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bilby.js's Introduction

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bilby.js is a serious functional programming library. Serious, meaning it applies category theory to enable highly abstract and generalised code. Functional, meaning that it enables referentially transparent programs.

Some features include:

  • Immutable multimethods for ad-hoc polymorphism
  • Functional data structures
  • Automated specification testing (ScalaCheck, QuickCheck)
  • Fantasy Land compatible



var bilby = require('bilby');


<script src="bilby-min.js"></script>


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Environments are very important in bilby. The library itself is implemented as a single environment.

An environment holds methods and properties.

Methods are implemented as multimethods, which allow a form of ad-hoc polymorphism. Duck typing is another example of ad-hoc polymorphism but only allows a single implementation at a time, via prototype mutation.

A method instance is a product of a name, a predicate and an implementation:

var env = bilby.environment()
        // Name
        // Predicate
        function(n) {
            return typeof n == 'number';
        // Implementation
        function(n) {
            return -n;

env.negate(100) == -100;

We can now override the environment with some more implementations:

var env2 = env
        function(b) {
            return typeof b == 'boolean';
        function(b) {
            return !b;

env2.negate(100) == -100;
env2.negate(true) == false;

The environments are immutable; references to env won't see an implementation for boolean. The env2 environment could have overwritten the implementation for number and code relying on env would still work.

Properties can be accessed without dispatching on arguments. They can almost be thought of as methods with predicates that always return true:

var env = bilby.environment()
    .property('name', 'Brian'); == 'Brian';

This means that bilby's methods can be extended:

function MyData(data) { = data;

var _ = bilby.method(
    function(a, b) {
        return this.equal(,;

    new MyData(1),
    new MyData(1)
) == true;

    new MyData(1),
    new MyData(2)
) == false;

environment(methods = {}, properties = {})

  • method(name, predicate, f) - adds an multimethod implementation
  • property(name, value) - sets a property to value
  • envConcat(extraMethods, extraProperties) - adds methods + properties
  • envAppend(e) - combines two environemts, biased to e


The helpers module is a collection of functions used often inside of bilby.js or are generally useful for programs.


Returns the name of function f.


Returns the arity of function f.


Makes this inside of f equal to o:

bilby.bind(function() { return this; })(a)() == a

Also partially applies arguments:

bilby.bind(bilby.add)(null, 10)(32) == 42


Takes a normal function f and allows partial application of its named arguments:

var add = bilby.curry(function(a, b) {
        return a + b;
    add15 = add(15);

add15(27) == 42;

Retains ability of complete application by calling the function when enough arguments are filled:

add(15, 27) == 42;


Flips the order of arguments to f:

var concat = bilby.curry(function(a, b) {
        return a + b;
    prepend = flip(concat);


Identity function. Returns o:

forall a. identity(a) == a


Constant function. Creates a function that always returns c, no matter the argument:

forall a b. constant(a)(b) == a

compose(f, g)

Creates a new function that applies f to the result of g of the input argument:

forall f g x. compose(f, g)(x) == f(g(x))


Partial polyfill for Object.create - creates a new instance of the given prototype.

getInstance(self, constructor)

Always returns an instance of constructor.

Returns self if it is an instanceof constructor, otherwise constructs an object with the correct prototype.

tagged(name, fields)

Creates a simple constructor for a tagged object.

var Tuple = tagged('Tuple', ['a', 'b']);
var x = Tuple(1, 2);
var y = new Tuple(3, 4);
x instanceof Tuple && y instanceof Tuple;


Creates a disjoint union of constructors, with a catamorphism.

var List = taggedSum({
    Cons: ['car', 'cdr'],
    Nil: []
function listLength(l) {
    return l.cata({
        Cons: function(car, cdr) {
            return 1 + listLength(cdr);
        Nil: function() {
            return 0;
listLength(List.Cons(1, new List.Cons(2, List.Nil()))) == 2;


Turns the throw new Error(s) statement into an expression.

zip(a, b)

Takes two lists and pairs their values together into a "tuple" (2 length list):

zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) == [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]

singleton(k, v)

Creates a new single object using k as the key and v as the value. Useful for creating arbitrary keyed objects without mutation:

singleton(['Hello', 'world'].join(' '), 42) == {'Hello world': 42}

extend(a, b)

Right-biased key-value concat of objects a and b:

bilby.extend({a: 1, b: 2}, {b: true, c: false}) == {a: 1, b: true, c: false}


Returns true iff o has typeof s.


