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active_enum's People


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active_enum's Issues

String keys in database

Hi! Your approach looks very promising. There is one feature that might be interesting, but I wasn't able to find it in the README and a glimpse into the code did not reveal it either: does ActiveEnum support String keys (including a String column in the DB)?


Finally it's also possible to use a string column to persist the enumerated value. Note that this will likely lead to slower database queries:

class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base
  enum :status, active: "active", archived: "archived"

Reopen issue #21 (string id's)?

Thanks for this gem. It's a great help in my current project. But I would like to answer @adzap in issue #21 in hopes of restarting the idea. The use case is readability of the underlying database. If I set up an enum for genders, the states or provinces of a country, race/ethnic groups, etc., and the database is used by non-Rails applications, it's much cleaner if the value e.g. New York corresponds to an id that's an understandable abbreviation e.g. 'ny' rather than an integer. This is best practice in database design. I hope you'll consider allowing string values in the next version. Your proposal will work fine: and . You could retain the bracket notation and raise an exception if the user tries to use it on an enum that has string ids. If I have time I'll take a crack at it in a fork.

Attribute isn't translated if id isn't a Fixnum

According to this code, ActiveEnum''s enumerate attribute isn't translated if id isn't a Fixnum. For example I can use a String for id. Then I get row[0] (untranslated) but not row[1] (translated);

# lib/active_enum/base.rb#57
# ActiveEnum::Base
      def get(index)
        if index.is_a?(Fixnum)
          row = store.get_by_id(index)
          row[1] if row
          row = store.get_by_name(index)
          row[0] if row
# lib/active_enum/storage/i18n_store.rb
# ActiveEnum::Storage::I18n
      def get_by_name(name)
        row = _values.rassoc(name.to_s)
        [ row[0], translate(row[1]), row[2] ].compact if row

Why? Thanks.

Rails 4 compatibility

I'm trying to update an application using active_enum to rails 4.0

Currently the active_enum gem has a dependency on activesupport ~> 3.0 that prevents its from using activesupport 4.0
Other than that, it looks like the gem is compatible with rails 4.0

Provide rspec matcher out of the box

I suggest to provide in the gem rspec matcher for inclusion validator. What do you think? The code is below:

RSpec::Matchers.define :validate_inclusion_enum do |enum_class|
  chain :for do |attribute|
    @attribute = attribute.to_sym

  match do |model|
    validators = model._validators[@attribute]
    inclusion_validator = validators.detect {|v| v.is_a? ActiveModel::Validations::InclusionValidator }
    inclusion_validator && inclusion_validator.options[:in] == enum_class

Add functionality to get id and name of enum by a method

It would be great to have ability to get id of enum or name by method. For example, say we have this enum:

class UserRole < ActiveEnum::Base
  value name: :user
  value name: :admin
  value name: :super_admin

I want to get user role with such code: UserRole.user # => "User" where "User" here is a translation. And its id: UserRole.user_id # => 1. When I fetch the stuff with method te code is more reliable - it's like having constants for each enum, that's why we want to have this functionality in the gem.

In our project we have implemented this with the following module:

module BaseActiveEnum
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    class << self
      alias_method :names, :to_select


    def self.origin_names_with_ids
      @origin_names_with_ids ||= has_translation? ? : names

    def self.i18n_key
      @i18n_key ||=

    def self.has_translation?

    def self.translation
      @translation ||= I18n.t(i18n_key, scope: :active_enum)


    origin_names_with_ids.each do |pair|
      name, id = pair
      name = name.to_s.gsub(/\s+/, '').underscore
      define_singleton_method(name) { self[id] }
      define_singleton_method("#{name}_id") { self[name] }


Then including it to the enum: UserRole.include(BaseActiveEnum) gives us the requested functionality. I want to share this with you and ask is it reasonable to push this to the gem or not. What do you think? If you reject my proposal anyway the solution may be useful for somebody. But this gem is the most reliable and simplest which I've used as enum, and I believe that this functionality will make it much better.

to_select method to return list based on specific enums

It'd be great if there was an ability to call 'to_select' on a list of enums as opposed to the class method call which returns all enums in a select list.
Lets say you have an enum class

class Access < ActiveEnum::Base
value id: 1, name: 'Read'
value id: 2, name: 'Write'
value id: 3, name: 'Delete'
value id: 4, name: 'Other'

=> Access.to_select

Which returns

=> [ ["Read", 1],["Write", 2], ["Delete", 3], ["Other", 4] ]

Is there an ability to specify certain values in an array and return the to_select for just those enums?

