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Comments (3)

Onl1ne1373 avatar Onl1ne1373 commented on September 26, 2024 1

178 (VrijkoelBlokTijd) is shifted by two, probably due to the 177 Reserved.

List for firmware 37:

Index Naam Min Max Default
0 Warmtepomp type 0 65535 0
1 Hardware versie 0 4294967296 0
2 Jaar van installatie 2009 2099 0
3 Datum van installatie 101 3112 0
4 Max handbedieningstijd 0 480 0
5 P_Vorst -5 10 2
6 W_Delta_Vorst 1 5 2
7 W_Delta_Frost_Diff 0 10 1,5
8 buitensensor data 0 1 0
9 Reserved 0 0 0
10 Inschakelvertraging 0 10 1
11 comprCap 0 10 3
12 limitedDemandCompressor 5 100 100
13 Periode tijd 0 18 3
14 maxCHTime 10 70 45
15 type stroommeet circuit 0 3 0
16 SpareInputFunctie 0 1 0
17 FoutrelaisFunctie 0 1 0
18 P_Snel_Ven 1000 10000 8333
19 P_Max_Open_Ven 0 2000 500
20 P_Extra_Sl_Ven 0 40 10
21 P_St_Blok_Ven 30 300 60
22 P_Corr_Blok_Ven 5 30 20
23 P_Ven_st_Diff 10 200 10
24 P_Min_Open_Ven_C1 10 2000 70
25 P_Open_Start_C1 10 1500 250
26 P_Open_Vereff_C1 10 2000 500
27 P_Vereff_tijd 0 180 60
28 P_Ven_St_5_30_C1 10 1500 200
29 P_Ven_St_5_50_C1 10 1500 125
30 P_Ven_St_10_30_C1 10 1500 250
31 P_Ven_St_10_500_C1 10 1500 150
32 P_Te_Vstap_Pos_C1 1 50 3
33 P_Te_Vstap_Neg_C1 1 50 6
34 P_Te_Vstap_Max_c1 50 250 200
35 P_dTe_C1 3 6 5,5
36 P_dTe_Diff_C1 0,5 1 0,5
37 P_Te_Vfac_Max_C1 0,5 3 1
38 P_Te_Vfac_Min_C1 0,1000000015 1 0,200000003
39 calcStartPosDHWwithoutCH 0 1 1
40 adjOverHeatingEnabled 0 1 1
41 maxOverheating 6 7 6
42 minOverheating 4 5,5 5,5
43 adjUpMinOverheating 0 1 0,1000000015
44 adjUpMaxOverheating 0 1 0,400000006
45 adjDownMinOverheating 0 1 0,1000000015
46 adjDownMaxOverheating 0 1 0,3000000119
47 adjUpLimitOverheating 0 2 1
48 adjDownLimitOverheating 0 2 0,200000003
49 delayAfterAdjustmentOverheating 0 300 90
50 P_Te_Corr_C1 -3 1 1
51 P_SC_20_C1 1 5 1
52 P_SC_60_C1 1 10 4
53 P_Te_afpomp_C1 -5 5 0
54 P_Te_C1 -11 5 -6
55 P_Tc_C1 60 80 72
56 P_Tpers_C1 80 120 110
57 P_SH_Max_C1 20 60 40
58 Trickle_Temp 0 50 31
59 trickleHeatingLow 0 50 25
60 minTimeNormalTrickle 0 48 24
61 trickleTempDHWLow 5 60 25
62 W_Vrijkoel_Interval 10 540 30
63 W_Min_Vloer_Temp_Hoog 18 25 20
64 W_Min_Vloer_Temp_Laag 18 25 18
65 Differentie boiler comfort 1 15 10
66 Setpoint boiler control 45 62 55
67 differentie boiler laag tarief 1 15 3,5
68 Setpoint boiler laag tarief 45 62 58,5
69 dhwDiffMaxSetPoint 1 15 6,5
70 dhwSetPointMax 45 62 61,5
71 maxTimeDhwReleasedDailyWeekly 1 24 4
72 twoDhwStorageTanks 0 1 0
73 tBlockPreheatDHW 1 240 60
74 DiffStopPreheatDHW 0,1000000015 5 1
75 PreheatDHWAvailable 0 1 1
76 FCvalveInFcDuringDHW 0 1 1
77 chPumpOffDuringDHW 0 1 1
78 disableSwitchChToDHW 0 1 0
79 Compressor type 0 2 0
80 P_Imax_C1 3 8 6
81 P_Imin_C1 0 2 1,5
82 CompStartTijdOudHardw 1 10 5
83 Opstarttijd compressor 1 10 2
84 Start_Compr 10 50 15
85 Full_Period 5 100 80
86 Diff_Compr 5 15 10
