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Comments (5)

monfresh avatar monfresh commented on June 10, 2024

On a brand new machine, the laptop script should work without needing to manually run xcode-select --install. I'm pretty sure Homebrew runs that command when it first gets installed. If you are upgrading from a previous macOS to a newer one, you might be prompted to run that command by Homebrew.

Could you please provide more details about the issue you ran into with the script? Can you copy and paste your laptop.log file please?

from laptop.

rtwell avatar rtwell commented on June 10, 2024

Homebrew already installed. Skipping ...
Updating Homebrew...
Untapping caskroom/versions... (339 files, 57.6MB)
Untapped 0 formulae

Updating Homebrew...
Already up-to-date.

Verifying the Homebrew installation...
Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry or file an issue; just ignore this. Thanks!

Warning: Your XQuartz (2.7.9) is outdated.
Please install XQuartz 2.7.11 (or delete the current version).
XQuartz can be updated using Homebrew-Cask by running
  brew cask reinstall xquartz

Your Homebrew installation reported some errors or warnings.
If the warnings are related to Python, you can ignore them.
Otherwise, review the Homebrew messages to see if any action is needed.

Installing formulas and casks from the Brewfile ...
Installing git
Installing libgit2
Installing the_silver_searcher
Using homebrew/services
Installing postgresql
Installing mysql
Installing redis
Using phantomjs
Using hub
Using cloudfoundry/tap
Installing cf-cli
==> Satisfying dependencies
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/ryanthurlwell/Library/Caches/Homebrew/Cask/
==> Verifying checksum for Cask cloudapp
==> Installing Cask cloudapp
Error: It seems there is already an App at '/Applications/'.
==> Purging files for version 4.3.3 of Cask cloudapp
Installing cloudapp has failed!
Using flux
==> Satisfying dependencies
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Users/ryanthurlwell/Library/Caches/Homebrew/Cask/
==> Verifying checksum for Cask github
==> Installing Cask github
Error: It seems there is already an App at '/Applications/GitHub'.
==> Purging files for version 1.1.0-cfbf44c8 of Cask github
Installing github has failed!
Using slack
Using sublime-text
Homebrew Bundle failed! 2 Brewfile dependencies failed to install.

Some formulas or casks failed to install.
This is usually due to one of the Mac apps being already installed,
in which case, you can ignore these errors.

Checking on Node.js installation...
Installing node
Homebrew Bundle complete! 1 Brewfile dependency now installed.

...Finished Node.js installation checks.

Checking on Python installation...
Installing pyenv
Installing pyenv-virtualenv
Using pyenv-virtualenvwrapper
Homebrew Bundle complete! 3 Brewfile dependencies now installed.
python-build: use openssl from homebrew
python-build: use readline from homebrew
Downloading Python-3.6.4.tar.xz...
Installing Python-3.6.4...
python-build: use readline from homebrew
Installed Python-3.6.4 to /Users/ryanthurlwell/.pyenv/versions/3.6.4

...Finished Python installation checks.

Checking on Ruby installation...

We recommend chruby and ruby-install over RVM or rbenv

Updating Rubygems...
Updating rubygems-update
Successfully installed rubygems-update-2.7.6
Installing RubyGems 2.7.6
Bundler 1.16.1 installed
RubyGems 2.7.6 installed
Regenerating binstubs

=== 2.7.6 / 2018-02-16

Security fixes:

* Prevent path traversal when writing to a symlinked basedir outside of the root.
  Discovered by nmalkin, fixed by Jonathan Claudius and Samuel Giddins.
* Fix possible Unsafe Object Deserialization Vulnerability in gem owner.
  Fixed by Jonathan Claudius.
* Strictly interpret octal fields in tar headers.
  Discoved by plover, fixed by Samuel Giddins.
* Raise a security error when there are duplicate files in a package.
  Discovered by plover, fixed by Samuel Giddins.
* Enforce URL validation on spec homepage attribute.
  Discovered by Yasin Soliman, fixed by Jonathan Claudius.
* Mitigate XSS vulnerability in homepage attribute when displayed via `gem server`.
  Discovered by Yasin Soliman, fixed by Jonathan Claudius.
* Prevent Path Traversal issue during gem installation.
  Discovered by nmalkin.