Returns true iff a is a Function.


Returns true iff a is a Boolean.


Returns true iff a is a Number.


Returns true iff a is a String.


Returns true iff a is an Array.


Returns true iff a is even.


Returns true iff a is odd.


Returns true iff o is an instance of c.


Sentinal value for when any type of primitive value is needed.


Sentinal value for when a single character string is needed.


Sentinel value for when an array of a particular type is needed:



Returns true iff a is an instance of arrayOf.


Sentinal value for when an object with specified properties is needed:

    age: Number,
    name: String


Returns true iff a is an instance of objectLike.


Curried function for ||.


Curried function for &&.


Curried function for +.


Curried function for ===.


Returns true iff a is falsy.


Curried function for filling array.

range(a, b)

Create an array with a given range (length).

liftA2(f, a, b)

Lifts a curried, binary function f into the applicative passes a and b as parameters.

sequence(m, a)

Sequences an array, a, of values belonging to the m monad:

 bilby.sequence(Array, [
     [1, 2],
     [4, 5]
 ]) == [
     [1, 3, 4],
     [1, 3, 5],
     [2, 3, 4],
     [2, 3, 5]

Do (operator overloading)

Adds operator overloading for functional syntax:

  • >= - monad flatMap/bind:

        bilby.some(1) >= function(x) {
            return x < 0 ? bilby.none : bilby.some(x + 2);
    ).getOrElse(0) == 3;
  • >> - kleisli:

        function(x) {
            return x < 0 ? bilby.none : bilby.some(x + 1);
        } >> function(x) {
            return x % 2 != 0 ? bilby.none : bilby.some(x + 1);
    )(1).getOrElse(0) == 3;
  • < - functor map:

        bilby.some(1) < add(2)
    ).getOrElse(0) == 3;
  • * - applicative ap(ply):

        bilby.some(add) * bilby.some(1) * bilby.some(2)
    ).getOrElse(0) == 3;
  • + - semigroup concat:

        bilby.some(1) + bilby.some(2)
    ).getOrElse(0) == 3;


Creates a new syntax scope. The a expression is allowed multiple usages of a single operator per Do call:

  • >= - flatMap
  • >> - kleisli
  • < - map
  • * - ap
  • + - concat

The associated name will be called on the bilby environment with the operands. For example:

bilby.Do()(bilby.some(1) + bilby.some(2))

Desugars into:

bilby.concat(bilby.some(1), bilby.some(2))


Used to mutate the valueOf property on proto. Necessary to do the Do block's operator overloading. Uses the object's existing valueOf if not in a Do block.

Warning: this mutates proto. May not be safe, even though it tries to default back to the normal behaviour when not in a Do block.


Reifies continutations onto the heap, rather than the stack. Allows efficient tail calls.

Example usage:

function loop(n) {
    function inner(i) {
        if(i == n) return bilby.done(n);
        return bilby.cont(function() {
            return inner(i + 1);

    return bilby.trampoline(inner(0));

Where loop is the identity function for positive numbers. Without trampolining, this function would take n stack frames.


Result constructor for a continuation.


Continuation constructor. thunk is a nullary closure, resulting in a done or a cont.


The beginning of the continuation to call. Will repeatedly evaluate cont thunks until it gets to a done value.


  • concat(b) - semigroup concat
  • map(f) - functor map
  • ap(b) - applicative ap(ply)
  • chain(f) - chain value
  • arb() - arbitrary value


Returns true if a is Id.


Sentinel value for when an Id of a particular type is needed:



Returns true iff a is an instance of idOf.


Option a = Some a + None

The option type encodes the presence and absence of a value. The some constructor represents a value and none represents the absence.

  • fold(a, b) - applies a to value if some or defaults to b
  • getOrElse(a) - default value for none
  • isSome - true iff this is some
  • isNone - true iff this is none
  • toLeft(r) - left(x) if some(x), right(r) if none
  • toRight(l) - right(x) if some(x), left(l) if none
  • flatMap(f) - monadic flatMap/bind
  • map(f) - functor map
  • ap(s) - applicative ap(ply)
  • concat(s, plus) - semigroup concat


Constructor of Monad creating Option with value of x.