=> Access[1,3].to_select

To return

=> [ ["Read", 1], ["Delete", 2] ]

Add enumerate method fails on Rails 6.1

With Rails 6.1, the following code in initializers/active_enum.rb:

  # Extend classes to add enumerate method
  config.extend_classes = [ ActiveRecord::Base ]

throws this error:

/Users/thornett/.rbenv/versions/2.7.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/gems/activerecord- `method_missing': undefined method `class_inheritable_accessor' for ActiveRecord::Base:Class
Did you mean?  class_variables (NoMethodError)

when the app attempts to load.

Looks like something may have changed internally in Rails that active_enum is trying to manipulate on startup.

Deprecation under rails 3.1

I get this warning when using this plugin with rails 3.1

DEPRECATION WARNING: class_inheritable_attribute is deprecated, please use class_attribute method instead. Notice their behavior are slightly different, so refer to class_attribute documentation first. (called from block in <top (required)> at /Users/[...]/config/initializers/active_enum.rb:4

Where the row causing the error is

config.extend_classes = [ ActiveRecord::Base ]

My configuration in full looks like

require 'active_enum/form_helpers/simple_form'

ActiveEnum.setup do |config|
  config.extend_classes = [ ActiveRecord::Base ]

Access Enum as Constant

First off thanks for the great lib:exclamation:

Second, call me nostalgic, but being able to access the enums as a constant would be a nice addition. For example:

class State < ActiveEnum::Base
  value 1 => "Available"
  value 2 => "In Progress"
  # ...


It's sorta almost there now with:


Let me know what you think. If so I'll submit a pull request.

ActionView::Template::Error (Unable to find input class for enum)


I get an error from formtastic. What am I doing wrong?

  • Created the enum classes in the initializer.
  • used 'enumerate' to enumerate the model attribute
ActionView::Template::Error (Unable to find input class for enum):
    1: <%= semantic_form_for @filter_rule do |f| %>
    2:     <%= f.inputs %>
    3:     <%= f.actions %>
    4: <% end %>
  app/views/filter_rules/_form.html.erb:2:in `block in _app_views_filter_rules__form_html_erb___1761557587620786887_70204566903900'
  app/views/filter_rules/_form.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_filter_rules__form_html_erb___1761557587620786887_70204566903900'
  app/views/filter_rules/new.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_filter_rules_new_html_erb__965338666889571281_70204566763960'
  app/controllers/filter_rules_controller.rb:29:in `new'

I've verified that the form helper is included:

[ruben@rauscher mailtables]$ tail /Users/ruben/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p392/gems/active_enum-0.9.12/lib/active_enum/form_helpers/formtastic2.rb


puts "foooooooooo"
Formtastic::FormBuilder.send :include, ActiveEnum::FormHelpers::Formtastic2
p Formtastic::FormBuilder.included_modules
[ruben@rauscher mailtables]$ be rails server
=> Booting WEBrick
=> Rails 3.2.13 application starting in development on
=> Call with -d to detach
=> Ctrl-C to shutdown server
[ActiveEnum::FormHelpers::Formtastic2, Formtastic::Helpers::ErrorsHelper, Formtastic::Helpers::ActionsHelper, Formtastic::Helpers::ActionHelper, Formtastic::Helpers::InputsHelper, Formtastic::LocalizedString, Formtastic::Helpers::FieldsetWrapper, Formtastic::Helpers::InputHelper, Formtastic::Helpers::FileColumnDetection, Formtastic::Helpers::Reflection, Formtastic::HtmlAttributes, JSON::Ext::Generator::GeneratorMethods::Object, ActiveSupport::Dependencies::Loadable, V8::Conversion::Object, Kernel]

content of the initializer:

ActiveEnum.setup do |config|

  # Extend classes to add enumerate method
  config.extend_classes = [ ActiveRecord::Base ]

  # Return name string as value for attribute method
  config.use_name_as_value = true

  # Storage of values (:memory, :i18n) = :memory

  require 'active_enum/form_helpers/formtastic2'

ActiveEnum.define do
  enum(:chain) do
    value :id => 1, :name => 'templates'
    value :id => 2, :name => 'global'
    value :id => 3, :name => 'routing'
    value :id => 4, :name => 'transport'

  enum(:policy) do
    value :id => 1, :name => 'accept'
    value :id => 2, :name => 'deny'
    value :id => 3, :name => 'pass'


class FilterRule < ActiveRecord::Base enumerate :policy, :with => ::Policy ...

detection of method collisions when enumerating attributes

Since I can be a bozo, I created a model with a field called kind_of. Then when I made this field enumerable, it overrode the ruby kind_of? method. This caused my rspec generated controller test to fail because .should be_a must reference the kind_of? method. Perhaps you could check the methods array when enumerating and throw an exception to keep bozos like me on the straight and narrow?

Checked values are empty

There is a form. It seems select's checked value isn't set currently. Yeah, Rails checks model.color and gets red but not 1. But db's values is 1 instead. Oops, checked value is wrong, that why current value of select box is blank, amn't I right?

Formtastic Support

Hey there!

I'm currently working on upgrading a legacy app that's utilizing Formtastic and have noticed that it looks like the helper for that got removed sometime around 0.9.12. Is there any sort of workaround I can use to reintroduce support for Formtastic? Thanks!

plans to provide helpers for javascript or client_side_validations

@adzap, do have plans (or ideas) to provide JS helpers for things like enum declaration or client side validation?

I use the client_side_validations gem which automagically converts rails validations of type ActiveModel::EachValidator into a hash that works with their javascript library. It's wonderful.

For validations that it doesn't support out of the box, you can add your own -- which is what I would do for validates_inclusion_of

Thanks again for your great gem.

Generate boolean method like ActiveRecord::Enum

class Conversation < ActiveRecord::Base
  enum :status, [ :active, :archived ]
end :active) # => true

Syntax is shorter than    # => true    # => true'Male')   # => true

Special note: In case of method overlap, ActiveRecord::Enum let's you define suffix or prefix.

enum :status, [ :active, :archived ], prefix: true

conversation.status_active? # => true

Valid values are for prefix/suffix

true, false(default), string

Enum IDs Can't Be Strings

Looking at the code referenced in this issue, it doesn't seem possible to create an enum where the id is a string.

You can see this in an example:

class Sex < ActiveEnum::Base
  value :id => 'm', :name => 'Male'
  value :id => 'f', :name => 'Female'

will result in:

> Sex['m']
 => nil

Lookup by name works as expected:

> Sex['male']
 => "m"

Using ids instead of names to store

Hello @adzap !

I have a question... Why do we use ids instead of names to identify a model's value? Isn't it a duplication?

I think this produces problems. First of all a guide's text says about it: If you change the order of values defined in an enum which don’t have explicit ids, then the ids will change. This could corrupt your data if the enum values have been stored in a model record, as they will no longer map to the original enum. We have three "fields" (id, name, i18n_name/symbol/etc...) instead of two (name, presentation_name_such_as_symbol). For why?

The second is that select's checked value isn't set currently. Yeah, Rails checks model.color and gets red but not 1. But db's values is 1 instead. Oops, checked value is wrong, amn't I right?


Retrieving the key as well as the `id` and `name`

We have the following behaviour:

MyApp::Enums::SomeCollection[id] # Translated text representing the key
MyApp::Enums::SomeCollection[key] # The id associated with the key

Why is there no easy way of retrieving the key which represents the id? The closest thing I've found is doing this:

arr = MyApp::Enums::SomeCollection.send(:store).send(:_values)
Hash[arr][<id>] # The key I want

I would really like to avoid Monkey Patching or calling private methods, and if the maintainers think this is a reasonable requirement I can come up with a pull request.

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