87 antipendeltijd compressor 300 3600 600
88 Min draaitijd 60 600 120
89 P_Afpomptijd 0 20 10
90 P_LD_Overbr 30 210 180
91 P_Imax_C2 6 12 10
92 P_Imin_C2 0 1 0
93 P_Imax_DHWElement 5 12 9
94 P_Imin_DHWElement 0 1 0
95 W_Therm_Eheat_Start 0 100 70
96 W_Therm_Eheat_Diff 5 20 10
97 W_Out_Eheat_Start -5 20 15
98 W_Out_Eheat_Diff 1 4 2
99 Max boiler temp elektrisch element 40 70 55
100 Max_Element_Temp 65 80 70
101 antipendeltijd elektrisch element 300 1200 600
102 P_Tijd_Start 2 10 4
103 electricElementSetup 0 3 0
104 W_P2_Stop_kort 0 120 30
105 W_P2_start_norm 0 120 30
106 W_P3_start_norm 0 120 60
107 AltPrerunTimeSourcePump 0 600 180
108 PreRunTimeDHWpump 0 600 30
109 nadraaitijd boilerPomp 0 600 10
110 Lage Snelheid Cvpomp 40 100 60
111 Lage Snelheid boilerpomp 40 100 40
112 Lage Snelheid bronpomp 40 100 60
113 Hoge Snelheid Cvpomp 40 100 70
114 Hoge Snelheid Boilerpomp 40 100 75
115 Hoge Snelheid bronpomp 40 100 100
116 Verwarming differentie 0 10 5
117 Pomp_Hoog 15 25 20
118 P4_Diff 0 5 2
119 P4_Hoogstart 30 62 55
120 VentingPumpsOnTime 0 600 120
121 VentingPumpsOffTime 0 600 30
122 BronflowControl 0 5 1
123 BronFlowSetpoint 800 2000 1000
124 BronFlowDiff 10 50 10
125 KlepOmlooptijd 75 90 75
126 P_BronFlowPomp 1 3000 2500
127 I_BronFlowPomp 0 100 2
128 P_BronFlowKlep 0 3000 2500
129 I_BronFlowKlep 0 100 0,200000003
130 chPumpType 0 1 1
131 dhwPumpType 0 1 1
132 pwmPumpFrequency 100 5000 1000
133 Reserved 0 0 0
134 min flow waarde 600 2000 600
135 K factor flow sensor 0 1 0,1870000064
136 Q factor flow sensor -2,5 2,5 -0,200000003
137 storing CV druk 0 4 0,5
138 Min CV druk 0 4 1
139 max CV temp bij -10°C 20 50 40
140 max CV temp bij 20°C 15 35 25
141 delta elektrisch element 1 5 1,399999976
142 delta compressor 1 5 2,400000095
143 min in te stellen ruimte temp 10 20 18
144 max in te stellen ruimtetemp 10 40 24
145 absoluut min ruimtetemp voor koelen 10 20 18
146 absoluut max ruimtetemp voor vrewarmen 20 40 21
147 offset voor koeling 1 5 1
148 differentie offset koeling 0,1000000015 2 0,3000000119
149 max tijd voor extra diep koelen 0 168 48
150 differrentie voor stop extra koeling 1 5 2
151 max vrijgave tijd elektrisch element 0 168 24
152 Blokkade tijd tussen verwarmen en koelen 0 168 24
153 Pband 0 10 3
154 Ifactor 0 255 65
155 Diff cool mode 0,5 3 0,5
156 MaxDayComprBocked 0 99 30
157 MaxDaysElemReleaseInstal 0 45 1
158 maxDaysElemReleaseUser 0 45 1
159 snelheid cv en boilerklep 1000 25000 1250
160 max stand CV DHW klep 200 1500 550
161 aantal pulsen om klep te ontlasten 0 20 10
162 P_PulsRetour 0 40 20
163 Klep_na_boil 0 1000 725
164 reverseFCvalveDirection 0 1 1
165 fctEnable 0 1 1
166 FCT_pump_pband 0 10 10
167 FCT_pump_Ifactor 0 20 0,400000006
168 FCT_valve_pband 0 20 3
169 FCT_valve_Ifactor 0 20 1
170 FCT runtime valve 200 1500 275
171 deel fact 0,5 5 1,200000048
