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algorand-sdk-testing's Issues

Per-SDK Harness Property File / Moving business logic from test harness to SDKs [Design Task + maybe a prototype: 3]

We should add some additional metadata to each SDK to allow the harness to do some basic validation prior to running the tests. At the root of each directory we could have a file named that provides some metadata to the SDK Harness.

Another thing we could do is move the step files into each SDK, and then the property file would help the cucumber harness find the step files.

SDK Test Harness

Update SDK harness to include indexer instance(s) preloaded with static test data.

[8] Cucumber tests: java contracts

  • Scenario: Split steps implemented
  • Scenario: HTLC steps implemented
  • Scenario: Periodic Payment steps implemented
  • Scenario: Limit Order steps implemented
  • Scenario: Dynamic Fee steps implemented
  • Tests actually pass

Account rewards are expected to be 0

Yesterday the Javascript SDK started failing an integration test:

The only difference between the actual and expected JSON is that some accounts have a nonzero "reward", so I believe this is because algorand/indexer#221 was merged.

I was going to make a PR that hardcodes the values from the actual response above, but since rewards are time dependent I wasn't sure if that would be too brittle.

Replace specific response checks with more general single response check

All the response checks in algodv2 and indexer _response feature files look like:
And the parsed Pending Transactions Information response should contain an array of len <len> and element number <idx> should have sender "<sender>"

Instead, they could be:
Then the re-serialized object equals the response in "<jsonfiles>" loaded from "<directory>"
This would let the tests check the whole struct rather than individual fields, would make tests cleaner to read, easier to write, and more thorough.

[8] Cucumber tests: python contracts

  • Scenario: Split steps implemented
  • Scenario: HTLC steps implemented
  • Scenario: Periodic Payment steps implemented
  • Scenario: Limit Order steps implemented
  • Scenario: Dynamic Fee steps implemented
  • Tests actually pass

go-algorand-sdk should support the new GetProof interface


currently, algod supports a REST endpoint that returns proof of a specific transaction inside a block.
The new statproofs keys introduce merkle tree changes that imply changes on the proof that is being returned.
Thus, the REST endpoint is going to change

Acceptance Criteria :

go-algorand-sdk should support this API changes.

`currencyGreaterThan` or `currencyLessThan` should appear in query if the value is explicitly set to 0

Subject of the issue

Various attempts were made to fix algorand/js-algorand-sdk#414 but the PRs were blocked by failed cucumber tests which have an inaccurate expected behaviour for the feature.

See below

PR author PR CircleCI test report
@AlgoDoggo algorand/js-algorand-sdk#562
@barnjamin algorand/js-algorand-sdk#571

Expected behaviour

These are the expected behaviour for the SDK.

  1. [working as expected] When currencyGreaterThan or currencyLessThan is unset, it should not appear in the url query list.
  2. [working as expected] When currencyLessThan is set to 0, the returned results should be empty or throw an error for disallowed value.
  3. [working as expected] When currencyGreaterThan is set to 0, the returned result from the API is different from that of when currencyGreaterThan is unset.
    => And that's why currency-greater-than=0 should be in the query list if 0 is set explicitly.
  4. [not working] When currencyGreaterThan or currencyLessThan is set to 0, it should appear in the url query list.

Actual behaviour

There are many tests in that has the same inaccurate expectation. Below is one of the examples:
currency-greater-than=0 or currency-less-than=0 is expected to not appear in the url's query list by the cucumber tests even though 0 is being explicitly set.

Scenario Outline: LookupAssetBalances path
When we make a Lookup Asset Balances call against asset index <index> with limit <limit> afterAddress "<afterAddress>" currencyGreaterThan <currencyGreaterThan> currencyLessThan <currencyLessThan>
Then expect the path used to be "<path>"
| path | index | limit | currencyGreaterThan | currencyLessThan | afterAddress |
| /v2/assets/100/balances | 100 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
| /v2/assets/100/balances?limit=1 | 100 | 1 | 0 | 0 | |
| /v2/assets/100/balances?currency-greater-than=3 | 100 | 0 | 3 | 0 | |
| /v2/assets/100/balances?currency-less-than=4 | 100 | 0 | 0 | 4 | |

Flaky test runs on travis and local [2 points]

Sometimes, on Travis and on local machines, the SDK tests fail with some kind of file error / the error ENOENT also appears in many places. This can typically be fixed with a retry.

