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Comments (28)

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

Okay we appear to have two problems here:

  1. a release build won't actually sign the APK... it signs with apk-debug but not with apk or apk-captive-runtime. Looks like we need to adjust the configuration slightly..
  2. a relative path for a certificate file (.p12) is not then turned into an absolute path for the build.gradle file, which means that signing would fail anyway unless an absolute path to the .p12 is provided on the ADT command line

Will get these sorted out asap...


from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

Same issue on iOS with AIR SDK (Windows).
Everything is fine with AIR SDK

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

@itlancer patch version for the Android signing issue:

@marcanw that's going to be a different issue but just to check, it says it's signed with invalid entitlements .. which type of build was it (debug/ad-hoc/app-store), and can you provide your certificate name? There may be a mis-match in whether we've set it up right.

from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

@ajwfrost the build type was "device testing in interpreter mode" (same with Ad-Hoc). Certificate name is "C:\work\dev2024.p12"

from adobe-runtime-support.

itlancer avatar itlancer commented on June 12, 2024

It works fine with your patch.
Thank you very much!

from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

I wasn't able to build on android using AIR SDK
I load the new adt.jar and it gets worse.
I see it uses Gradle, however I set CreateAndroidAppBundle=false. I switched it off because I had this problem in the past.

from adobe-runtime-support.

itlancer avatar itlancer commented on June 12, 2024

@marcanw, @ajwfrost, indeed with latest patch AAB cannot be packaged. In my case:

NOTE: Multiple Android build-tools folders exist, choosing the latest version (34.0.0) for packaging
unexpected failure: Unable to run java: com.adobe.air.ADTException: gradle tool failed:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\f5b4c6c0-2916-4647-a659-8f3f99c7bf17\app\build.gradle' line: 19

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> Could not get unknown property 'release' for SigningConfig container of type org.gradle.api.internal.FactoryNamedDomainObjectContainer.

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

BUILD FAILED in 6s Unable to run java: com.adobe.air.ADTException: gradle tool failed:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Build file 'C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\f5b4c6c0-2916-4647-a659-8f3f99c7bf17\app\build.gradle' line: 19

* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating project ':app'.
> Could not get unknown property 'release' for SigningConfig container of type org.gradle.api.internal.FactoryNamedDomainObjectContainer.

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at


        at com.adobe.air.apk.AABOutputStream.buildGradle(
        at com.adobe.air.apk.AABPackager.renameOutput(
        at com.adobe.air.ApplicationPackager.createPackage(
        at com.adobe.air.apk.AABPackager.createPackage(
        at com.adobe.air.ADT.parseArgsAndGo(
        at com.adobe.air.ADT.main(

from adobe-runtime-support.

FliplineStudios avatar FliplineStudios commented on June 12, 2024

I'm seeing the same error as @itlancer for AABs with the adt patch (looks like apk works for me though)

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

@itlancer @FliplineStudios sorry, too hasty with that patch, and ended up with an inconsistency in the logic where we have to add the two new blocks into the build.gradle file. I'll get an update out shortly.

@marcanw that error said that it couldn't read key "1" from your keystore (droid.p12), apparently because the password was wrong. Do you know whether that's accurate i.e. can you check you typed in the password properly and that the keystore does have the certificate under the standard key "1"? e.g.

keytool -list -keystore c:\work\droid.p12

and then enter your password.. hopefully you should see it listed something like:

Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

1, 22-May-2019, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): ........

You can also add -alias 1 to the command to ensure that part is right.. I think it's the '1' at the start of the line (before the date) which is the alias though..

The other thought I had: do you have spaces or special characters in your password? We've checked with some of these but there may be a character or two that cause some weird behaviour: if you have anything like slashes or quote marks, or other unusual characters, please let me know..

FYI we always build with Gradle now, regardless of whether it's for a bundle or an APK; it is still theoretically possible to configure things to build with the old mechanism, but you'd need to have an old installation of the Android SDK and build tools in order for that to still work..


from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

I already went to this and no luck. I get erreur keytool : keystore password was incorrect
I get this withn -v: keystore password was incorrect at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ Caused by: failed to decrypt safe contents entry: Unable to initialize, DerInputStream.getLength(): Redundant length bytes found ... 8 more

I'm 100% sure about the password. No special characters. The only thing that might create a problem is that the P12 file is 10 years old.

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

The only thing that might create a problem is that the P12 file is 10 years old.

Do you have an install of JDK 1.7 or 1.8 with a build number < 161? I think those ones may work...

Although I just dug out an old store with a 1024-bit key, and didn't have much luck with keytool there:
1.7 -> "Invalid keystore format"
1.8 ->"Unable to initialize, DerInputStream.getLength(): Redundant length bytes found"

So it may be you'll need to generate a new certificate with a 4096-bit key...?!

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

@itlancer @FliplineStudios
For a better patch:

from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

@ajwfrost I thought that generating and using a new certificate for an existing application on the Google Play Store could pose significant issues with updates.
Or you think its' time to switch to Play App Signing?

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

I think Play App Signing is the way to go...