=== 2.7.4

Bug fixes:

* Fixed leaked FDs. Pull request #2127 by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Avoid to warnings about gemspec loadings in rubygems tests. Pull request
  #2125 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Fix updater with rubygems-2.7.3 Pull request #2124 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Handle environment that does not have `flock` system call. Pull request
  #2107 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.

=== 2.7.3

Minor enhancements:

* Removed needless version lock. Pull request #2074 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Add --[no-]check-development option to cleanup command. Pull request
  #2061 by Lin Jen-Shin (godfat).
* Merge glob pattern using braces. Pull request #2072 by Kazuhiro
* Removed warnings of unused variables. Pull request #2084 by SHIBATA
* Call using HTTPS. Pull request #2102 by Olle Jonsson.
* Remove multi load warning from plugins documentation. Pull request #2103
  by Thibault Jouan.

Bug fixes:

* Fix test failure on Alpine Linux. Pull request #2079 by Ellen Marie
* Avoid encoding issues by using binread in setup. Pull request #2089 by
  Mauro Morales.
* Fix rake install_test_deps once the rake clean_env does not exist. Pull
  request #2090 by Lucas Oliveira.
* Prevent to delete to "bundler-" prefix gem like bundler-audit. Pull
  request #2086 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Generate .bat files on Windows platform. Pull request #2094 by SHIBATA
* Workaround common options mutation in Gem::Command test. Pull request
  #2098 by Thibault Jouan.
* Check gems dir existence before removing bundler. Pull request #2104 by
  Thibault Jouan.
* Use setup command --regenerate-binstubs option flag. Pull request #2099
  by Thibault Jouan.

=== 2.7.2

Bug fixes:

* Added template files to vendoerd bundler. Pull request #2065 by SHIBATA
* Added workaround for non-git environment. Pull request #2066 by SHIBATA

=== 2.7.1 (2017-11-03)

Bug fixes:

* Fix `gem update --system` with RubyGems 2.7+. Pull request #2054 by
  Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.7.0 (2017-11-02)

Major enhancements:

* Update vendored bundler-1.16.0. Pull request #2051 by Samuel Giddins.
* Use Bundler for Gem.use_gemdeps. Pull request #1674 by Samuel Giddins.
* Add command `signin` to `gem` CLI. Pull request #1944 by Shiva Bhusal.
* Add Logout feature to CLI. Pull request #1938 by Shiva Bhusal.

Minor enhancements:

* Added message to uninstall command for gem that is not installed. Pull
  request #1979 by anant anil kolvankar.
* Add --trust-policy option to unpack command. Pull request #1718 by
  Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Show default gems for all platforms. Pull request #1685 by Konstantin
* Add Travis and Appveyor build status to README. Pull request #1918 by
  Jun Aruga.
* Remove warning `no email specified` when no email. Pull request #1675 by
  Leigh McCulloch.
* Improve -rubygems performance. Pull request #1801 by Samuel Giddins.
* Improve the performance of Kernel#require. Pull request #1678 by Samuel
* Improve user-facing messages by consistent casing of Ruby/RubyGems. Pull
  request #1771 by John Labovitz.
* Improve error message when Gem::RuntimeRequirementNotMetError is raised.
  Pull request #1789 by Luis Sagastume.
* Code Improvement: Inheritance corrected. Pull request #1942 by Shiva
* [Source] Autoload fileutils. Pull request #1906 by Samuel Giddins.
* Use Hash#fetch instead of if/else in Gem::ConfigFile. Pull request #1824
  by Daniel Berger.
* Require digest when it is used. Pull request #2006 by Samuel Giddins.
* Do not index the doc folder in the `update_manifest` task. Pull request
  #2031 by Colby Swandale.
* Don't use two postfix conditionals on one line. Pull request #2038 by
  Ellen Marie Dash.
* [SafeYAML] Avoid warning when Gem::Deprecate.skip is set. Pull request
  #2034 by Samuel Giddins.
* Update gem yank description. Pull request #2009 by David Radcliffe.
* Fix formatting of installation instructions in README. Pull request
  #2018 by Jordan Danford.
* Do not use #quick_spec internally. Pull request #1733 by Jon Moss.
* Switch from docs to guides reference. Pull request #1886 by Jonathan
* Happier message when latest version is already installed. Pull request
  #1956 by Jared Beck.
* Update specification reference docs. Pull request #1960 by Grey Baker.
* Allow Gem.finish_resolve to respect already-activated specs. Pull
  request #1910 by Samuel Giddins.
* Update cryptography for Gem::Security. Pull request #1691 by Sylvain
* Don't output mkmf.log message if compilation didn't fail. Pull request
  #1808 by Jeremy Evans.
* Matches_for_glob - remove root path. Pull request #2010 by ahorek.
* Gem::Resolver#search_for update for reliable searching/sorting. Pull
  request #1993 by MSP-Greg.
* Allow local installs with transitive prerelease requirements. Pull
  request #1990 by Samuel Giddins.
* Small style fixes to Installer Set. Pull request #1985 by Arthur
* Setup cmd: Avoid terminating option string w/ dot. Pull request #1825 by
  Olle Jonsson.
* Warn when no files are set. Pull request #1773 by Aidan Coyle.
* Ensure `to_spec` falls back on prerelease specs. Pull request #1755 by
  André Arko.
* [Specification] Eval setting default attributes in #initialize. Pull
  request #1739 by Samuel Giddins.
* Sort ordering of sources is preserved. Pull request #1633 by Nathan
* Retry with :prerelease when no suggestions are found. Pull request #1696
  by Aditya Prakash.
* [Rakefile] Run `git submodule update --init` in `rake newb`. Pull
  request #1694 by Samuel Giddins.
* [TestCase] Address comments around ui changes. Pull request #1677 by
  Samuel Giddins.
* Eagerly resolve in activate_bin_path. Pull request #1666 by Samuel
* [Version] Make hash based upon canonical segments. Pull request #1659 by
  Samuel Giddins.
* Add Ruby Together CTA, rearrange README a bit. Pull request #1775 by
  Michael Bernstein.
* Update Contributing.rdoc with new label usage. Pull request #1716 by
  Lynn Cyrin.
* Add --host sample to help. Pull request #1709 by Code Ahss.
* Add a helpful suggestion when `gem install` fails due to required_rub….
  Pull request #1697 by Samuel Giddins.
* Add cert expiration length flag. Pull request #1725 by Luis Sagastume.
* Add submodule instructions to manual install. Pull request #1727 by
  Joseph Frazier.
* Allow usage of multiple `--version` operators. Pull request #1546 by
  James Wen.
* Warn when requiring deprecated files. Pull request #1939 by Ellen Marie

Compatibility changes:

* Use `-rrubygems` instead of `-rubygems.rb`. Because ubygems.rb is
  unavailable on Ruby 2.5. Pull request #2028 #2027 #2029
  by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Deprecate Gem::InstallerTestCase#util_gem_bindir and
  Gem::InstallerTestCase#util_gem_dir. Pull request #1729 by Jon Moss.
* Deprecate passing options to Gem::GemRunner. Pull request #1730 by Jon
* Add deprecation for Gem#datadir. Pull request #1732 by Jon Moss.
* Add deprecation warning for Gem::DependencyInstaller#gems_to_install.
  Pull request #1731 by Jon Moss.
* Update Code of Conduct to Contributor Covenant v1.4.0. Pull request
  #1796 by Matej.

Bug fixes:

* Fix issue for MinGW / MSYS2 builds and testing. Pull request #1876 by
* Fixed broken links and overzealous URL encoding in gem server. Pull
  request #1809 by Nicole Orchard.
* Fix a typo. Pull request #1722 by Koichi ITO.
* Fix error message Gem::Security::Policy. Pull request #1724 by Nobuyoshi
* Fixing links markdown formatting in README. Pull request #1791 by Piotr
* Fix failing Bundler 1.8.7 CI builds. Pull request #1820 by Samuel
* Fixed test broken on ruby-head . Pull request #1842 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Fix typos with misspell. Pull request #1846 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Fix gem open to open highest version number rather than lowest. Pull
  request #1877 by Tim Pope.
* Fix test_self_find_files_with_gemfile to sort expected files. Pull
  request #1878 by Kazuaki Matsuo.
* Fix typos in CONTRIBUTING.rdoc. Pull request #1909 by Mark Sayson.
* Fix some small documentation issues in installer. Pull request #1972 by
  Colby Swandale.
* Fix links in Policies document. Pull request #1964 by Alyssa Ross.
* Fix NoMethodError on bundler/inline environment. Pull request #2042 by
  SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Correct comments for Gem::InstallerTestCase#setup. Pull request #1741 by
* Use File.expand_path for certification and key location. Pull request
  #1987 by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Rescue EROFS. Pull request #1417 by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Fix spelling of 'vulnerability'. Pull request #2022 by Philip Arndt.
* Fix metadata link key names. Pull request #1896 by Aditya Prakash.
* Fix a typo in uninstall_command.rb. Pull request #1934 by Yasuhiro
* Gem::Requirement.create treat arguments as variable-length. Pull request
  #1830 by Toru YAGI.
* Display an explanation when rake encounters an ontological problem. Pull
  request #1982 by Wilson Bilkovich.
* [Server] Handle gems with names ending in `-\d`. Pull request #1926 by
  Samuel Giddins.
* [InstallerSet] Avoid reloading _all_ local gems multiple times during
  dependency resolution. Pull request #1925 by Samuel Giddins.
* Modify the return value of Gem::Version.correct?. Pull request #1916 by
  Tsukuru Tanimichi.
* Validate metadata link keys. Pull request #1834 by Aditya Prakash.
* Add changelog to metadata validation. Pull request #1885 by Aditya
* Replace socket error text message. Pull request #1823 by Daniel Berger.
* Raise error if the email is invalid when building cert. Pull request
  #1779 by Luis Sagastume.
* [StubSpecification] Don’t iterate through all loaded specs in #to_spec.
  Pull request #1738 by Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.14 / 2017-10-09

Security fixes:

* Whitelist classes and symbols that are in loaded YAML.
  See CVE-2017-0903 for full details.
  Fix by Aaron Patterson.

=== 2.6.13 / 2017-08-27

Security fixes:

* Fix a DNS request hijacking vulnerability. (CVE-2017-0902)
  Discovered by Jonathan Claudius, fix by Samuel Giddins.
* Fix an ANSI escape sequence vulnerability. (CVE-2017-0899)
  Discovered by Yusuke Endoh, fix by Evan Phoenix.
* Fix a DOS vulnerability in the `query` command. (CVE-2017-0900)
  Discovered by Yusuke Endoh, fix by Samuel Giddins.
* Fix a vulnerability in the gem installer that allowed a malicious gem
  to overwrite arbitrary files. (CVE-2017-0901)
  Discovered by Yusuke Endoh, fix by Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.12 / 2017-04-30

Bug fixes:

* Fix test_self_find_files_with_gemfile to sort expected files. Pull
  request #1880 by Kazuaki Matsuo.
* Fix issue for MinGW / MSYS2 builds and testing. Pull request #1879 by
* Fix gem open to open highest version number rather than lowest. Pull
  request #1877 by Tim Pope.
* Add a test for requiring a default spec as installed by the ruby
  installer. Pull request #1899 by Samuel Giddins.
* Fix broken --exact parameter to gem command. Pull request #1873 by Jason
* [Installer] Generate backwards-compatible binstubs. Pull request #1904
  by Samuel Giddins.
* Fix pre-existing source recognition on add action. Pull request #1883 by
  Jonathan Claudius.
* Prevent negative IDs in output of #inspect. Pull request #1908 by Vít
* Allow Gem.finish_resolve to respect already-activated specs. Pull
  request #1910 by Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.11 / 2017-03-16

Bug fixes:

* Fixed broken tests on ruby-head. Pull request #1841 by
  SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Update vendored Molinillo to 0.5.7. Pull request #1859 by Samuel
* Avoid activating Ruby 2.5 default gems when possible. Pull request #1843
  by Samuel Giddins.
* Use improved resolver sorting algorithm. Pull request #1856 by
  Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.10 / 2017-01-23

Bug fixes:

* Fix `require` calling the wrong `gem` method when it is overridden.
  Pull request #1822 by Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.9 / 2017-01-20