Will update with a more precise description and a log when I can.

Dryrun trace printer support


When application developers debug a dryrun, it's helpful to format the response in a trace-like format.






Cleanup Updated Response Tests

We had to create a couple new steps to add parameters to existing steps without breaking old stuff:

  Scenario Outline: LookupAssetTransactions path for rekey
    When we make a Lookup Asset Transactions call against asset index <index> with NotePrefix "<notePrefixB64>" TxType "<txType>" SigType "<sigType>" txid "<txid>" round <round> minRound <minRound> maxRound <maxRound> limit <limit> beforeTime "<beforeTime>" afterTime "<afterTime>" currencyGreaterThan <currencyGreaterThan> currencyLessThan <currencyLessThan> address "<address>" addressRole "<addressRole>" ExcluseCloseTo "<excludeCloseTo>" RekeyTo "<rekeyTo>"

When we make a Lookup Asset Transactions... now has an implementation with/without RekeyTo "<rekeyTo>".

We could migrate the original LookupAssetTransactions path for rekey to the new implementation, and tag the old one with @deprecated. In the future once all of our SDKs have implemented the new step we can delete the old one and remove @unit.indexer.rekey

Repeat this for all of the new "call endpoint with parameters" steps.

When we make a Lookup Asset Transactions call against asset index <index> with NotePrefix "<notePrefixB64>" TxType "<txType>" SigType "<sigType>" txid "<txid>" round <round> minRound <minRound> maxRound <maxRound> limit <limit> beforeTime "<beforeTime>" afterTime "<afterTime>" currencyGreaterThan <currencyGreaterThan> currencyLessThan <currencyLessThan> address "<address>" addressRole "<addressRole>" ExcluseCloseTo "<excludeCloseTo>" RekeyTo "<rekeyTo>"

When we make a Lookup Account Transactions call against account "<account>" with NotePrefix "<notePrefixB64>" TxType "<txType>" SigType "<sigType>" txid "<txid>" round <round> minRound <minRound> maxRound <maxRound> limit <limit> beforeTime "<beforeTime>" afterTime "<afterTime>" currencyGreaterThan <currencyGreaterThan> currencyLessThan <currencyLessThan> assetIndex <index> rekeyTo "<rekeyTo>"

When we make a Search Accounts call with assetID <index> limit <limit> currencyGreaterThan <currencyGreaterThan> currencyLessThan <currencyLessThan> round <round> and authenticating address "<authAddr>"

When we make a Search For Transactions call with account "<account>" NotePrefix "<notePrefixB64>" TxType "<txType>" SigType "<sigType>" txid "<txid>" round <round> minRound <minRound> maxRound <maxRound> limit <limit> beforeTime "<beforeTime>" afterTime "<afterTime>" currencyGreaterThan <currencyGreaterThan> currencyLessThan <currencyLessThan> assetIndex <index> addressRole "<addressRole>" ExcluseCloseTo "<excludeCloseTo>" rekeyTo "<rekeyTo>"

Cucumber tests for `min-balance`


algorand/go-algorand#3287 has introduced min-balance to the response of algod's /v2/accounts/{{ACCOUNT}} as well as to the goal account info. "For free", it is also introduced into the Python SDK's account_info() method. We'll need to implement this functionality in all our other SDK's. To ensure that the SDK's behave as expected, we should adhere to a spec that is defined in a cucumber test.

part of: algorand/indexer#808


  1. Cucumber test that describes what the min-balance field should look like when calling account_info()
  2. Issues for implementing the feature and passing tests in each of the 4 SDK's

Add option to build test environment from source

The test environment is currently hard coded to install the nightly channel.

