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Comments (8)

sandeepmistry avatar sandeepmistry commented on July 19, 2024

@drp0 thanks for providing sample code for this issue. Unfortunately I don't have access to a FTP to test it out with.

One thing to keep in mind for your next code sample, is make to code to reproduce the issue as minimal as possible, it helps us narrow down the issue. For example, the SD card code and possibly NTP code could have been removed. This way anyone trying to run your sample code the reproduce the issue doesn't need to setup an SD card shield.

Based on @ThibaultRichard's comment from #5 (comment): The main FTP client client might be receiving data while you are processing data from pclient. So internals of library will not process data from client and this will block the pclient from receiving data.

Some suggestions to try out:

  • Before connecting pclient, read all the data from client and disconnect the client. (Yes, I know this is not very FTP client like behaviour, but something worth testing).
  • In your while(pclient.connected() loops also check if there is data to be read from client.

from wifi101.

drp0 avatar drp0 commented on July 19, 2024

Well done Sandeep!
Both suggestions work- however disconnecting the client is certainly not protocol behaviour.
The client was in fact sending a string of characters, which could mean anything.
I have read the ftp protocol and can not determine why the UNIX ftp servers are sending this whilst a pasv transfer is in play.
The solution to pasv transfer is therefore while connected to the passive port:


from wifi101.

drp0 avatar drp0 commented on July 19, 2024

For reference, pasv directory:

boolean useserial = true;
unsigned long timeout = 30000; // maximum wait for ftp server response
String retval;

void dir(String prompt) { 
  if(!useserial) return;
Serial.print(F("\n**************** PASV directory request "));
Serial.println(F(" ****************\n"));

echo(F("Type A")); // A for ascii, I for binary

unsigned int hiPort = getport();
  if (hiPort == 0) {
  Serial.println(F("PASV rejected"));
  if (!pclient.connect(server, hiPort)) {
  Serial.println(F("Pasv Data port connection failed"));

int n = 0;
boolean error = false;
unsigned long bytes = 0;

retval = echo(prompt);
  if (retval.startsWith("5")) {
    if(useserial) Serial.println(F("LIST rejected"));
  pclient.stop(); response(1000);

unsigned long startTime = millis();
  while (pclient.connected() ) {

    if (millis()- startTime > 5000) {
    Serial.print(F("\n\nTimeout. "));
    error = true;
  n = pclient.available();
    if(n > 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) Serial.write(;
    bytes += n;
    startTime = millis();
  if (pclient.connected() ) {
  Serial.println(F("PASV port connected."));
  pclient.flush(); pclient.stop();  
  response(500); // flush client to be sure
  Serial.println(F("\nPASV has disconnected."));
  pclient.stop(); discard(100);
Serial.print(F("Received ")); Serial.print(bytes); Serial.println(F(" bytes\n"));

unsigned int getport(){
retval = echo(F("PASV"));
  if (retval.startsWith("5")) return 0;

// we have to change to the new port
unsigned int portarray[6];
int pos = 1 + retval.length();
char cretval[pos];
retval.toCharArray(cretval, pos);
char *str = strtok(cretval,"(,");
  for ( byte i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  str = strtok(NULL, "(,");
  portarray[i] = atoi(str);
    if(str == NULL) return 0;
unsigned int hiPort, loPort;
hiPort = portarray[4] << 8;
loPort = portarray[5] & 255;
hiPort = hiPort | loPort;
  if(useserial) {
  Serial.print(F("Data port: ")); Serial.println(hiPort);
return hiPort;

String echo(String request){ // send request and get response
  if (useserial) Serial.println(request);
retval = response(timeout);
return retval;

String response(int tout){ // get server response with timeout
unsigned long starttime = millis();
unsigned long lastbyte = starttime;
boolean alldone = false;
boolean gotbyte = false;
retval = "";
int received = 0;
    if (!client.connected() ){
    return "";
    while (client.available() > 0 ) {
    char c =;
    received ++;
      if (received < 127) retval = retval + String(c); // limit the string size
      if (useserial) Serial.write(c);
    lastbyte = millis();
    gotbyte = true;
    // a pause of 250 mS second probably indicates message over
    if (gotbyte && (millis() - lastbyte > 250)) alldone = true;
  } while ( (millis() - starttime < tout) && (!alldone));
return retval;

void discard(int quit) { // discard client bytes
unsigned long lastmsg = millis();  
    if (!client.connected()) return;
    while (client.available() ) client.flush();
    } while ( millis() - lastmsg < quit);

from wifi101.