Bug fixes:

* Allow initializing versions with empty strings. Pull request #1767 by
  Luis Sagastume.
* Fix TypeError on 2.4. Pull request #1788 by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Don't output mkmf.log message if compilation didn't fail. Pull request
  #1808 by Jeremy Evans.
* Fixed broken links and overzealous URL encoding in gem server. Pull
  request #1809 by Nicole Orchard.
* Update vendored Molinillo to 0.5.5. Pull request #1812 by Samuel
* RakeBuilder: avoid frozen string issue. Pull request #1819 by Olle

=== 2.6.8 / 2016-10-29

Bug fixes:

* Improve SSL verification failure message. Pull request #1751
  by Eric Hodel.
* Ensure `to_spec` falls back on prerelease specs. Pull request
  #1755 by André Arko.
* Update vendored Molinillo to 0.5.3. Pull request #1763 by
  Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.7 / 2016-09-26

Bug fixes:

* Install native extensions in the correct location when using the
  `--user-install` flag. Pull request #1683 by Noah Kantrowitz.
* When calling `Gem.sources`, load sources from `configuration`
  if present, else use the default sources. Pull request #1699
  by Luis Sagastume.
* Fail gracefully when attempting to redirect without a Location.
  Pull request #1711 by Samuel Giddins.
* Update vendored Molinillo to 0.5.1. Pull request #1714 by
  Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.6 / 2016-06-22

Bug fixes:

* Sort installed versions to make sure we install the latest version when
  running `gem update --system`. As a one-time fix, run
  `gem update --system=2.6.6`. Pull request #1601 by David Radcliffe.

=== 2.6.5 / 2016-06-21

Minor enhancements:

* Support for unified Integer in Ruby 2.4. Pull request #1618
  by SHIBATA Hiroshi.
* Update vendored Molinillo to 0.5.0 for performance improvements.
  Pull request #1638 by Samuel Giddins.

Bug fixes:

* Raise an explicit error if Signer#sign is called with no certs. Pull
  request #1605 by Daniel Berger.
* Update `update_bundled_ca_certificates` utility script for directory
  nesting. Pull request #1583 by James Wen.
* Fix broken symlink support in tar writer (+ fix broken test). Pull
  request #1578 by Cezary Baginski.
* Remove extension directory before (re-)installing. Pull request #1576
  by Jeremy Hinegardner.
* Regenerate test CA certificates with appropriate extensions. Pull
  request #1611 by rhenium.
* Rubygems does not terminate on failed file lock when not superuser. Pull
  request #1582 by Ellen Marie Dash.
* Fix tar headers with a 101 character name. Pull request #1612 by Paweł
* Add Gem.platform_defaults to allow implementations to override defaults.
  Pull request #1644 by Charles Oliver Nutter.
* Run Bundler tests on TravisCI. Pull request #1650 by Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.4 / 2016-04-26

Minor enhancements:

* Use Gem::Util::NULL_DEVICE instead of hard coded strings. Pull request #1588
  by Chris Charabaruk.
* Use File.symlink on MS Windows if supported. Pull request #1418
  by Nobuyoshi Nakada.

Bug fixes:

* Redact uri password from error output when gem fetch fails. Pull request
  #1565 by Brian Fletcher.
* Suppress warnings. Pull request #1594 by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Escape user-supplied content served on web pages by `gem server` to avoid
  potential XSS vulnerabilities. Samuel Giddins.

=== 2.6.3 / 2016-04-05

Minor enhancements:

* Lazily calculate Gem::LoadError exception messages. Pull request #1550
  by Aaron Patterson.
* New fastly cert. Pull request #1548 by David Radcliffe.
* Organize and cleanup SSL certs. Pull request #1555 by James Wen.
* [RubyGems] Make deprecation message for paths= more helpful. Pull
  request #1562 by Samuel Giddins.
* Show default gems when using "gem list". Pull request #1570 by Luis

Bug fixes:

* Stub ordering should be consistent regardless of how cache is populated.
  Pull request #1552 by Aaron Patterson.
* Handle cases when the @@stubs variable contains non-stubs. Pull request
  #1558 by Per Lundberg.
* Fix test on Windows for inconsistent temp path. Pull request #1554 by
  Hiroshi Shirosaki.
* Fix `Gem.find_spec_for_exe` picks oldest gem. Pull request #1566 by
  Shinichi Maeshima.
* [Owner] Fallback to email and userid when owner email is missing. Pull
  request #1569 by Samuel Giddins.
* [Installer] Handle nil existing executable. Pull request #1561 by Samuel
* Allow two digit version numbers in the tests. Pull request #1575 by unak.