We need an option that allow building a specific go-algorand branch / repository to use with the test environment.

Inject port and token values into integration tests

Currently, port and token values are received from the environment, or hardcoded. It would likely be better to define these in the .feature files.

Example from indexer testing:

    Given indexer client 1 at "localhost" port 59999 with token "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

Update tests for EvalDelta field

@winder commented on Thu Jul 23 2020

  • Indexer responses which have transactions.
  • Algod PendingTransactionByID (maybe - only Java supports comparing messagepack responses against the model objects)
  • Regenerate indexer integration test goldens (utils/

Design task: how can SDK testing be made easier and faster? [1 pt]

Currently it is difficult for a new developer to setup, run tests locally, and add new tests. For example, each step-definition file uses lots of global state to pass information around. This was fine when we had only a few tests, but as time passes and the feature and test sets grow, this will get harder and harder to maintain.

Some suggestions:

  • refactor stepdefs to use a test fixture that resets per-scenario
  • setup and test scripts do not need to be edited before running
  • ??? what else?

Additional notes and ideas in this document:

Provide SDK method to allow fetching a method by name


For each SDK I've written a small utility method to the effect of:

def get_method(c: Contract, name: str) -> Method:
    for m in c.methods:
        if == name:
            return m
    raise Exception("No method with the name {}".format(name))

So that later I can call:

comp.add_method_call(app_id, get_method("add"), addr, sp, signer, method_args=[1,1])


Implement this method or something like it so a developer can easily pass the contract Method into the add_method_call without having to rewrite the same utility function.

[8] Cucumber tests: js contracts

  • Scenario: Split steps implemented
  • Scenario: HTLC steps implemented
  • Scenario: Periodic Payment steps implemented
  • Scenario: Limit Order steps implemented
  • Scenario: Dynamic Fee steps implemented
  • Tests actually pass

SDKs: Support Box static array in transactions + algod box search APIs


As of algorand/go-algorand#3890, accessing a Box requires specifying the box name in the (new) static Boxes array. The story requests adding SDK support + tests for submitting Application Call transactions with a static Boxes array.

SDKs in-scope:


  • We should able to specify the boxes that an application call will touch: i.e. ApplicationCallTxn needs a new "boxes" field.
  • The atomic transaction composer also needs an update to the add_method_call function, and possibly some other updates (not well understood by me yet).
  • Encoding note:
    • The SDK exposes an API where apps are directly referenced: appl(A, ForeignApps=[B], Boxes=[(A, "hello"), (B, "goodbye")])
    • In contrast, the transaction encoding translates the app reference to the foreign app index (e.g. A to 0): appl(A, ForeignApps=[B], Boxes=[(0, "hello"), (1, "goodbye")]).



Build AI

Subject of the issue

Your environment

Steps to reproduce

Expected behaviour

Actual behaviour

CI: Prevent merging algorand-sdk-testing PRs that break SDKs


Merging algorand-sdk-testing in a state that breaks downstream SDKs in master shouldn’t happen. But, in practice, it happens without mal-intent.


  • Since there’s no build check in algorand-sdk-testing, it’s possible to unintentionally merge test changes that break SDKs.
  • Since there’s no time-based SDK build process (e.g. nightly), no one discovers a broken SDK build until someone tries to build the project. It’s difficult to correlate a build failure with root problem cause.
  • Motivating example:
  • With the as is conventions, the encouraged way to make changes without breaking SDKs is to make 2-step changes as described below.
    • In an algorand-sdk-testing PR, duplicate the test in-question. Assign a unique annotation.
    • Merge the PR. SDKs are safe because:
      • New test is not run until the annotation is configured.
      • All other tests are unchanged.
    • After making + merging changes to all SDKs, remove the test that was duplicated.


Unclear - From group discussion, at least a couple of paths exist. Bolded proposal is preferred though more discussion is needed.