Constructor to represent the existence of a value, x.


Represents the absence of a value.


Returns true if a is a some or none.


Either a b = Left a + Right b

Represents a tagged disjunction between two sets of values; a or b. Methods are right-biased.

  • fold(a, b) - a applied to value if left, b if right
  • swap() - turns left into right and vice-versa
  • isLeft - true iff this is left
  • isRight - true iff this is right
  • toOption() - none if left, some value of right
  • toArray() - [] if left, singleton value if right
  • flatMap(f) - monadic flatMap/bind
  • map(f) - functor map
  • ap(s) - applicative ap(ply)
  • concat(s, plus) - semigroup concat


Constructor to represent the left case.


Constructor to represent the (biased) right case.


Returns true iff a is a left or a right.


Validation e v = Failure e + Success v

The Validation data type represents a "success" value or a semigroup of "failure" values. Validation has an applicative functor which collects failures' errors or creates a new success value.

Here's an example function which validates a String:

function nonEmpty(field, string) {
    return string
        ? ฮป.success(string)
        : ฮป.failure([field + " must be non-empty"]);

We might want to give back a full-name from a first-name and last-name if both given were non-empty:

function getWholeName(firstName) {
    return function(lastName) {
        return firstName + " " + lastName;
    ฮป.map(nonEmpty("First-name", firstName), getWholeName),
    nonEmpty("Last-name", lastName)

When given a non-empty firstName ("Brian") and lastName ("McKenna"):

ฮป.success("Brian McKenna");

If given only an invalid firstname:

ฮป.failure(['First-name must be non-empty']);

If both values are invalid:

    'First-name must be non-empty',
    'Last-name must be non-empty'
  • map(f) - functor map
  • ap(b, concat) - applicative ap(ply)


Represents a successful value.


Represents a failure.

errors must be a semigroup (i.e. have an concat implementation in the environment).


Constructor to represent the existance of a value, x.


Constructor to represent the existance of a value, x.


Returns true iff a is a success or a failure.


Lenses allow immutable updating of nested data structures.

store(setter, getter)

A store is a combined getter and setter that can be composed with other stores.


Returns true iff a is a store.


A total lens takes a function, f, which itself takes a value and returns a store.

  • run(x) - gets the lens' store from x
  • compose(l) - lens composition


Returns true iff a is a lens.


Creates a total lens over an object for the k key.


Purely functional IO wrapper.


Pure wrapper around a side-effecting f function.

  • perform() - action to be called a single time per program
  • flatMap(f) - monadic flatMap/bind


Returns true iff a is an io.


Tuples are another way of storing multiple values in a single value. They have a fixed number of elements (immutable), and so you can't cons to a tuple. Elements of a tuple do not need to be all of the same type

Example usage:

 bilby.Tuple2(1, 2);
 bilby.Tuple3(1, 2, 3);
 bilby.Tuple4(1, 2, 3, 4);
 bilby.Tuple5(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
  • arb() - arbitrary value


  • flip() - flip values
  • concat() - Semigroup (value must also be a Semigroup)
  • map() - functor map


  • concat() - Semigroup (value must also be a Semigroup)
  • map() - functor map


  • concat() - Semigroup (value must also be a Semigroup)
  • map() - functor map


  • concat() - Semigroup (value must also be a Semigroup)
  • map() - functor map


Returns true if a is Tuple2.


Returns true if a is Tuple3.


Returns true if a is Tuple4.


Returns true if a is Tuple5.


Promise is a constructor which takes a fork function. The fork function takes one argument:


Where resolve is a side-effecting callback.


The resolve callback gets called when a value is resolved.


Creates a Promise that contains a successful value.


Returns a new promise that evaluates f when the current promise is successfully fulfilled. f must return a new promise.


Returns a new promise that evaluates f on a value and passes it through to the resolve function.


Returns true if a is Promise.


  • chain() - TODO
  • evalState() - evaluate state
  • execState() - execute on state
  • map() - functor map
  • ap() - applicative ap(ply)


Returns true if a is State.


List a = Cons a + Nil

The list type data type constructs objects which points to values. The cons constructor represents a value, the left is the head (car, the first element) and the right represents the tail (cdr, the second element). The nil constructor is defined as an empty list.

