - a wrong name of chip"%chip_target)sys'
line 683:12 missing ';' at 'sys'
line 684:8 missing ';' at 'if'
line 684:11 extraneous input 'len' expecting '('
line 684:25 extraneous input '>' expecting {IntegerLiteral, CharacterLiteral, FloatingLiteral, StringLiteral, BooleanLiteral, PointerLiteral, UserDefinedLiteral, 'alignas', 'alignof', 'asm', 'auto', 'bool', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'char16_t', 'char32_t', 'class', 'const', 'constexpr', 'const_cast', 'continue', 'decltype', 'default', 'delete', 'do', 'double', 'dynamic_cast', 'enum', 'explicit', 'extern', 'float', 'for', 'friend', 'goto', 'if', 'inline', 'int', 'long', 'mutable', 'namespace', 'new', 'noexcept', 'operator', 'register', 'reinterpret_cast', 'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static', 'static_assert', 'static_cast', 'struct', 'switch', 'this', 'thread_local', 'throw', 'try', 'typedef', 'typeid', 'typename', 'union', 'unsigned', 'using', 'virtual', 'void', 'volatile', 'wchar_t', 'while', '(', '[', '{', '+', '-', '*', '&', '|', '~', Not, AndAnd, '++', '--', '::', ';', '...', Identifier}
line 684:28 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 686:12 missing ';' at 'reset_port'
line 687:4 mismatched input 'else' expecting ';'
line 688:42 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 692:4 missing ';' at 'sys'
line 692:19 no viable alternative at input '[sys.'
line 692:27 mismatched input ']' expecting ';'
line 692:41 mismatched input ':' expecting ';'
line 694:4 missing ';' at 'unittest'
line 695:0 mismatched input '<EOF>' expecting ';'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Imara\Documents\GitHub\CPS_SPA_Detection_Tool\dt\", line 32, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\Imara\Documents\GitHub\CPS_SPA_Detection_Tool\dt\", line 13, in main
  File "C:\Users\Imara\Documents\GitHub\CPS_SPA_Detection_Tool\dt\", line 249, in main
    start_searching(use_search_pattern(pattern_name), pattern_name, "current", pattern_name)
  File "C:\Users\Imara\Documents\GitHub\CPS_SPA_Detection_Tool\dt\", line 237, in start_searching
    counted = dig_for_code(key_repo_name, search_for_pattern, repo_dictionary, csv_writer, name)
  File "C:\Users\Imara\Documents\GitHub\CPS_SPA_Detection_Tool\dt\", line 201, in dig_for_code
    result = ast_cpp_antlr.main(csv_writer, file)
  File "C:\Users\Imara\Documents\GitHub\CPS_SPA_Detection_Tool\dt\", line 98, in main
    source = FileStream(location_file)
  File "C:\Users\Imara\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\antlr4\", line 20, in __init__
    super().__init__(self.readDataFrom(fileName, encoding, errors))
  File "C:\Users\Imara\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\antlr4\", line 27, in readDataFrom
    return codecs.decode(bytes, encoding, errors)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 34: ordinal not in range(128)

Process finished with exit code 1

from cps_spa_detection_tool.

IvDinten avatar IvDinten commented on September 26, 2024

In AirSim, the following file(s) are causing issues:

  • AirSim\Source\AirLib\src\vehicles\multirotor\api\MultirotorRpcLibClient.cpp
  • AirSim\AirLib\src\vehicles\multirotor\api\MultirotorRpcLibClient.cpp
  • AirSim\MavLinkCom\MavLinkTest\main.cpp
  • AirSim\AirLib\src\api\RpcLibClientBase.cpp
    (more to follow)

from cps_spa_detection_tool.

Related Issues (20)

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