=== 2.6.2 / 2016-03-12

Bug fixes:

* Fix wrong version of gem activation for bin stub. Pull request #1527 by
  Aaron Patterson.
* Speed up gem activation failures. Pull request #1539 by Aaron Patterson.
* Fix platform sorting in the resolver. Pull request #1542 by Samuel E.
* Ensure we unlock the monitor even if try_activate throws. Pull request
  #1538 by Charles Oliver Nutter.

=== 2.6.1 / 2016-02-28

Bug fixes:

* Ensure `default_path` and `home` are set for paths. Pull request #1513
  by Aaron Patterson.
* Restore but deprecate support for Array values on `Gem.paths=`. Pull
  request #1514 by Aaron Patterson.
* Fix invalid gem file preventing gem install from working. Pull request
  #1499 by Luis Sagastume.

=== 2.6.0 / 2016-02-26

Minor enhancements:

* RubyGems now defaults the `gem push` to the gem's "allowed_push_host"
  metadata setting.  Pull request #1486 by Josh Lane.
* Update bundled Molinillo to 0.4.3. Pull request #1493 by Samuel E. Giddins.
* Add version option to gem open command. Pull request #1483 by Hrvoje
* Feature/add silent flag. Pull request #1455 by Luis Sagastume.
* Allow specifying gem requirements via env variables. Pull request #1472
  by Samuel E. Giddins.

Bug fixes:

* RubyGems now stores `gem push` credentials under the host you signed-in for.
  Pull request #1485 by Josh Lane.
* Move `coding` location to first line. Pull request #1471 by SHIBATA
* [PathSupport] Handle a regexp path separator. Pull request #1469 by
  Samuel E. Giddins.
* Clean up the PathSupport object. Pull request #1094 by Aaron Patterson.
* Join with File::PATH_SEPARATOR in Gem.use_paths. Pull request #1476 by
  Samuel E. Giddins.
* Handle when the gem home and gem path arent set in the config file. Pull
  request #1478 by Samuel E. Giddins.
* Terminate TimeoutHandler. Pull request #1479 by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Remove redundant cache. Pull request #1482 by Eileen M. Uchitelle.
* Freeze `Gem::Version@segments` instance variable. Pull request #1487 by
  Ben Dean.
* Gem cleanup is trying to uninstall gems outside GEM_HOME and reporting
  an error after it tries. Pull request #1353 by Luis Sagastume.
* Avoid duplicated sources. Pull request #1489 by Luis Sagastume.
* Better description for quiet flag. Pull request #1491 by Luis Sagastume.
* Raise error if find_by_name returns with nil. Pull request #1494 by
  Zoltán Hegedüs.
* Find_files only from loaded_gems when using gemdeps. Pull request #1277
  by Michal Papis.

=== 2.5.2 / 2016-01-31

Bug fixes:

* Fix memoization of Gem::Version#prerelease? Pull request #1125 by Matijs van
* Handle trailing colons in GEM_PATH, by Damien Robert.
* Improve the Gemfile `gemspec` method, fixing #1204 and #1033. Pull request
  #1276 by Michael Papis.
* Warn only once when a gemspec license is invalid. Pull request #1414 by Samuel
  E. Giddins.
* Check for exact constants before using them, fixing Ruby bug #11940. Pull
  request #1438 by Nobuyoshi Nakada.
* Fix building C extensions on Ruby 1.9.x on Windows. Pull request #1453 by Marie
* Handle symlinks containing ".." correctly. Pull request #1457 by Samuel E.