With your certificate, it won't work if we try signing via Gradle (which is the mechanism we just put in there for APK files) because Gradle needs a higher version of Java. If you build an AAB file though, you don't need to sign it.. and then theoretically you can sign that using an older version of Java with your certificate, but I don't know that this would do any good... I'm pretty sure if you try to convert your AAB to APK, you'll need to provide a certificate and I'm not sure whether the Android bundletool works with that...

So probably you would need to follow the guidelines here:

Good luck!

from adobe-runtime-support.

itlancer avatar itlancer commented on June 12, 2024

With latest patch all works fine for me.
Thank you very much!

from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

I think Play App Signing is the way to go...

With your certificate, it won't work if we try signing via Gradle (which is the mechanism we just put in there for APK files) because Gradle needs a higher version of Java. If you build an AAB file though, you don't need to sign it.. and then theoretically you can sign that using an older version of Java with your certificate, but I don't know that this would do any good... I'm pretty sure if you try to convert your AAB to APK, you'll need to provide a certificate and I'm not sure whether the Android bundletool works with that...

So probably you would need to follow the guidelines here:

Good luck!

Ok I went through the the process with Play App Signing. I have a new 2048 p12. It works fine with AIR 502.4.1 (even with CreateAndroidAppBundle=true), but I have an error this with AIR 502.4.2

I installed both ADT patches above but no luck...

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

@marcanw just to check here, with this new 2048 p12 certificate, did you create it using ADT per those guidelines on and with which version of ADT/AIR SDK?

The error message there appears to be from Animate themselves .. (the capital 'c' on "Could not load keystore file" isn't found in our version of ADT!) - so they seem to be catching an error, reporting that in the first line, and then displaying the generic "something went wrong, maybe it's the password" error.

But curious if this works with AIR but then fails with, do you mean having these set up within Animate it works with the former - even with the same version of Animate?

from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

Here is my adt command line using AIR

It builds on AIR but I get the error (as in my previous post) with AIR I just copy the adt and change the AIR target in Animate, so the password should be fine otherwise it wouldn't build the first time.

from adobe-runtime-support.

PippoApps avatar PippoApps commented on June 12, 2024

Thank you the patch worked for me as well.

from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

Hi @ajwfrost
I haven't received any updates regarding my signing issue, so I attempted a build with the latest AIR version, but unfortunately, I had no luck.
I still can't build on Windows/Animate.
I created the p12 as follow.
Then when I try to build it gives me this error:
I'm 100% confident for the password
What can I do?
Thank you for your help

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

I just created a certificate the same way, with Java 1.8.0_302, and Animate used it successfully to sign an APK.
Can I check:

  • what version of Animate is this?
  • what version of AIR SDK have you got under the "manage AIR SDK" (or rather, does it have "AIR xx.xx.xx.xx for Android" in the Publish Settings menu?)
  • can you check the adt.log file in your c:\users\username folder? If that doesn't exist, then add the line "DebugOut=true" to a file c:\users\username.airsdk\adt.cfg, and re-build from Animate


from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024
  • what version of Animate is this?

  • what version of AIR SDK have you got under the "manage AIR SDK" (or rather, does it have "AIR xx.xx.xx.xx for Android" in the Publish Settings menu?)

  • can you check the adt.log file in your c:\users\username folder? If that doesn't exist, then add the line "DebugOut=true" to a file c:\users\username.airsdk\adt.cfg, and re-build from Animate

from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

HI @ajwfrost
Any news on this?

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

Sorry, I'd missed your response there.

I'm wondering whether there's something weird in that Animate version and the JRE that it has, which may be causing a problem here? Do you get the same error if you just run that command line (from the log file) directly? You'd have to put back in your passcode there...

If that's still failing then we may need to create a custom ADT file with more logging to find out what actually causes this, or if you're happy sending us the certificate file and password separately, we could see whether we reproduce the problem here?


from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

Hi @ajwfrost
I tried with the command-line and it works fine. I didn't upload the result tho. I should be able to use the new upload certif in a couple of days.
I guess I will have to use this route in the future?

from adobe-runtime-support.

ajwfrost avatar ajwfrost commented on June 12, 2024

It might be that you can update the JRE within Adobe Animate (or update Animate itself?)..
If you can find a folder somewhere under Animate, where there's a java.exe file, move that parent folder from "jre" to "jre_old" or similar, and then create a new jre folder to copy in the 1.8 version of Java that you had earlier (or whatever you get from the command-line when doing "java -version"). Then as long as the path name for java.exe stays the same, Animate should pick that version up instead..

from adobe-runtime-support.

marcanw avatar marcanw commented on June 12, 2024

Hi @ajwfrost
I replaced the jre as explain. I have now this error:
If I click ok, it makes the build. But the build doesn't work on device. I just have a black screen when I start the app.
Then trying to make a debug i get this error:
swf is indeed very small (102k)

from adobe-runtime-support.

fix89 avatar fix89 commented on June 12, 2024

Hi! I have the same error INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES using AIR when try to create android bundle. The error occurs only on my new MacBook Pro m3 MAX. On my Macbook with i9 everything is ok.

I use Adobe Animate 23

from adobe-runtime-support.

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