  • Modify algorand-sdk-testing build process to test downstream SDKs. Implies failing the build when a downstream SDK's tests fail.
    • There's a circular dependency between algorand-sdk-testing and SDKs that complicates the checks.
    • It's possible to imagine a build process like:
      • algorand-sdk-testing build looks for SDK branch names matching algorand-sdk-testing branch. If none found, use the SDK repo's default branch.
      • Run integration tests on all SDKs.
    • Concerns:
      • Some algorand-sdk-testing changes have no downstream consequences. The process must work for such scenarios.
      • The proposed process feels heavyweight. It likely results in a long build time.
  • Make SDKs depend on a tag of algorand-sdk-testing instead of master. Implies implementing a process to ensure SDK repos update algorand-sdk-testing on release.
    • Allows for looser coupling among SDK changes. Should support retaining a simpler build process.
    • It's possible to imagine starting with a manual process for keeping tags in-sync. In principle, stories won't be closed until corresponding SDK changes complete.
    • Constraint: All SDKs provide the same approach for configuring algorand-sdk-testing git tag/branch without requiring hand-modified shell script modifications.

Stopgap measures until taking on an approach from above:

  • Setup a nightly build for each SDK.
    • If an algorand-sdk-testing PR breaks an SDK, we'll know within 24 hours rather than when someone else attempts to build.
    • The process feels straightforward to implement. And provides more visibility than we have today.
    • Once a more principled approach is implemented, we can remove the nightly builds.





Use data tables

Just forwarding a recommendation I got to use data tables:

cucumber-rs/cucumber#183 (comment)


And I build an application transaction with the transient account, the current application, suggested params, operation "create", approval-program "programs/big_app_program.teal.tok", clear-program "programs/big_app_program.teal.tok", global-bytes <global-bytes>, global-ints 0, local-bytes <local-bytes>, local-ints 0, app-args "", foreign-apps "", foreign-assets "", app-accounts "", extra-pages 3

do (or similar)

And I build an application transaction with 
  | operation        | create                            |
  | approval-program | programs/big_app_program.teal.tok |
  | clear-program    | programs/big_app_program.teal.tok |
  | global-bytes     | <global-bytes>                    |
  | global-ints      | 0                                 |
  | local-bytes      | <local-bytes>                     |
  | local-ints       | 0                                 |
  | app-args         |                                   |
  | foreign-apps     |                                   |
  | foreign-assets   |                                   |
  | app-accounts     |                                   |
  | extra-pages      | 3                                 |

It would be easier both read/match the step and access the table data via gherkin::Step.

I imagine that these kind of changes are difficult to do, since they'd break the tests in all the SDKs, but worth maybe for future features.

SDKs: Add app address to foreign apps to dryrun requests


When supplying an app in the foreign app's array, the app's account is inaccessible unless it's added to the foreign accounts array. The workflow causes SDK users to stumble over dryrun usage because the requirement feels non-obvious.


When composing a dryrun request, SDKs can conditionally add the app's account to foreign accounts arrays.



SDKs: Support indexer Box search APIs


Make corresponding SDK changes to support these Box search APIs:

This story is the Indexer analog to #175.

SDKs in-scope:


Tracking PR progress:

Work algorand-sdk-testing go-sdk java-sdk py-sdk js-sdk Notes
API Path tests #219 algorand/go-algorand-sdk#355 algorand/java-algorand-sdk#356 algorand/py-algorand-sdk#366 algorand/js-algorand-sdk#619 Check that API URLs are escaped properly & check for non UTF-8 characters in endpoint url
Support box reads given app and name #232 algorand/go-algorand-sdk#391 algorand/java-algorand-sdk#385 algorand/py-algorand-sdk#382 algorand/js-algorand-sdk#641
Support reading all box names by app #232 algorand/go-algorand-sdk#391 algorand/java-algorand-sdk#385 algorand/py-algorand-sdk#382 algorand/js-algorand-sdk#641



[8] Cucumber tests: golang contracts

  • Scenario: Split steps implemented
  • Scenario: HTLC steps implemented
  • Scenario: Periodic Payment steps implemented
  • Scenario: Limit Order steps implemented
  • Scenario: Dynamic Fee steps implemented
  • Tests actually pass

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