Minor enhancements:

* Add `--no-rc` flag, which skips loading `.gemrc`. Pull request #1329 by Luis
* Allow basic auth to be excluded from `allowed_push_host`. By Josh Lane.
* Add `gem list --exact`, which finds gems by string match instead of regex. Pull
  request #1344 by Luis Sagastume.
* Suggest alternatives when gem license is unknown. Pull request #1443 by Samuel
  E. Giddins.
* Print a useful error if a binstub expects a newer version of a gem than is
  installed. Pull request #1407 by Samuel E. Giddins.
* Allow the (supported) s3:// scheme to be used with `--source`. Pull request
  #1416 by Dave Adams.
* Add `--[no-]post-install-message` to `install` and `update`. Pull request #1162
  by Josef Šimánek.
* Add `--host` option to `yank`, providing symmetry with `pull`. Pull request
  #1361 by Mike Virata-Stone.
* Update bundled Molinillo to 0.4.1. Pull request #1452 by Samuel E. Giddins.
* Allow calling `build` without '.gemspec'. Pull request #1454 by Stephen
* Add support for `source` option on gems in Gemfile. Pull request #1355 by
  Michael Papis.
* Function correctly when string literals are frozen on Ruby 2.3. Pull request
  #1408 by Samuel E. Giddins.

=== 2.5.1 / 2015-12-10

Bug fixes:

* Ensure platform sorting only uses strings. Affected binary installs on Windows.
  Issue #1369 reported by Ryan Atball (among others).
  Pull request #1375 by Samuel E. Giddins.
* Revert PR #1332. Unable to reproduce, and nil should be impossible.
* Gem::Specification#to_fullpath now returns .rb extensions when such a file
  exists.  Pull request #1114 by y-yagi.
* RubyGems now handles Net::HTTPFatalError instead of crashing.  Pull
  request #1314 by Samuel E. Giddins.
* Updated bundled Molinillo to 0.4.0.  Pull request #1322, #1396 by Samuel E.
* Improved performance of spec loading by reducing likelihood of loading the
  complete specification.  Pull request #1373 by Aaron Patterson.
* Improved caching of requirable files  Pull request #1377 by Aaron Patterson.
* Fixed activation of gems with development dependencies.  Pull request #1388
  by Samuel E. Giddins.
* RubyGems now uses the same Molinillo vendoring strategy as Bundler.  Pull
  request #1397 by Samuel E. Giddins.
* Fixed documentation of Gem::Requirement.parse.  Pull request #1398 by
  Juanito Fatas.
* RubyGems no longer warns when a prerelease gem has prerelease dependencies.
  Pull request #1399 by Samuel E. Giddins.
* Fixed Gem::Version documentation example.  Pull request #1401 by Guilherme
  Goettems Schneider.
* Updated documentation links to https://.  Pull request #1404 by Suriyaa
* Fixed double word typo.  Pull request #1411 by Jake Worth.


RubyGems installed the following executables:

RubyGems system software updated
bundler (default: 1.16.1, 1.14.6, 1.13.2)

Updating bundler ...
Updating installed gems
Nothing to update

Configuring Bundler ...
Your application has set jobs to "3". This will override the global value you are currently setting

...Finished Ruby installation checks.

It looks like you've already configured your GitHub SSH keys.

If not, you can do it by signing in to the GitHub app on your Mac.

Installing Seekret
Installing in /usr/local/bin

######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
####                                                                       6.4%
####################                                                      28.9%
########################################                                  56.8%
#############################################################             85.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%

Downloading Seekret rules
######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%
######################################################################## 100.0%

Configuring Seekret
	version = 1
	rulespath = /Users/ryanthurlwell/.git-support/seekret-rules
	rulesenabled = 
	exceptionsfile = 
Enabling all rules.
List of rules:
	[x] aws.secret_access_key
	[x] aws.access_key_id
	[x] aws.account_id
	[x] mandrill.api_key
	[x] mandrill.username
	[x] mandrill.password
	[x] newrelic.license_key
	[x] slack.api_token

Finished installing Seekret

All done!

from laptop.

monfresh avatar monfresh commented on June 10, 2024

That looks like a clean run. What was the issue you saw?

from laptop.

rtwell avatar rtwell commented on June 10, 2024

once i ran xcode-select --install, then it worked

from laptop.

afeld avatar afeld commented on June 10, 2024

See #162 (comment).

from laptop.

Related Issues (20)

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