drp0 avatar drp0 commented on July 19, 2024


byte led = 12; // choose carefully - some ports conflict with wifi101
               // not 5, 7 or 10
#include <SdFat.h>
SdFat sd; // file system object
Sd2Card card;
SdFile sdfile;
#define BUF_SIZE 1024 // 512 b optimized buffer for arduino flash transfer
byte buff[BUF_SIZE];

boolean ftpUpload(String sentfile) {
char fileout[1 + sentfile.length()]; // buffer for filename
  if(useserial) Serial.println(F("\n**************** FTP Upload ****************\n"));

  if(sentfile == "") {
    if(useserial) Serial.println(F("No file, nothing to do!\n"));
  noretry = true;
  return false;
sentfile.toCharArray(fileout, 1 + sentfile.length());
  //if (!, fileout, O_READ)) { // offset from root: old sdfat
  if (!, O_READ)) {  // current directory
    if (useserial)Serial.println(F("Arduino File failed to open, nothing to do!\n"));
  return false;
unsigned long filesize = sdfile.fileSize();
  if(filesize == 0) {
    if (useserial)Serial.println(F("Arduino file has zero size, nothing to do!\n"));
  return false;  
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // signal ftp out

unsigned int hiPort = getport();
  if (hiPort == 0) {
  quit(F("PASV rejected"), 12);
  return false;

  if (pclient.connect(server, hiPort)) {
    if(useserial) Serial.println(F("Pasv Data port connected"));
  }else {
  quit(F("Passive Data port connection failed"), 12);
  return false;

echo(F("TYPE I")); // binary
echo(F("REST 0")); // reset server pointer to 0

retval = echo("STOR " + sentfile); // (Non passive would require a port command first)
  if (retval.startsWith("5")) {
    if(useserial) Serial.println(F("Data port disconnected"));
  pclient.stop(); response(1000);    
  quit(F("STOR rejected"), 14);
  return false;

// now send the data file!
  if (useserial){
  Serial.print(F("Uploading file ")); Serial.print(sentfile + " ");
  Serial.print(filesize); Serial.println(F(" bytes"));
// Use fast optimized block sd write, block server read

  while (filesize >= BUF_SIZE){
    while(client.available());, BUF_SIZE);
  pclient.write(buff, BUF_SIZE);
  filesize = filesize - BUF_SIZE;
  if (filesize > 0){, filesize);
  pclient.write(buff, filesize);

  if (useserial)Serial.println(F("File upload done"));
  if(useserial) Serial.println(F("Data port disconnected"));
pclient.stop(); response(1000);    
  if (useserial) {
  echo("STAT " + sentfile);   // single file info non PASV
  //echo("STAT -a -l");       // current directory non PASV
  //dir("LIST " + sentfile ); // single file info PASV  
  //dir(F("LIST -a -l") );    // Current directory, PASV
return true;

void quit(String prompt, byte flash){
  if (flash > 0) prompt = "Error " + prompt;
  if (useserial) Serial.println(prompt);
  if (flash > 0){
    if (useserial) Serial.println(F("FTP failed"));

void flashled(byte repeat){
  for(byte i = 0; i < repeat; i++) {
  digitalWrite(led, LOW);
  digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led, LOW); 

from wifi101.

drp0 avatar drp0 commented on July 19, 2024


boolean ftpDownload(String recfile) {
unsigned int hiPort;
char infile[1 + recfile.length()]; // buffer for filename
  if(useserial) Serial.println(F("\n**************** FTP Download ****************\n"));

  if(recfile == "") {
    if(useserial) Serial.println(F("No file, nothing to do!\n"));
  return false;
recfile.toCharArray(infile, 1 + recfile.length());
  if(sd.exists(infile)){ // remove infile if present
    if(!sd.remove(infile) ) {
      if (useserial) Serial.println(F("Download file on Arduino exists and will not delete\n"));  
    return false;
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // signal ftp download
ok =, O_CREAT | O_WRITE);
  if (!ok ) {
    if (useserial) Serial.println(F("Quitting. Arduino File failed to open.\n"));  
  return false;

useserial = false;
echo("STAT"); // get status to clear old messages
pclient.flush(); // make sure this port is clear
  if (pclient.connected() ) {
useserial = olduseserial;

echo(F("TYPE I")); // binary

long remotesize = 0;
retval = echo("SIZE " + recfile);
  if (retval.startsWith("5")) {
  quit(F("SIZE rejected (File not found?)"), 14);
  return false;
  } else {
  byte p = 1 + retval.indexOf(" ");
  retval = retval.substring(p);
  remotesize = retval.toFloat();
    if (remotesize == 0) {
    noretry = true;
      quit(F("Server download file has zero size"), 14);
    return false;    

hiPort = getport();
  if (hiPort == 0) {
  quit(F("PASV rejected"), 12);
  return false;

  if (pclient.connect(server, hiPort)) {  // server
    if(useserial) Serial.println(F("Pasv Data port connected"));
  }else {
  quit(F("Passive Data port connection failed"), 12);
  return false;

