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Moon Jekyll Theme Donate

Sorry guys but there will be no update until I buy a new laptop.

######(If you like this theme or using it, please give a ⭐ for motivation.)

Moon is a minimal, one column jekyll theme.


  • Minimal, you can focus on your content
  • Responsive
  • Disqus integration
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Optional post image
  • Social icons
  • Page for sharing projects
  • Optional background image
  • Simple navigation menu
  • MathJax support


screenshot of Moon
screenshot of Moon

See a live version of Moon hosted on GitHub.

Getting Started

To learn how to install and use this theme check out the Setup Guide for more information.

Alex's Projects

alex icon alex

This is my first project.

bootstrap icon bootstrap

The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.

bt-btt icon bt-btt


learngit icon learngit

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