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Amos Babu's Projects

amosob icon amosob

Config files for my GitHub profile.

contacts_list icon contacts_list

This is a small application for fetching api data using api in reactjs

food_vending_tracker_react_laravel icon food_vending_tracker_react_laravel

I'm making a food vending tracker to let customers know where their food is in the process of being processed, packaged, prepped, or ready. I'm using laravel and react with inertia and sqlite.

lavarelcrud icon lavarelcrud

The project is the illustration of Create, Read, Update and Delete principle in PHP framework Laravel, I used HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP and PHP

online-chatting-system icon online-chatting-system

A small chatting system made using Laravel and its components as backend web server and React as client frontend, am also using Inertia to connect the two technologies

react_calculator icon react_calculator

A small calculator application thats uses reactjs to update the state and rendring conditional logic based on the numbers and operator given

recipe_finder icon recipe_finder

Small react app that displays a search query as a result from search from a food API

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  • Machine learning

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