172 offset 0,5 5 1
173 OEMcode 0 100 0
174 MinBronklepVerstelling 1 100 10
175 Flowfiltering 1 100 50
176 TimeGatewayToMft 0 1 1
177 Reserved 0 0 0
178 VrijkoelBlokTijd 0 14400 360
179 VrijkoelOffset -10 10 2
180 Nadraaitijd cv-pomp in cv bedrijf 0 6000 30
181 airRegAvailable 0 1 0
182 airRegStartPower 10 200 80
183 airRegStopPower 10 200 50
184 airRegMinFlow 100 1000 300
185 airRegMaxFlow 100 1000 900
186 airRegExtraPowerAtMaxFlow 10 200 80
187 airRegValveRuntime 10 250 90
188 airRegValvePBand 1 1000 200
189 airRegValveIFactor 0 2,5 0,1000000015
190 airRegValveAdjustDiff 1 20 5
191 sourcePumpPwmMinimum 1 100 15
192 sourcePumpPwmMaximum 1 100 95
193 sourcePumpPwmType 1 2 1
194 chPumpPwmMinimum 1 100 15
195 chPumpPwmMaximum 1 100 95
196 chPumpPwmType 1 2 1
197 dhwPumpPwmMinimum 1 100 15
198 dhwPumpPwmMaximum 1 100 95
199 dhwPumpPwmType 1 2 2
200 minOntimeSourcePumpBeforeValid 1 250 30
201 Spump2blockFC 0 2500 900
202 roomTOffsetFCT -10 12 5
203 CO control enabled 0 2 0
204 CO setpoint winter 5 10 5
205 CO setpoint summer 5 20 8
206 Runtime CO valve 10 300 75
207 P CO valve heat 0 15 9
208 I CO Valve heat 0 15 0,200000003
209 P CO valve cool 0 15 8
210 I CO Valve cool 0 15 0,200000003
211 Max sourceflow cooling CO control 300 2000 700
212 CO valve adjust diff 1 20 2
213 coValveLimitingPercentage 0 100 2
214 Min start position CO valve 0 100 60
215 Min time in start position Co Valve 0 600 120
216 Bronflow inregeltijd 0 240 5
217 CoolDemandSource 0 3 0
218 heatDemandExternSource 25 100 50
219 CoolWaitTimeExternDemand 60 120 60
220 MinOutsideTempCoolDemand 0 30 10
221 OffsetOutsideTempCoolDemand 0,1000000015 5 0,5
222 MinRunTimeExternCoolDemand 0 60 10
223 CoolSetpointExternCoolDemand 10 30 19
224 puls/kWh 1 65535 1000
225 Clear kWh counters 0 1 0
226 MaxRemoteVentingTime 0 240 0
227 P_Retry_Nul 1 1080 120
228 P_Data_Interval 5 300 5
229 Blokkade tijd tussen koelen en verwarmen 0 99 12
230 chPumpDuringCoolPause 0 1 0
231 maxTimeStartSourcepumpTo100Per 0 250 0
232 stopRampUpFlow 50 100 90
233 increasedSourcePumpSetpoint 100 150 120
234 DeltaIncSrcPumpSP_TsourceReturn 0 10 2
235 incSrcPumpSP_TimeTooLow 0 600 300
236 stabilizationTimeFreeCooling 0 250 30
237 preHeatDhwMaxOnTime 10 250 60
238 preHeatDhwMinOnTime 10 250 60
239 updateTimeLoggingData 0 250 60

from ithowifi.

tomkooij avatar tomkooij commented on September 26, 2024

@Onl1ne1373 Do you have a complete overview (table) of the fw37 settings?

From 133 it is clearly shifted down, but 178 (seconds) is NOT shifted down as 178 has values between 0-14400 (4 hours) and the next one is -10 to 10.

I'd like to submit a PR to fix this, but I need more info.

from ithowifi.

Onl1ne1373 avatar Onl1ne1373 commented on September 26, 2024

Can confirm this is fixed. Tested beta 6.

from ithowifi.

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