// now receive the data file!
  if (useserial){
  Serial.print(F("Downloading file ")); Serial.println(recfile);

retval = echo(F("REST 0")); // reset server pointer to 0
  if (retval.startsWith("5")) { // error code returned
  pclient.stop(); discard(250);
  quit(F("REST rejected"), 16);
  return false;

retval = echo("RETR " + recfile); // (Non passive would require a port command first)
  if (retval.startsWith("5")) {
    if(useserial) Serial.println(F("Data port disconnected"));
  pclient.stop(); discard(250);    
  quit(F("RETR rejected"), 14);
  return false;

unsigned long filesize = 0;
boolean error = false;
unsigned long lastbyte = millis();
int n;
  while(pclient.connected()) {
  n = pclient.available();
     if(n > 0 ){
      while (n >= BUF_SIZE) {, BUF_SIZE);
      sdfile.write(buff, BUF_SIZE);
      filesize = filesize + BUF_SIZE;
      n = n - BUF_SIZE;                    

      if (n > 0) {, n);
      sdfile.write(buff, n);
      filesize = filesize + n;
    lastbyte = millis();

    if (millis() - lastbyte > 10000) {
    error = true;

ok = false;
  if (filesize == remotesize) ok = true;

  if (useserial) {
    if (error) {
    Serial.print(F("\nTimeout. "));
    Serial.print(F("\nFile download complete. "));
  Serial.print(filesize); Serial.print(F(" bytes: "));
    if (ok) Serial.println(F("SUCCESS")); else Serial.println(F("FAILURE"));
  Serial.println(F("\nData port disconnecting.."));
  if (pclient.connected() ){
  Serial.print(F("\n**************** Aduino "));
  Serial.print(local); Serial.println(F(" ****************\n"));
  // list root files with date and size | LS_SIZE);
digitalWrite(led, LOW); // signal end of send
  if(ok) return true; else return false;

from wifi101.

sandeepmistry avatar sandeepmistry commented on July 19, 2024

@drp0 great, thanks for trying out my suggestion!

I'm going to rename this issue and provide some a minimal test case on how to reproduce.

from wifi101.

sandeepmistry avatar sandeepmistry commented on July 19, 2024

Simple way to reproduce:

#include <WiFi101.h>

char ssid[] = "yourNetwork"; //  your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "password";    // your network password (use for WPA, or use as key for WEP)

char server[] = ""; // server IP
int port = 8000;

WiFiClient client1;
WiFiClient client2;

void setup() {

  if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
    Serial.println("WiFi shield not present");
    // don't continue:
    while (true);

  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to SSID: ");
  while (WiFi.begin(ssid, pass) != WL_CONNECTED) {
    Serial.println("Connection failed, retrying");

  Serial.println("Connected to wifi");

  if (client1.connect(server, port)) {
    Serial.println("Connected to server 1");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Connection to server failed 1");

  if (client2.connect(server, port)) {
    Serial.println("Connected to server 2");

    int read = 0;
    while(client1.connected()) {
      int n = client1.available();
      if(n > 0) {
        byte getit[n];
        read +=, n);

        Serial.print("Bytes read = ");

    Serial.println("Disconnected from server");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Connection to server failed 2");

void loop() {

Node.js server:

var net = require('net');

net.createServer(function (socket) {
  console.log('client connected', socket.remoteAddress, socket.remotePort);

  setTimeout(function() {
      var data = new Buffer(15000).fill(0);

      socket.write(data, function() {
  }, 10000);

Typically, only 2892 bytes are read from client1 before the sketch stops, even though the server is sending 15000 bytes to both client1 and client2.

from wifi101.

sandeepmistry avatar sandeepmistry commented on July 19, 2024

Now that #204 is merged, this will no longer happen on SAMD boards like the MKR1000. However, it will still happen on AVR boards when a packet over 64 bytes is received.

from wifi101.

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