The following example creates a list of values 1 and 2, where the nil terminates the list:

cons(1, cons(2, nil));

The following can also represent tree like structures (Binary Trees):

cons(cons(1, cons(2, nil)), cons(3, cons(4, nil)));

    / \
   *   *
  / \ / \
 1  2 3  4
  • concat(a) - semigroup concat
  • fold(a, b) - applies a to value if cons or defaults to b
  • map(f) - functor map
  • fold(f) - applies f to values
  • flatMap(f) - monadic flatMap
  • append(a) - append
  • appendAll(a) - append values
  • prepend(a) - prepend value
  • prependAll(a) - prepend values
  • reverse() - reverse
  • exists() - test by predicate
  • filter() - filter by predicate
  • partition() - partition by predicate
  • size() - size of the list

cons(a, b)

Constructor to represent the existence of a value in a list, a and a reference to another b.


Represents an empty list (absence of a list).


Returns true if a is a cons or nil.


The Stream type represents a flow of data ever evolving values over time.

Here is an example of a number piped through to the console.

      function (a) {
          return a + 1;
  • ap(a, b) - Applicative ap(ply)
  • concat(a, b) - Appends two stream objects.
  • drop(a, n) - Returns the stream without its n first elements. If this stream has less than n elements, the empty stream is returned.
  • filter(a, f) - Returns all the elements of this stream that satisfy the predicate p.
  • chain(a, f) - Applies the given function f to each element of this stream, then concatenates the results.
  • fold(a, v, f) - Combines the elements of this stream together using the binary function f, from Left to Right, and starting with the value v.
  • map(a, f) - Returns the stream resulting from applying the given function f to each element of this stream.
  • scan(a, f) - Combines the elements of this stream together using the binary operator op, from Left to Right
  • take(n) - Returns the n first elements of this stream.
  • zip(a, b) - Returns a stream formed from this stream and the specified stream that by associating each element of the former with the element at the same position in the latter.
  • zipWithIndex(a) - Returns a stream form from this stream and a index of the value that is associated with each element index position.


Creates a stream that contains a successful value.


Creates a Empty stream that contains no value.


Apply a function in the environment of the success of this stream Applicative ap(ply)


Returns a new stream that evaluates f when the current stream is successfully fulfilled. f must return a new stream.

concat(s, f)

Concatenate two streams associatively together. Semigroup concat


Returns the stream without its n first elements.


Compare two stream values for equality


Extract the value from the stream.


Returns all the elements of this stream that satisfy the predicate p.

fold(v, f)

Combines the elements of this stream together using the binary function f


Returns the length of the stream


Returns the stream resulting from applying the given function f to each element of this stream.


Merge the values of two streams in to one stream


Pipe a stream to a state or writer monad.


Combines the elements of this stream together using the binary operator op, from Left to Right

take(v, f)

Returns the n first elements of this stream.


Returns a stream formed from this stream and the specified stream that by associating each element of the former with the element at the same position in the latter.


Returns a stream form from this stream and a index of the value that is associated with each element index position.


Returns a new stream which iterates over each element of the array.


Returns true if a is Stream.


Sentinel value for when an stream of a particular type is needed:



Returns true if a is streamOf.


QuickCheck is a form of automated specification testing. Instead of manually writing tests cases like so:

assert(0 + 1 == 1);
assert(1 + 1 == 2);
assert(3 + 3 == 6);

We can just write the assertion algebraicly and tell QuickCheck to automaticaly generate lots of inputs:

    function(n) {
        return n + n == 2 * n;
    function(fail) {
        return "Failed after " + fail.tries + " tries: " + fail.inputs.toString();
    "All tests passed!"


  • inputs - the arguments to the property that failed
  • tries - number of times inputs were tested before failure

forAll(property, args)

Generates values for each type in args using bilby.arb and then passes them to property, a function returning a Boolean. Tries goal number of times or until failure.

Returns an Option of a failureReporter:

var reporter = bilby.forAll(
    function(s) {
        return isPalindrome(s + s.split('').reverse().join(''));


The number of successful inputs necessary to declare the whole property a success:

var _ ='goal', 1000);

Default is 100.

bilby.js's People


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